Ottawa Centre / Previous Speakers

Centre d'Ottawa / Conférenciers passés


Speaker / Conférencier

with link to email address at time of presentation


Title / titre

with link to Abstract  / Summary in language given


20 February 2025
Quinn Barber, Yasaman Amini and Nick Pontone

Doctoral students at the Geomatics SpatioTemporal And Remote Sensing (GEOSTARS) Lab, Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University Remote Sensing of Drought and Wildfire in Canadian Peatlands
16 January 2025 Craig Stewart
Vice President, Climate Change and Federal Issues Insurance Bureau of Canada Insurability in a changing climate
19 November 2024
Paul Kovacs Executive Director, institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction; Adjunct Research Professor, Economics,  Western University  Hoping for the best, prepared for the worst
17 October 2024
David B. Parsons
Senior Research Scientist at Northwest Research Associates and Director Emeritus of the School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma (OU)
The Trends, Structure, and Predictability of Extreme Rainfall Events
19 September 2024
Peter Berry
Climate Change and Health Office
Health Canada
Utilizing Climate Services to Protect Health in a Warming World: Opportunities and Challenges

18 April 2024
Joanna Dean

Associate Professor, History, Carleton University Teaching climate as a historian
21 March 2024
Yan Boulanger

Research scientist, Forest Ecology, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada What the Future Holds for Wildfires in a Future Climate
22 February 2024
Michel Jean

President Infrastructure Commission, World Meteorological Organization; Emeritus associate, Environment and Climate Change Canada The Global Meteorological and Environmental Enterprise in the Era of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Canada
11 January 2024
Gilbert Brunet

Chief Scientist at the Bureau of Meteorology, Australia Addressing Earth's Foremost Challenges: Advancing Meteorological and Climate Solutions
21 November 2023
Craig McLean

Captain NOAA (Retired) J. D., Retired Acting Chief Scientist, and Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research of NOAA. Progress, Challenges and Opportunities from the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030)
19 October 2023 David Sills
Executive Director – Northern Tornadoes Project The Northern Tornadoes Project: What We’ve Learned About Tornadoes, Downbursts and Derechos in Canada

20 April 2023
Yifeng Wang

PhD Candidate in the Department of Geography and Planning, Queen’s University Revisiting the distribution of peatland permafrost in coastal Labrador
23 March 2023
Igor Shkvorets, RBR Ltd.

RBR Ltd. Sail for Science - How Small Craft Can Fill Gaps In Global Coastal Ocean Observations
23 February 2023
Shiliang (Dan) Shan

Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Space Science, Royal Military College of Canada Wind-driven Coastal Upwelling off Nova Scotia
25 November 2022
Parisa A. Ariya

Department of Chemistry and Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, McGill University, Montreal QC, Canada Nano-and microparticles in the era of Climate Change and COVID-19: Novel observation technologies, transformations, and sustainable remediation
20 October 2022 Ward Smith

Research Scientist, Ottawa Research and Development Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

How may a changing climate impact cropping systems in Canada?
29 September 2022
Peter Kimbell
Warning Preparedness Meteorologist, Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada The southern Ontario derecho of May 21, 2022: an Environment and Climate Change Canada perspective.

21 April 2022 Ellen Field Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at Lakehead University Role of Education in Climate Action: Research-Informed Engagement
17 March 2022
Eric Oliver
CMOS Tours Speaker 2022
Assistant Professor of Physical Oceanography in the Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University
Bridging knowledge systems: Scientific and Inuit knowledge of the ocean and sea ice
17 February 2022

Elyn Humphreys Professor in the Department of Geography & Environmental Studies at Carleton University Methane emissions from the Hudson Bay Lowlands
20 January 2022
Trevor Andersen


Astrid Schetselaar
Post-grad geography students at Carleton University

Andersen:  Synoptic conditions leading to storm force winds in Hurricane Alley, km 450-465, Dempster Highway, Yukon

Schetselaar:  Increases in maintenance costs for highways due to climate change in Yukon

18 November 2021

Stephan Gruber

Professor, Carleton University Toward Permafrost Climate Services
21 October 2021 Alan Betts Atmospheric Research, Pittsford, Vermont Climate Change and Society
23 September 2021
Peter Kimbell & Barbara Delisle
Meteorological Service of Canada (ECCC)
Canadian Weather Radar - Public Display Update and Plans for Upgrading Franktown Site

29 April 2021
Laura Twidle
Managing Director, Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ

The Impacts of Extreme Events on the Canadian Insurance Industry

8 April 2021
Andrea Niemi Research Scientist in the Arctic and Aquatic Research Division of Fisheries and Oceans Canada Exploring drivers of forage species variability in the Beaufort Sea and Amundsen Gulf

18 March 2021
Ronnie Drever Senior Conservation Scientist
Natural Climate Solutions for Canada
4 March 2021
Mark Ward Consulting ocean explorer / coordinator of marine research Exploring the deeps with Alucia
18 February 2021 Abby Dalton (PhD candidate), Andrew Hamilton (post-doc), Adam Garbo (MSc student). Ottawa University

Glacier-ocean-iceberg interaction in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago

21 January 2021
Konrad Gajewski Department of Geography, Environment & Geomatics, University of Ottawa Holocene climate variability of the North American Arctic and impacts on terrestrial ecosystems & human populations
17 December 2020
Derek Mueller Water and Ice Research Lab, Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University Cryospheric and ecological changes along Canada's northernmost coast: The Milne Ice Shelf break-up of 2020
18 November 2020
Arna Einarsdottir

Managing Director of Canadas's National Arts Centre Orchestra
Orchestral Music and Social Change
17 November 2020
David Phillips
(CMOS Tour Speaker)
Senior Climatologist, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Weather and Climate: Not what your grandparents knew!
22 October 2020 Jean Holloway Postdoctorate fellow, University of Ottawa and Chair of APECS Canada (Association of Polar Early Career Scientists)

Impacts of wildfire on permafrost in the boreal forest of northwestern Canada
24 September 2020 Chris Derksen

Research Scientist / Chercheur scientifique Climate Processes Section / Section des processus climatiques Climate Research Division / Division de la Recherche climatique Science and Technology Branch / Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)

Key Findings from Canada's Changing Climate Report

19 February 2020
Geneviève Béchard Director General - Hydrographer General of Canada, Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS)
CHS: Moving to Digital Operations
15 January 2020
Felix Vogel Research Scientist, ECCC Subnational Monitoring of Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases in Canada and the Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) of WMO
18 December 2019

Nancy Hamzawi Assistant Deputy Minister, Science and Technology, Environment and Climate Change Canada Canada's Changing Climate, Moving Ahead with Partnerships in Science
20 November 2019 Raymond Desjardins

Research Scientist with the Agrienvironment Division of the Ottawa Research and Development Centre of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa

Agricultural Meteorology Then and Now: Paradigm Shift to Sustainable Science
17 October 2019 Stéphane Laroche Research Scientist / Meteorological Research Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada Impact of the Various Observations Assimilated into the ECCC Global Deterministic Prediction System
19 September 2019
Elisabeth Gilmore
Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, Clark University, Worcester, MA. Advances in the Estimation of Economic Benefits of Climate Action

22 May 2019
Laxmi Sushama
CMOS Eastern Tour Speaker
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, and Trottier Chair in Sustainability in Engineering and Design, McGill University Climate-Engineering Dialogue in the Context of Arctic Engineering Systems
17 April 2019
Deirdre Laframboise
Senior Manager, Knowledge & Sector Development Green Municipal Fund, Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Green Municipal Fund Driving Innovative Sustainability Solutions for Municipalities (joint meeting with CACOR)
27 March 2019 Eric Crighton Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Ottawa Climate change and health: a complicated relationship?
25 February 2019
Jackie Dawson PhD, CRC in Environment, Society, and Policy
Navigating Climate Change: risks, opportunities, and management needs for increased shipping traffic in Arctic Canada.
23 January 2019
Frank Johnson
*FIET, PEng (*Fellow, Institute of Engineering and Technology)
Citizen Scientific Tourism on an Unexpected Circumnavigation of Baffin Bay.
11 December 2018
Michel Jean DG Canadian Centre for Meteorological and Environmental Prediction ECCC, MSC; President Commission for Basic Systems, WMO The Role of the Global Meteorological and Hydrological Enterprise in Addressing Agenda 2030
15 November 2018
Peter Kimbell
Warning Preparedness Meteorologist, Meteorological Service of Canada, ECCC The Ottawa-Gatineau tornado outbreak of Sept 21, 2018; a recap of the event and ECCC's warning dissemination
27 September 2018
Brian Gray
Assistant Deputy Minister, Science and Technology Branch Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture in Canada

23 May 2018
John Gilbert and Michel Labrecque John Gilbert, CMOS Member; Michel Labrecque, Ingenium - Canada's Museums of Science and Innovation
The Search for Two Lost Meteorological Artifacts
18 April 2018
David Fisher
(joint with CACOR)

Adjunct Prof at University of Ottawa, Earth Sciences, Ottawa, Member of School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
Climate of The Holocene, From the End of the Ice Age (11750 years ago) to The Present  as Derived From Ice Cores;  Recent  Sudden Changes and Those of the Past
28 March 2018
Gilbert Brunet
(CMOS Tour Speaker)
Director, Meteorological Research Division (MRD), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) On the Genesis and Intensification of Hurricanes
28 February 2018
Andrew Stewart Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO)
Towards a Canadian Integrated Ocean Observation System
31 January 2018
Karen Kohfeld
CNC/SCOR Tour Speaker
Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Management (REM), Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC. The Oceans' Role in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Changes During Ice Age Cycles
12 December 2017
Jonathan Moore Senior underwater archaeologist with Parks Canada and team member of group which searched for the Erebus and Terror The Underwater Archaeology of H. M. Ships Erebus and Terror - lost vessels of the ill-fated Sir John Franklin Expedition of 1845
16 November 2017
Alana Faber
VP Operations & HR, Adventure Canada
The Changing Arctic: Challenges and thrills of expedition planning in a rapidly changing physical and political environment
24 October 2017
Geoff Strong
Atmospheric Scientist

Global Warming Impacts - Present and Future Scenarios
20 September 2017
Ian Black
CBC weather broadcaster
Weather Information In the New Digital Age

14 June 2017
Gordon McBean
President, International Council for Science (ICSU); Co-Chair, Governing Council, Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction; Professor, Emeritus & Adjunct Research - Department of Geography Western University
Transdisciplinary Science for a Sustainable Future Earth
17 May 2017

Gilbert Brunet Director, Meteorological Research Division (MRD), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Toward Seamless Weather and Climate Earth-system Prediction
26 April 2017
Richard Dewey, CMOS Tour Speaker Ocean Networks Canada, University of Victoria
Recent Pacific Anomalies: Oscillations, El Nino, and The Blob
22 March 2017
Mike Manore
Monitoring and Data Services, Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC)
Transformation of MSC Monitoring Networks - Evolution or Revolution?
26 January 2017
David Scott President & CEO of Polar Knowledge Canada
Polar Knowledge Canada (POLAR) - Arctic science sustainability - Enhancing cooperation and advancing knowledge for a stronger future
14 December 2016
Ljubomir Nikolic Canadian Hazards Information Service, Natural Resources Canada
The Dark Side of the Sun: Space Weather and its Impacts
10 November 2016
Roberta Hamme
CNC/SCOR Tour Speaker
Associate Professor at School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Ocean Carbon Dynamics.
Using dissolved gases to diagnose the ocean's carbon pumps
20 October 2016
Martin L. Taillefer President of Maritime Way Scientific Ltd. and CMOS President
Detection of "Narcotics" Submarines and New Seabed Classifications by Maritime Way Scientific
28 September 2016
Len Barrie
Professor Emeritus, Dept. Geosciences Stockholm University; Adjunct Professor, Dept. Atmosphere and Ocean Science, McGill University, Montreal; Fellow Royal Society of Canada
Arctic Air Pollution: Forty Years of Climate and Environment Research

25 May 2016
Véronique Bouchet
A/Director for the Canadian Meteorological Centre (MSC) National Operations
The Quiet Revolution of Numerical Weather Prediction in Canada
20 April 2016
Robert Sandford
(joint with CACOR)
EPCOR Chair for Water and Climate Security at the United Nations University Institute for Water
Hot & Bothered: Water Security, Climate Stability; and Human and Planetary Health in a Warming World
14 March 2016
Christopher Harley
CNC/SCOR Tour Speaker
University of British Columbia
Global warming, ocean acidifcation, and the importance of shifting species interactions in coastal marine ecosystems
24 February 2016
Francis Zwiers
(CMOS Tour Speaker)
Director of the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, University of Victoria
Changing extremes - is it real, or just imagined?
27 January 2016
Amanda Pappin
PhD candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University
Sensitivity Analysis of Air Pollution Health Impacts: Recent Evaluations of Emission Control Benefits
16 December 2015
Zoë Perkins Canterbury High School
Report from Schools on Board Arctic Expedition 2015
25 November 2015
John Stone
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University
Paris 2015 - COP21
28 October 2015
Phil Chadwick
Retired meteorologist and "plein air" artist
Science as an Art
23 September 2015
Mark Richardson     
Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada    
Conservation Mapping in Canada's North

14 May 2015
M. A. (Mac) MacLeod President of Scotia Weather Services Inc, Dartmouth NS

An Adventure in Automated Aviation Weather Forecasting
16 April 2015
Charles Hannah
(CMOS Tour Speaker)
Institute of Ocean Sciences, Victoria, BC
The Oceanographic Component of the World Class Tanker Safety Initiative: Phase 1 - North Coast of British Columbia
19 March 2015
Antoni Lewkowicz President, International Permafrost Association, Department of Geography, University of Ottawa
Mountain climates and mountain permafrost in Canada
19 February 2015
Wendy Watson-Wright Special Advisor to the Deputy Minister, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
One planet, one ocean: the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
21 January 2015
Debby Ianson
Federal research scientist at the Institute of Ocean Sciences in Sidney BC and Adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University and the University of Victoria. Debby is the SCOR Tour Speaker.
Ocean Acidification on the Canada's west coast: what do we really know?
18 December 2014
Denis Hains & Scott Youngblut Canadian Hydrographic Service and Oceanographic Services, DFO
Serendipity, Sonars and Surveys: the Role of the Canadian Hydrographic Service in the Discovery of HMS Erebus
21 November 2014
David Jackson
Director of the Canadian Ice Service The Canadian Ice Service, Then and Now
18 September 2014
Harinder Ahluwalia
CMOS President, and President and CEO of Info-Electronics Systems Inc. (IES) based in Montreal.
The Future of CMOS

17 June 2014

Special meeting run by The Ottawa Valley Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) and co-sponsored by the CMOS Ottawa Centre
Meredith Brown

Jim Bruce

James Brennan

Sarah McLeod
Executive Director, Ottawa Riverkeeper

Former Director of Canadian Centre for Inland Waters (CCIW) and Assistant Deputy Minister for Environment Canada

Director of Government Affairs, Ducks Unlimited Canada

Water Resources Technician, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority

Panel discussion and networking event on Water Quantity and Quality in the Ottawa Valley (pdf of announcement)

15 May 2014
Dawn Conway Executive Director, Canadian Climate Forum:   The New Normal - key messages from the April 2014 Symposium on Extreme Weather: Impacts, Challenges and Adaptations
17 April 2014
Tom McElroy
CMOS Tour Speaker
Industrial Research Chair in Atmospheric Remote Sounding in the Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering at York University in Toronto Ozone Science: From Discovery to Recovery - and Beyond
20 March 2014
Craig Hamm

Marty Taillefer
Acoustic Analyst & Oceanographer

Maritime Way Scientific Ltd.

Assessing the effects and impacts of seismic exploration noises on marine life using acoustic propagation modelling.  Are the whales going deaf ?
20 February 2014
Stefan Jungcurt
Research Associate and acting Programme Director at the Council of Canadian Academies
Ocean Science in Canada: Meeting the Challenge, Seizing the Opportunity
16 January 2014
Doug Bancroft
Business Development Associate with Maritime Way Scientific, retired (2013) Director General of the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing with Natural Resources Canada.
Northern Partnerships; selected lessons learned from selected public good Canadian Success Stories
19 December 2013

Russ Shearer Director, Northern Science and Contaminants Research / Chair of the Northern Contaminants Program Management Committee and Vice-Chair of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program.

Christmas in the Arctic: Is Rudolph Safe to Eat?

20 November 2013
Susan Allen A faculty member at UBC where she teaches physical oceanography, ocean and atmosphere dynamics and numerical techniques.  Susan is the Canadian National Committee for SCOR (Scientific Committee for Oceanographic Research) tour speaker. From Dynamics to Hindcasting to Prediction: A Coastal Bio-Physical Model Does it All
24 October 2013 Doug Allport A/General Manager Multi-Agency Situational Awareness Systems - National Information Exchanges (MASAS-X)
Situational Awareness: Getting it and Sharing when Seconds Count
19 September 2013
Barry Goodison
Formerly EC and WMO, on behalf of WMO/GCW Task Force, World Meteorological Organization A Global Cryosphere Watch - Carrying a Legacy Forward

16 May 2013

Martin Taillefer & Ann McMillan CEO, Maritime Way Scientific Ltd. & Vice-Chair, CMOS Ottawa Centre
The New CMOS Arctic Special Interest Group (SIG)
25 April 2013
(Joint Meeting with
Ottawa Chapter of Sigma Xi)
Charles Thomas (Tom) McElroy Industrial Research Chair in Atmospheric Remote Sounding, York University
Stratospheric Ozone From Discovery to Recovery, and Beyond
18 April 2013
J. P. (Jim) Bruce Former ADM, Atmospheric Environment Service and a member of Forum for Leadership on Water (FLOW) Implications of Climate Change for Canada's Water
21 March 2013 Joanne St-Coeur Meteorological Service of Canada
Re-engineering the Weather Warning and Service Delivery System
5 February 2013
Denis Gilbert

Maurice-Lamontagne Institute, Mont-Joli QC

Oceans and Climate Change
12 December 2012 Donna Jean Kilpatrick Director of Harbours, Operations and Engineering, Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Climate Change and Marine Infrastructure at Small Craft Harbours
20 November 2012
Eddy Carmack
Senior scientist at the Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, BC. SCOR (Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research) Tour Speaker
Three Oceans Around Canada: Roles of the Interconnected Arctic and Subarctic Oceans in Global Change
18 October 2012
George Comfort BMT Fleet Technology Ltd.

Ice Loads on Hydro-Electric Dams
20 September 2012
Tom Zagon
Environment Canada Sea Ice Characteristics in Relation to the Search for the Lost Franklin Vessels
17 May 2012
Eyad Atallah
CMOS Tour Speaker

Research Associate and Adjunct Professor, University of McGill

Where's the rain? A talk on the connection between tropical cyclones in the North Pacific and drought in Western Canada
19 April 2012
Renée Sauvé

Department of Fisheries and Oceans

The Arctic Ocean: International Drivers and Canada's Role
16 FEBRUARY 2012 Mark W. Rosenberg Professor of Geography, and of Community Health and Epidemiology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario

Gazing into a Crystal Ball: Climate Change and Health in Canada's Future
JANUARY 19, 2012 Paul Beckwith Part-time Professor, Graduate student (Ph. D. program), Teaching & Research Assistant, University of Ottawa Rapid Climate Change in the Arctic and Global Implications
DECEMBER 15,  2011
Ann Jackson
Teacher with the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Experiences as the CMOS-sponsored Canadian participant in Project Atmosphere 2011
OCTOBER 20, 2011 Derek Mueller Assistant Professor Dept. of Geography & Environmental Studies, Carleton University Recent ice shelf calving along Canada's northernmost coast
SEPTEMBER 22, 2011 Bruce Angle Senior Advisor, International Affairs, Meteorological Service of Canada WMO Presidency; How, Why and What Now?
MAY 18, 2011 Sharon Smith Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada Thermal State of Permafrost - Results from a Canadian IPY Project
APRIL 21, 2011 Eric Galbraith Assistant professor, McGill University  Oceanographic Insights from the End of the Ice Age
MARCH 24, 2011 Jeffrey J. Smith Barrister and international legal counsel to the Government-in-exile of Western Sahara  Non omnino clausa maris: Canada's Arctic Sovereignty in the 21st Century
FEBRUARY 11, 2011 Tom Pedersen
CMOS Tour Speaker
Executive Director, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, University of Victoria Climate Change and the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions: Blending Science, Social Science, Politics and Opportunity
DECEMBER 14, 2010 Louis Fortier ArcticNet, Université Laval An Arctic update: the impacts of ice pack decline on Arctic marine ecosystems
NOVEMBER 24, 2010 Richard Hogue Directeur, Division Operations des Previsions Nationales, Canadian Meteorological Centre, Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada  The many applications of today's operational Numerical Weather Prediction system 
OCTOBER 28, 2010 Paul Lyon Senior Science Advisor Ocean and Climate Science, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Oceans - To fertilize or not to fertilize…that is the question !!
SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 David Grimes Assistant Deputy Minister, Meteorological Service of Canada The State of Meteorological Services in Canada
APRIL 15, 2010 John Stone Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University  Climate Change: Three Strikes Against
MARCH 11, 2010 Jim Drummond
CMOS Tour Speaker
Atmospheric physicist at Dalhousie University and Professor Emeritus in the Department
of Physics at the University of Toronto. 
Our PEARL Near the Pole: Atmospheric Research at 80N
FEBRUARY 18, 2010 Paul Adlakha Director of Marketing, C-Core Engineering, St. John's NL Polar View - Earth Observation for Polar Monitoring 
JANUARY 21, 2010 Robert Jones Retired meteorologist and CMOS Webmaster Canadian Disasters - Due to Weather or Climate?
DECEMBER 10, 2009 Denis Bourque Service Improvement - Health Products / Améliorations des services - produits santé; Meteorological Service of Canada / Service météorologique du Canada Health Impacts of Weather
NOVEMBER 5, 2009 Mike Brklacich Professor and Chair, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University Climate Change and Human Security
OCTOBER 8, 2009 Geoff Green Adventurer, social entrepreneur, environmental educator; and Founder, Executive Director and Expedition Leader - Students on Ice Inspiring “Generation G” from Pole to Pole
SEPTEMBER 17, 2009 Marty Taillefer
Ann McMillan
DFO Senior Science Advisor
DFO Special Advisor 
Operational Arctic Oceanography
MAY 14, 2009 Martha Anderson
Mario Ouellet
Director Meteorology and Oceanography, Department of National Defence &
Chief Meteorological Operations, Aviation and Defence Services, Environment Canada
Military Weather Services Transformation Overview
APRIL 22, 2009 Kim Juniper, SCOR Tour Speaker University of Victoria Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystems of Pacific Ocean Volcanic Arcs - Mariana and South Tonga
MARCH 18, 2009 Luke Copland Department of Geography, University of Ottawa Recent Disintegration of Arctic Ice Shelves
FEBRUARY 18, 2009 Konrad Gajewski Professor, Laboratory for Paleoclimatology and Climatology, University of Ottawa Holocene (last 10,000 years) Climate Variability
JANUARY 27, 2009 Kenneth Denman ,
CMOS Tour Speaker
Fisheries and Oceans Canada & EC Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis Climate Change: a Collision of Science, Politics, Economics and Ethics
DECEMBER 3, 2008 Bill Andrews
Tim Fleming
Canadian Coast Guard Canadian Coast Guard Fleet Renewal
NOVEMBER 5, 2008 Don Lemmen Science Manager in the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Directorate, Natural Resources Canada. Climate Change in Canada - How Will We Adapt?
OCTOBER 6, 2008 Professor Eric Kunze SEOS and Physics-Astronomy, University of Victoria Ocean Abyssal Mixing and the Meridional Overturning Cell
MAY 14, 2008 Dave Henderson
Dave Stieb
Air Quality Policy and Program Officer, Environment Canada (MSC) & 
Medical Epidemiologist, Health Canada
The Air Quality Health Index (AQHI)
MARCH 13, 2008 Ed Hudson ,
CMOS Tour Speaker

Arctic Weather
FEBRUARY 21, 2008 Mark Cantwell Environmental Prediction Secretariat, Environment Canada Environmental prediction: Empowering Canadians to manage their future
JANUARY 30, 2008 Michael Manore Director, Canadian Group on Earth Observations Secretariat GEO, GEOSS, and the Canadian Group on Earth Observations
DECEMBER 11, 2007 Robie Macdonald Research Scientist with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada The Canadian IPY - Issues and Approaches: A view from Western Canada
NOVEMBER 22, 2007 John Stone Adjunct Research Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report - "A Personal Synthesis"
OCTOBER 11, 2007 David Grimes ADM MSC Update on Environment Canada's Meteorological Service of Canada
SEPTEMBER 26, 2007 Dr. Jim Gower Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney B. C. Strange Water Colours Mapped by the MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS)
MAY 16, 2007 Philippe Crabbé Professor Emeritus, Institute of the Environment, University of Ottawa Is the Economics of Climate Change Any Less Uncertain than its Physical Science?
APRIL 5, 2007 Ken Denman Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis University of Victoria The Fourth IPCC Assessment Report on Climate Change (AR4): Key New Findings and Key Science Issues
FEBRUARY 15, 2007 Ron Stewart Professor, Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, McGill University, Montreal Waiting for Rain: The Science of Drought
JANUARY 18, 2007 Dr. Barry Wellar Media Program Director, Canadian Association of Geographers Making Weather Connections: From Science to Common Sense and Public Lethargy to Activism
DECEMBER 14, 2006 Samantha Kuszel
Janet Nadeau
Student, Brookfield HS & Teacher, Gloucester HS Their experiences aboard CCGS Amundsen as part of the Schools on Board programme
NOVEMBER 21, 2006 Fraser Davidson,
CMOS Tour Speaker
Research Scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, North Atlantic Fisheries Centre, St. John's Newfoundland Ocean Forecasts for Canadians: Improving safety at sea through prediction of ocean behaviour
NOVEMBER 8, 2006 Dr. Chris Burn Geography and Environmental Studies of Carleton U Climate Change and the Mackenzie Gas Project
OCTOBER 2, 2006 Dr. Andrew Bush
CNC/SCOR lecture tour
Professor, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta  Winds of Change: Evolution of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) from the Last Ice Age to Today
MAY 17, 2006 Phil Chadwick, 
CMOS Tour Speaker
Meteorologist (MSC) and Artist Weather through the Eyes of Canadian Artists Featuring Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven
APRIL 26, 2006 Paul Egginton Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists Climate Sensitivity and Change, Mississippi Basin, Ontario
MARCH 23, 2006 Shawn Marshall University of Calgary (currently at GEOTOP-UQAM-McGill, Montreal) Measuring and modelling glacier response to climate change
MARCH 7, 2006 Desmond Power Director Remote Sensing, for C-CORE, St. John's Newfoundland Polar View
JANUARY 19, 2006 Chris Henderson  CEO Delphi Consultants The Global Climate Change Go Forward Plan: After Kyoto, What?
DECEMBER 14, 2005 Douglas Bancroft Director, Oceanography and Climate Science, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Tsunamis 101
NOVEMBER 15, 2005 Hank Margolis Program Leader, Fluxnet-Canada Research Network (FCRN), Laval University The Fluxnet-Canada Story: Role of Canada's Ecosystem-Atmosphere Flux Network in the Development of an Integrated Terrestrial Carbon Observation System
OCTOBER 20, 2005 Fraser Davidson Fisheries and Oceans Canada, St. John’s NL How do we forecast the ocean state on the East Coast of Canada?
SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 Ian Clark Professor Isotope Hydrology and Paleoclimatology, University of Ottawa  Everybody complains about the weather . . . but can we really do anything about it? The facts and fictions of climate warming
MAY 10, 2005 Cameron Mason Director, ATS Services Limited Aviation Weather Services -Training and Opportunities in the North
APRIL 20, 2005 Dr. Maurice Levasseur, CMOS Tour Speaker Laval University Testing the Iron-DMS-Climate Connection in the Subarctic Pacific
MARCH 16, 2005 Veronique Bouchet MSC ( ICARTT) Real-Time Air Quality Modelling In Support Of The ICARTT 2004 Campaign
FEBRUARY 16, 2005 Sean K. Carey Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Carleton
Evaporation and the Challenges of Oil-Sands Reclamation
JANUARY 13, 2005 William Kemp  Author and consulting electronics/software designer Sustainable Energy for Canadian Homeowners
DECEMBER 9, 2004 John Falkingham Chief of Forecast Operations, Canadian Ice Service, Environment Canada So What's Really Happening to the Arctic Sea Ice? 
NOVEMBER 9, 2004 Jim Abraham A/Director General Services Clients and Partners Directorate, Meteorological Service of Canada Regional Science Partnerships: a network of national labs
OCTOBER 20, 2004 Bruce Angle Senior Advisor, International Affairs – Meteorological Service 
of Canada, Environment Canada
21st Century Earth Observations for a Safe, Healthy and Prosperous Canada
SEPTEMBER 16, 2004 Edward Black, Ph. D. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada Anatomy of a Killer (Alga Heterosigma)


MAY 6, 2004 Sarah Staples Senior National Writer for CanWest News Service (formerly of the Ottawa Citizen) News: How journalists define it, why you should know what it is, and how you can deliver the science news journalists need
APRIL 14, 2004 Dr. Mary Ann Jenkins, 
CMOS Tour Speaker
Associate Professor in the 
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, York University, Toronto as well as Adjunct Associate Professor with the Department of Meteorology, University of Utah.
Coupled wildfire-atmosphere modelling
MARCH 17, 2004 Ken Asmus Science Program Technologist, Canadian Ice Service Life on Board Canada's New Research Icebreaker, the CCGS Amundsen, in the Western Arctic
FEBRUARY 17, 2004 Marty Bergmann Director, Arctic Science Program Development, Fisheries and Oceans Canada International Polar Year 2007/8 - A Canadian Arctic Marine Science Opportunity
JANUARY 15, 2004 Bob Keeley Chief, Software Development, Marine Environmental Data Service, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Operational Oceanography: What's taking so long?
DECEMBER 11, 2003 Phil Chadwick Meteorological Service of Canada  Canadian Weather through the Eyes of Canadian Artists - Featuring Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven 
NOVEMBER 18, 2003 Martha McCulloch Director, National  Prediction Programs, Meteorological Service of Canada  The Future of Weather Offices
OCTOBER 22, 2003 Michael (Mike) N. Demuth Research Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada Terrain Sciences Division - Glaciology  Glacier Activity in Canada 
SEPTEMBER 25, 2003 Dr. John Walker Retired research scientist (formerly with Natural Resources Canada)  Space Weather 


APRIL 16, 2003 Robert Benoit Wind Energy (WEST) 
A new wind compass to help finding green energy
MARCH 18, 2003 Geoffrey L. Holland, CMOS Tour Speaker Ocean Ambassador for Canada Challenges of Global Ocean Observations
FEBRUARY 11, 2003 Dr. Miroslav (Mirek) Mokry Institute for Aerospace Research, National Research Council Hazard of Wake Vortex Encounters in Crosswind Shear
JANUARY 15, 2003 Martin L. Taillefer Systems Engineer with General Dynamics Canada Operational Oceanography: The Art of Submarine Hunting
DECEMBER 12, 2002 Gordon McBean Professor and Research Chair in Policy, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction Why Weather Matters to Canadians
NOVEMBER 21, 2002 Jim Bruce International Institute for Sustainable Development Climate Changes and Boundary Waters
OCTOBER 30, 2002 Dr. Savi Narayanan Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS) JCOMM: Meteorologists and Oceanographers Working Together
OCTOBER 3, 2002 John H. Neate Strategies for Change Principal Outcomes Arising from the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)


MAY 28, 2002 Ed Hudson Prairie Aviation and Arctic Weather Centre Buoys on Ice in the Arctic Basin
APRIL 17, 2002 Peter A. Taylor Department of Earth & Atmospheric Science, York University Things Aeolian: Blowing Snow, Sand and Spray
MARCH 13, 2002 T. J. Pultz Canada Centre for Remote Sensing Application of Spaceborne Remotely Sensed Data in Support of Natural Disasters
FEBRUARY 14, 2002 Denis A. Bourque Co-Founder Canadian Medical Meteorology Network Weather and your Health: Fact or Fiction?
JANUARY 16, 2002 Sharon Jeffers Meteorological Service of Canada New National Wind Chill Program
DECEMBER 6, 2001 David Phillips Meteorological Service of Canada Confessions from a Weather Weenie
NOVEMBER 13, 2001 John Stone Meteorological Service of Canada So the Climate is Changing - What's New?
OCTOBER 17, 2001 Joseph R. Buckley Centre for Space Research Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston Ocean waves and microwaves, or, what can we learn about the sea surface from marine radar imagery?
SEPTEMBER 19, 2001 Ron Bianchi The Weather Network Meteorology under the Spotlight


MAY 16, 2001 Michel Jean, (CMOS Tour Speaker) Environment Canada/Canadian Meteorological Centre Non traditional applications of meteorological modelling: nuclear accidents, volcanic ash and aviation safety and the verification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
APRIL 11, 2001 Dr. Howard J. Freeland, CMOS Tour Speaker -2001 Institute of Ocean Sciences DFO/Science, Pacific Region Launching the Argo Armada
MARCH 7, 2001 Doug Bancroft Senior Scientific Advisor, Oceans Science and Climate Branch, DFO OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY
FEBRUARY 14, 2001 Josko Bobanovik & Mike Voigt Dalhousie Oceanography & Canadian Coast Guard Dalhousie Coastal Ocean Prediction System in Support of Search and Rescue
JANUARY 11, 2001 Marc Denis Everell Assistant Deputy Minister, Meteorological Service of Canada, Environment Canada The Meteorological Service of Canada in the 21st Century
DECEMBER 12, 2000 Mr. John Adams Commissioner Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Charting A Course into the New Millennium
NOVEMBER 15, 2000 Ross D. Brown Climate Processes and Earth Observation Division Meteorological Service of Canada Is Snow Cover Changing in Canada?
OCTOBER 5, 2000 Denis D'Amours Senior Advisor at DFO's HQ in Ottawa Acoustical Oceanography and Fisheries Ecology
SEPTEMBER 21, 2000 Dr. Roger De Abreu Canadian Ice Service The Arctic Landfast Ice Advisory and Warning System Preventing People from Floating Away....


MAY 10, 2000 Dr. Bea Alt Glacier Climatology, Balanced Environments Associates Climate Change: The Warm Arctic Summer of 1998 in a Long Term Context
APRIL 12, 2000 Mr. Wayne Richardson Director Operations Office, Climate Change Technology Early Action Measures, Natural Resources Canada Personal Reflections on the Dogma of Government S&T Bad – Any other S&T Good
MARCH 8, 2000 Ms. Elizabeth Dowdeswell Former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme and Under Secretary General of the United Nations The United Nations: Personal Reflections
FEBRUARY 9, 2000 Dr. Robert S. Schemenauer, CMOS Tour Speaker Emeritus Research Scientist, Cloud Physics Research Division, Meteorological Service of Canada Fog and fog collection: exploring this hidden water resource
JANUARY 12, 2000 George A. Isaac Cloud Physics Research Division, Meteorological Service of Canada The Alliance Icing Research Study (AIRS)
DECEMBER 20, 1999 John Foottit Manager, Aviation Weather Services, Nav Canada The Commercialized Aviation Weather Service Program
NOVEMBER 18, 1999 Dr. Ken Denman Institute of Ocean Sciences, DFO Responses Of Pelagic Marine Ecosystems To Climate Change - Can We Predict Them?
OCTOBER 21, 1999 Ann McMillan & Barry Jessiman Environment Canada & Health Canada Particulate Matter, Ground Level Ozone and Health


MAY 19, 1999 Dr. John D. Reid Scientist Emeritus, Environment Canada Wiggins: Ottawa's Weird and Wacky Weatherman
MARCH 17, 1999 Doug Russell & Glen Toner President, Global Change Strategies International Inc & Professor, School of Public Administration, Carleton University Science and Policy when the Heat is Rising: The Case of Global Climate Change Negotiations and Domestic Implementation
MARCH 5, 1999 Dr. Gregory M. Flato, CMOS Tour Speaker Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Atmospheric Environment Service, University of Victoria The Cryosphere and Climate Change
FEBRUARY 10, 1999 Dr. David G. Barber Professor of Geography, University of Manitoba The North Water Polynya Study
JANUARY 20, 1999 Mohamed Alkoka, P. Eng. Environment and Transportation Department, Region of Ottawa-Carleton Snow and Ice Control 
DECEMBER 16, 1998 Mr. David Oulton Head, Climate Change Secretariat Canada's Strategy to Reduce CO2 Emissions as Agreed at Kyoto
NOVEMBER 12, 1998 Dr. Paris Vachon Canada Centre for Remote Sensing RADARSAT SAR Images of Atmospheric Phenomena over the Ocean
OCTOBER 13, 1998 Dr. Richard A. Anthes President, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder Colorado A Vision for Global and Mesoscale Weather and Climate Forecasting in 2025
SEPTEMBER 23, 1998 Caroline Bookless Project Leader, International Year of the Ocean (IYO) Secretariat (Canada) International Year of the Ocean


MAY, 1998 Dr. Gordon McBean ADM Atmospheric Environment Program The Atmospheric Environment Program Alternative Delivery Study
APRIL, 1998 Nathalie Gauthier, CMOS Tour Speaker Société Cyberscol Inc., Sherbrooke The interMET Project: Using the Internet to Improve the Teaching of Meteorology to Quebec High School Students
MARCH, 1998 Stan Siok & Dr. George Isaac Forecaster, Ottawa Regional Centre, Environment Canada & Cloud Physics Research Branch, AES Downsview Ice Storm 1998
FEBRUARY, 1998 Louis Lefaivre Chief Numerical Weather Prediction Division, CMC, Dorval Monthly and Seasonal Forecasting at CMC
JANUARY, 1998 John Reid Atmospheric Environment Service, Ottawa Turning Science into Policy: The Case of the Ozone Layer
DECEMBER, 1997 Ian Black Chief Weather Anchor, CBC Ottawa Media Weathercasting
NOVEMBER, 1997 Martin Bergmann DFO Central & Arctic Region SHEBA and JOIS Programs
OCTOBER, 1997 Prof. William Hsieh, CMOS Tour Speaker UBC El Nino and Its Prediction by Neural Network Methods
SEPTEMBER, 1997 Camille Mageau Director of Marine Ecosystem Conservation, DFO Update on Canada's New Oceans Act and its Implementation and Consequences for Marine Conservation


MAY, 1997 Phil Chadwick AES Ontario Region Meteorological Support to Queen's University Team in the 1996 World Solar Car Race Challenge in Australia
APRIL, 1997 Dr. Merv Fingas Environment Canada Emergency Science Division Irving Whale Recovery Project
MARCH, 1997 Ken Macdonald AES Provision of Aviation Weather Services to NAV Canada
FEBRUARY, 1997 Dr. Henry Hayhoe Agriculture Canada International Agrometeorological Data and Data Management Requirements
JANUARY, 1997 Bruce Ramsay Ice Centre Operational Use of RADARSAT in the Canadian Ice Service
DECEMBER, 1996 Paul Delannoy Ottawa Regional Weather Centre Winter Road Weather Service in Ottawa
NOVEMBER, 1996 Howard Edel DFO Ocean and Fisheries Information from RADARSAT
OCTOBER, 1996 Dr. Barry Goodison AES Multi-agency and National Monitoring of Global Change Using Cryospheric Systems
SEPTEMBER, 1996 Dr. Tom Brydges CCIW Burlington Electronic Database of Canada's Environment Indicators


MAY, 1996 Dr. Ian Rutherford EC State of the Environment Directorate Electronic "Infobase" of Canada's Environment Indicators Available on CDRom and via the Internet
APRIL, 1996 Dr. Ambury Stuart, CMOS Tour Speaker Consultant How to Establish a Small Scientific Consulting Business
MARCH, 1996 Mike Hewson AES Policy and International Affairs Update on Jim Bruce's 1995 Talk on Natural Disasters as Linked to Climate Change
FEBRUARY, 1996 Dr. Allyn Clarke Fisheries and Oceans Canada Oceanic Climate Variability as a Possible Explanation for the Disappearance of the Atlantic Cod
JANUARY, 1996 Dr. Jim Kerr AES Climate and Atmospheric Research Directorate Recent News on the Science and Monitoring of Stratospheric Ozone
DECEMBER 12, 1995 Geoff Holland DFO Special Advisor on Oceanography & Chair of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission The Work of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
NOVEMBER, 1995 Denis Bourque AES Weather and Health
OCTOBER 18, 1995 Henry Hengeveld AES Downsview Human Interference with Global Climates by Greenhouse Gas Emissions
SEPTEMBER, 1995 Eddy Carmack IOS Experiences on Summer 1994 Arctic Ocean Crossing by Icebreakers CCGS "Louis St. Laurent" and USCGS "Polar Star"


MAY, 1995 Gordon McBean ADM, AES Dramatic Changes Affecting Canada's Weather Services and an Overview for the Future
APRIL, 1995 Joe McNally Canadian Space Agency RADARSAT and its Potential Use in Observing Ice Cover from Space
MARCH, 1995 John Lazier, CMOS Tour Speaker Bedford Institute of Oceanography The North Atlantic Oscillation Versus the Cold Fresh Fishless Labrador Sea
FEBRUARY, 1995 Stewart J. Cohen AES Environmental Adaptation and Research Group Mid-term Update on the Mackenzie Basin Impact Study
JANUARY, 1995 James P. Bruce Chair, IDNDR Natural Disasters and Climate Change
NOVEMBER, 1994 Mario Gaudette AES, St-Laurent QC The August 1994 Tornado Outbreak in Aylmer, Québec


MAY, 1994 Wendy Sacton Branson RadarSAT International  Commercial Oppertunities for Canada through RADARSAT
APRIL, 1994 Gordon McBean AES ADM Reducing the Uncertainty on the Atmosphere
MARCH, 1994 Andrew Staniforth AES Dorval  Numerical Forecasting of the Atmosphere
FEBRUARY, 1994 Hans Teunissen AES Downsview Earth Observations from Space - International Prespectives
DECEMBER, 1993 Geoff Strong AES Evapotranspiration and Its Role in Convective Cloud Processes
NOVEMBER, 1993 J.-P Robert Director TOGA/WOCE Subsurface Data Centre ORSTOM International Activities
OCTOBER, 1993 Denis Bourque AES Weather and Health: Fact or Fiction?
SEPTEMBER, 1993 Bob Jones AES Canadian Disasters: An Historical Survey


MAY, 1993 Rys Phillips, Annual Dinner Meeting Architect Architecture of Place
MARCH, 1993 Jim Gower Institute of Ocean Sciences Tour Speaker Satellite Images: Where are we after 20 years?
FEBRUARY, 1993 Rene Ramseier AES Ice Research Navigation and Remote Sensing in Non-Canadian Waters
JANUARY, 1993 Tom Fox International Civil Aviation Organization Volcanic Ash as a Hazard to Aviation
DECEMBER, 1992 Tom Brydges AES Research Stratospheric Ozone - Present and Future Trends
OCTOBER, 1992 Jim Beckett   Effect of Climate on the Northern Cod Fishery
SEPTEMBER, 1992 Doug Russell AES Policy Framework Convention on Climate Change


APRIL, 1992 R. Simard   Global Change Encyclopedia
MARCH, 1992 J.-P Blanchet   Physically-Based Climate Models
JANUARY, 1992 Ken Croasdale Esso Resources  Ice Structure
NOVEMBER, 1991 Elizabeth Dowdeswell  ADM, AES The Environment - New Directions
OCTOBER, 1991 Peter Zwack UQAM  Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Weather Forecasting
SEPTEMBER, 1991 Lynne McNutt CCRS ERS-1: The Lastest Earth Observation Satellite


APRIL, 1991 A. de Hoog   International Environement Policy
MARCH, 1991 M. El-Sabh, CMOS Tour Speaker  UQAR (Rimouski) International Decade for the Natural Disaster Reduction: A Challenge for Canadian Meteorologists and Oceanographers
FEBRUARY, 1991 R. Englehardt COGLA Exxon-Valdez Revisited
NOVEMBER 27, 1990 Wayne Lumsden CFWS METOC  Meteorological and Oceanographical Programs at METOC
OCTOBER 24, 1990 Tom Brydges AES Acid Rain - Status of Action
SEPTEMBER 19, 1990  Jim Elliot DFO World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE)


APRIL 18, 1990 Bob Schemenauer AES Fog as a Desert Water Supply
MARCH 28, 1990  David Willis NRC Engineering Response to Changes in Water Levels due to Global Warming
FEBRUARY 28, 1990 David Phillips AES Canadian Weather Legends: Facts, Fallacies and Fables
JANUARY 31, 1990 Jim Bruce WMO Advisor WMO and the Global Atmosphere
NOVEMBER 29, 1989 Josef  Cihlar CCRS Satellites and Global Change
OCTOBER 24, 1989 Jim McCulloch Consultant Meteorological Service in Developing Countries


MAY 24, 1989 Chris Holloway Adventurer  
APRIL 19, 1989 Dennis Stosel AES Transpolar Travelogue
MARCH 15, 1989 Lee Carson MDA IDIAS A new system for the AES Ice Centre
JANUARY 26, 1989 Trevor Platt DFO Marine Plant life and Global Climate Change
DECEMBER 7, 1988 Bryan Cook EMR Federal Energy R&D Program
NOVEMBER 16, 1988 Henry Hengeveld AES Climate Change Revisited
OCTOBER 12, 1988 Simon Skey MacLaren Plansearch WeatherNow


MAY 11, 1988 A.E. Collin, Annual Ottawa Centre Dinner Coopers and Lybrand Consulting  
APRIL 13, 1988 Langley Muir Canada Oil and Gas Land Administration Metocean Input to Offshore Engineering
MARCH 17, 1988 H.A.C. Jones DFO Data Rich - Information Pool
FEBRUARY 17, 1988 Lawrence A. Mysak, CMOS Tour Speaker McGill University Large Scale Air/Ice/Sea Interactions in the Arctic
DECEMBER 9, 1987 J.J. Clarke CJOH TV On Being a Television Weathercaster
NOVEMBER 12, 1987 Wayne Evans AES The Ozone Layer and the Polar Ozone Holes
OCTOBER 21, 1987 LCol Murray MacDonald DND The Defence White Paper - Impact on Future Environmental Services
SEPTEMBER 16, 1987 Lynne McNutt CCRS RadarSAT - EMR Remote Sensing of Ice - A Look to the Future



APRIL 15, 1987 J.J. Clarke, Annual Ottawa Centre Dinner CJOH TV  
MARCH 17, 1987 David Farmer, CMOS Tour Speaker IOS Sounds Interesting
FEBRUARY 18, 1987 Mac Evans MOSST The Canadian Space Program: Where do we go from here?
JANUARY 14, 1987 Bruce Pratte NRC The Role of NRC Hydraulics Laboratory in Coastal and Offshore Engineering Research
DECEMBER 10, 1986 Howard Ferguson ADM AES AES - Present Trends and Future Milestones
NOVEMBER 12, 1986 Peter MacKinnon MOSST Artificial Intelligience: A new frontier in Computing
OCTOBER 22, 1986 Bob Andrews AECL Chernobyl and Nuclear Safety
SEPTEMBER 10, 1986 Geoff Holland DFO Ocean Science The Progress towards Viable Ocean Services


MAY 14, 1986 Roberta Bondar  Astronaut Canadian View from Space
MARCH 5, 1986 Noel Boston   TOGA - The Tropical Ocean/Global Atmosphere program
FEBRUARY 19, 1986 Nelson Freeman CCRS RadarSAT Ocean Satellite Data Opportunities for Canada
JANUARY 28, 1986 Ron Portelli, CMOS Tour Speaker Concord Scientific Atmospheric Sciences in the Private Sector
DECEMBER 10, 1985 Amir Shabbar AES AES Experimental Monthly and Seasonal Outlooks
NOVEMBER 20, 1985 Ron Wilson DFO Marine Environmental Data System MEDS
OCTOBER 2, 1985 John Falkingham AES Icebergs and the AES Expanded Ice Information Service Program


MAY 23, 1985 Jim Bruce ADM, AES Visit to China, Japan and Hong Kong
APRIL 10, 1985 Glen Stewart   Oceanographic and Meteorological Contribution to Safety at Sea
MARCH 20, 1985 Major Barry Morris DND Millitary Use of Meteorology and Oceanography
FEBRUARY 27, 1985  Ken Sato DFO Meteorological and Oceanographic Application to Canadian Offshore Drilling - Offshore Environmental Program and Related Research Activities
JANUARY 22, 1985 W.L. Godson AES Atmospheric Aspects of Nuclear Winter
DECEMBER 12, 1984 Alan Dalgliesh   Predicting Snow and Wind Loads for Building Design
NOVEMBER 14, 1984 P.H. Kourtz   Decision Making for Centralized Forest Fire Management
OCTOBER 24, 1984 Andrew Bootsma   Applications of Climate and Weather Data to Agricultural Problems
SEPTEMBER 26, 1984 John Readshaw   A Review of Requirements for Wind-Generated Wave Data in Light of the Ocean Ranger Disaster


MAY 10, 1984 Morley K. Thomas AES Ottawa, the Home That Never Was - Why has the Head Office of the Weather Service Never Been Located in the National Capital
MARCH 21, 1984 Greg Sherman   The Effects of Climate on Human Health and Activity
FEBRUARY 9, 1984 Jack Royle   The Livable Winter City Society
JANUARY 12, 1984 Roy Koerner   Climate Change as Inferred From Examination of Ice Cores
NOVEMBER 24, 1983 Hans Weber   Ice Station CESAR
OCTOBER 26, 1983 R. Peters   Review of Iceberg Problems in the Canadian Offshore
SEPTEMBER 21, 1983 Henry Hengeveld AES Update on CO2 and Climate Change


JUNE 8, 1983 Ray Desjardins   CO2 and Agriculture
APRIL  20, 1983 David Phillips AES Canada's Climate
MARCH 16, 1983 R.A. O'Neil CCRS Sensor Development and Oceanographic Applications of Remote Sensing
FEBRUARY 16, 1983 Hans Martin AES Acid Rain
JANUARY 19, 1983 Réne Ramseier, CMOS Tour Speaker AES Microwave Satellite Data Applications to Ice and Oceans: From Research to Operations
NOVEMBER 26, 1982 Bill Hansen   The Gulf Stream
OCTOBER 20, 1982  Michael Smith   Permafrost Sensitivity to Climate Change
SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 Richard Asselin DND / DMetOc Oceanography and the Canadian Forces Weather Service


MAY 6, 1982 Bill Appleby AES The Physical and Environmental Monitoring Programme in the Canadian Offshore
MARCH 30, 1982 Phil Tilney   Weather Lore
FEBRUARY 24, 1982 Peter Taylor   Wind Power in Canada - Some Meteorological Aspects
JANUARY 27, 1982 George D. Hobson   Impact of Mega Projects on the North

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