Open House During Environment Week, Downsview - 1987

Doug Tesch starts off the Open House

Notes about this Display

Photos and text captions were originally published in July / August 1987 edition of Zephyr.

Not all photos were used.

Click here to read the complete article

Paul Joe demonstrates weather radar at a multiscreened display unit.

A popular exhibit in the Downsview lobby was this tethersonde balloon attached to a balloon calibration unit below.

Training Branch instructor, Ken Daly, teaches science writer Penny Johnston how to forecast weather in the AES forecasting classroom.

Dr. Marlene Phillips, (centre back facing audience), welcomes visitors to the large "Chemicals in the Atmosphere" classroom.  Several presentations were given during the day by Ray Hoff.

Wes Kobelka, centre, gives the air quality monitoring presentation to three guests, assisted by Armond Gaudenzi, right.

l to r:   Ken Daly, Don Scott and Steve Hopwood.  They are preparing a Stevenson Screen for the Kortright Centre for Conservation's "Weather Walk". The "Walk" was a prominent Environment Week event in the Toronto area.

Open House Organizing Committee / Volunteers

Top row (l to r):  Heather Mackey, Peter Scholefield, Don Scott, Terry Forget, Scott Somerville, Ken Daly, John McBride, Mike Duffy, Gordon Black, Brenda Smith, Gloria Korson, Mary-Anne Teeter.
Front row:  Evelyn Wilson, Brenda O'Connor, Ann Bishop, Liana Kreamer, Julie Young, Sue Milburn (Hopwood), Stu McNair, Pat McFarlane.

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