

Recipients of Awards by Category / Lauréats par categorie

A - CMOS Awards / Lauréats SCMO

Note re CMOS Awards:  CMOS Prizes are mostly for achievements in the calendar year prior to the congress year and are designated as awards for that previous year.
CMOS Scholarships and Scholarship Supplements are awarded in the year of the Congress and are for the academic year following the congress.

Fellows / Membres émérites

President's Prize / Prix du président

2023  Katja Fennel
2023  William W. Hsieh
2022  Alex Cannon 2021  Carolyn Buchwald 2020  Debra Wunch
2019  Victoria Slonosky 2018  N/A
2017  Kirsten Zickfeld
2016  Patrick Cummins and Diane Masson 2015  Susan E. Allen 2014  D. Matthews
2013  N/A 2012  R. Pawlowicz 2011  N. Gillett
2010  H. Lin  2009  A.H. Monahan 2008  J.C. Fyfe
2007  F. Saucier * 2006  H. Freeland, A.J. Weaver 2005  S. Polavarapu
2004  F. Fabry 2003  T.A. Black 2002  C. Lin
2001  P. Yau 2000  * R.W. Macdonald, F.W. Zwiers 1999  A. Hay, W. Hsieh
1998  Isztar Zawadzki * 1997  R. Greatbatch 1996  Stuart D. Smith
1995  T. Shepherd 1994  T. Warn 1993  G.E. Swaters
1992  K. Hamilton 1991  D. Wright * 1990  S. Pond
1989  K. Thompson 1988  R.E. Stewart 1987  K. Denman
1986  D. Farmer 1985  H.-R. Cho 1984  P. Taylor, J.L. Walmsley
1983  J. Derome 1982  G.J. Boer 1981  R. Daley *
1980  P.H. LeBlond *, L.A. Mysak 1979  N/A 1978  C. Garrett
1977  P.E. Merilees * 1976  W.F.J. Evans *
1975  N/A
1974  G.A. McBean 1973  A.J. Chisholm, M. English 1972  T.R. Oke
1971  M. Kwizak, A. Robert * 1970  R.E. Munn * 1969  G.T. Csanady
1968  A.W. Brewer * 1967  A. Robert * 1966  M.B. Danard *

The Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology / Le prix Andrew-Thomson en météorologie appliquée

2022  N/A
2021  N/A 2020  N/A
2019  Ron McTaggart-Cowan, Paul Vaillancourt, Ayrto Zadra
2018  Elizabeth Pattey
2017  Alex J. Cannon
2016  E. Ray Garnett 2015  René Laprise 2014  D. Versegy
2013  Douw Steyn 2012  N/A 2011  M. Eby
2010  Bob Kochtubajda 2009  J.R. Gyakum 2008  W. Burrows
2007  N/A 2006  Amir Shabbar 2005  T. Gillespie *
2004  Peter Bowyer 2003  Ron Hopkinson 2002  C. Chouinard, J. Hallé
2001  Michel Jean 2000  N/A 1999  Edward.P. Lozowski
1998  R. Benoit 1997  N/A 1996  N/A
1995  R. Raddatz 1994  Barry Goodison 1993  A. Staniforth, J. Côté
1992  H. Mitchell, Hal Ritchie 1991  Peter Zwack * 1990  David W. Phillips
1989  N/A 1988  J.R. Salmon 1987  Cliff L. Crozier
1986  Norman A. McFarlane 1985  J.E. Hay 1984  E.Graeme Morrissey *
1983  Marvin Peter Olson *
1982  Morley K. Thomas * 1981  John L. Knox *
1980  R.G. Humphries, B.L. Barge 1979  Y. Delage *, C. Girard 1978  John D. Reid
1977  J.I. MacPherson 1976  S. Orvig *, E.A. Vowinckel * 1975  Gordon A. McKay *
1974  Roger Daley * 1973  H.P. Wilson 1972  Peter W. Summers *
1971  J.S. Marshall * 1970  N. Yacowar 1969  Morley K. Thomas *
1968  D. Davies * 1967  Alan Davenport * 1966  Wolfgang Baier *, George W. Robertson *

The J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography / La médaille J.-P.-Tully en océanographie

2023  Remotely Operated Platform for Ocean Sciences (ROPOS) Team

2022  Rolf Lueck 2021  N/A
2020  Bob Keeley
2019  Ken Denman
2018  John Smith
2017  Michael G.G. Foreman
2016  K. Thompson 2015  W. Crawford 2014  A. Gargett
2013  P. Smith 2012  H. Freeland 2011  D. Welch
2010  J.W. Loder 2009  E. Carmack 2008  C. Garrett
2007  S. Tabata *
2006  S.J. Prinsenberg 2005  J.-C. Therriault
2004  B. Petrie 2003  R.E. Thomson 2002  S. Pond
2001  R.A. Clarke *
2000  N/A 1999  N/A
1998  N. Oakey 1997  L. Mysak 1996  John Lazier *
1995  S. Calvert 1994  N/A 1993  C.R. Mann *
1992  F.W. Dobson 1991  N.J. Campbell * 1990  P.H. LeBlond *
1989  T.R. Parsons 1988  R.W. Stewart * 1987  M.J. Dunbar *
1986  G.L. Pickard * 1985  W.M. Cameron * 1984  W.L. Ford *
1983  J.P. Tully *    

The François J. Saucier Prize in Applied Oceanography / Le prix François-J.-Saucier en océanographie appliquée

(named for François J. Saucier in 2009 / nommé pour François J. Saucier en 2009)

2022  Gregory Smith 2021  Richard Dewey 2020  Len Zedel
2019  N/A 2018  N/A 2017  Jinyu Sheng
2016  Alfonso Mucci 2015  Johannes Gemmrich 2014  N/A
2013  F. Roy 2012  S. Allen 2011  N/A
2010  G. Borstad 2009  M.W. Stacey 2008  R. Lueck
2007  W. Crawford 2006  K. Thompson, H. Ritchie, J. Bobanovic, N. Bernier, S. Desjardins, A. MacAfee, George Parkes 2005  Jim Stronach *
2004  N/A 2003  R.A. Pawlowicz 2002  F. Saucier *, D. Lefaivre
2001  N/A 2000  N/A 1999  N/A
1998  P. Smith, D. Greenberg, D. Lawrence, G. Han, J. Shore, J. Loder, C. Hannah, R. Pettipas,  B. de Tracey 1997  N/A 1996  N/A
1995  H. Freeland 1994  K. Drinkwater 1993  M.L. Khandekar
1992  R.G. Ingram * 1991  R.F. Henry 1990  M.G. Foreman
1989  R.E. Thomson 1988  M.I. El-Sabh * 1987  N/A
1986  N/A 1985  P.B. Crean 1984  T.S. Murty
1983  M.R. Morgan * 1982  J.R. Wilson *
1981  H.G. Westergaard, N. Lea, D.O. Hodgins

The Rube Hornstein Medal in Operational Meteorology / La médaille Rube-Hornstein en météorologie opérationnelle

Until 1996: The Rube Hornstein Prize in Operational Meteorology / jusqu'à 1996, Le Prix de météorologie opérationnelle Rube-Hornstein

2022  N/A
2021  N/A 2020  N/A
2019  Trevor Smith
2018  Douglas McCollor 2017  Bruno Larochelle
2016  David Sills 2015  David Jones 2014  M. MacLeod
2013  N/A 2012  M. Howe 2011  F. Doherty
2010  B. Snyder 2009  N/A 2008  J. Dunnigan
2007  N/A 2006  O.S. Lange 2005  D. Ball
2004  M. Horita 2003  M. Schaffer 2002  W. Purcell
2001  P. Chadwick 2000  A. Bellon 1999  N/A
1998  A. Patoine A. Méthot
1997  R.A. Hornstein *, D. Patrick 1996  Jim Vanos *
1995  L. Neil 1994  J.-G. Desmarais 1993  M. Purves
1992  J. Luckett 1991  N. Ibey 1990  D. Bachand
1989  N/A 1988  J. Pearce *
1987  W.L. Ranahan
1986  J. O'Reilly 1985  R. Leduc 1984  N.T. Taylor
1983  J. Mathieson * 1982  P.C. Haering 1981  Len Hubbert *
1980  N/A 1979  D.B. Fraser 1978  BPQ, Ville St-Laurent
1977  K. Lee 1976  S.V.A. Gordon * 1975  W.L. Gutzman *

The Neil J. Campbell Medal for Exceptional Volunteer Service / La médaille Neil-J.-Campbell pour service bénévole exceptionnel

2022  Karen Smith 
2021  N/A
2020  N/A
2019  N/A
2018  Ron Hopkinson 2017  Oscar Koren
2016  Paul-André Bolduc 2015  Richard Asselin 2014  Bob Jones
2013  Ian D. Rutherford 2012  N/A 2011  Thomas J. Duck
2010  Stephen J. Lambert 2009  Richard Stoddart 2008  Susan Woodbury
2007  Geoffrey S. Strong 2006  Dorothy Neale * 2005  Uri Schwarz *
2004  Neil J. Campbell *    

The Roger Daley Postdoctoral Publication Award / Le prix Roger-Daley de publication postdoctorale

2022  Jannes Koelling
2021  Ana C. Franco
2020  Russell Blackport
2019  Christina L. Smith (York U.)
2018  N/A 2017  Megan Kirchmeier-Young, U Victoria and ECCC
2016  N/A
2015  N/A
2014  Lindsay Renbaum-Wolff
2014  Frédéric Laliberté
2013  N/A 2012  Cristen Adams, U. of Saskatchewan 2011  Patrick Sheese, U. of Toronto
2010  N/A 2009  John Moores, York U. 2008  N/A
2007  Mathias Mauder, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2006  J.T. Dawe, U. of Washington, Seattle USA 2005  Thomas Birner, U. of Toronto
2004  Benjamin Murray, U. of British Columbia    


2022  N/A  2021  N/A
2020  N/A
2019  N/A 2018  N/A 2017  N/A
2016  N/A 2015  CoCoRaHS Canada 2014  N/A
2013  N/A
2012  SENES Consultants Group
2012  Elizabeth May
2011  Mark Madryga
2011  Jocelyne Blouin *
2010  Claire Martin 2009  Pascal Yiacouvakis
2009  Graham Thomson
2008  N/A
2007  Mike Roberts 2006  Eric William Danielson
2006  Caroline Qing Cheng
2005  Stephen Mayne
2004  Attilla Danko 
2004  Allan Rahill
2003  Paul-André Bolduc
2003  Claire Martin
2002  Gary Saunders
2002  Bob Jones
2001  Peter Calamai, Toronto Star *
2001  Eldon Oja
2000  N/A 1999  Henry Janzen, Ray Desjardins, Richard Asselin and Barry Grace
1998  Richard Scott, Keith McCaul, Bill Beveridge and Mohamed Alkoka, Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton 1997  Dorothy Neale *
1996  Dan Wright, CFAX Radio, Victoria, B.C.
1996  Claude St. Laurent, Reseau de l'information SRC
1995  Lighthouse Keepers of B.C. 1994  Dr. Andrea Copping
1994  Ralph Janes
1993  N/A
1992  Bob Schemenauer and Pilar Cereceda
1992  Jay Campbell, Mike Roberts
1991  N/A 1990  Ian J. Miller
1989  N/A 1988  N/A 1987  Canadian Delegation to the Diplomatic Conference for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
1987  Mrs. B. Robinson
1986  Environmental Protection Service, Atlantic Region 1985  Pamela Graham 1984 N/A
1983  Reid V. Dexter *
1983  Michael Keating , Globe and Mail Environment Reporter
1982  Ross Howard 1981  Seaconsult Marine Research Ltd
1980  N/A 1979  Kenneth C. Curren
1979  La Société linnéenne de Québec
1978  Tim Padmore, Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
1977  Directors of the ARK, New Alchemy Institute, PEI 1976  Conseil québecois de l'environnement
1976  Douglas H. Pimlott
1975  Tony LeSauteur
1974  Barbara Frum *, Alan Maitland *, Harry Brown and staff of CBC "As it Happens"
1974  Alberta Environmental Conservation Authority
1974  Lydia Dotto , Globe and Mail Science Reporter
1973  John A. Livingston, Pierre Dansereau, Patrick D. McTaggart-Cowan *  

Présentation intensive scientifique et courte pour orateurs francophones (PICO-F) / Short intensive scientific presentation in French (PICO-F)

2023  May Wang, Mathieu Lachapelle, Axel Belgarde

Special Presidential Medal /
La Médaille spéciale du président

2021  Denis Bourque

Achievement Award / Honneur d'accomplissement

2003  Neil J. Campbell *

Certificates of Appreciation / Certificats d'appréciation

2002  Susan Woodbury
2002  Francine Ford

Excellence in Reviewing / Excellence dans la critique

(M): meteorology / météorologie (O): oceanography / océanographie

    1993  P. Schuepp (M)
1992  T.A. Black (M), D.G. Wright (O) * 1991  L. Mysak (M), D. Masson (O) 1990  R. Schemenauer (M), M.D. Novak (M), R.F. Cummings (O)

Graduate Student Prizes / Les prix pour étudiants diplômés

(M): meteorology / météorologie (O): oceanography / océanographie

merged with Tertia M. C. Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prize after 2007 /
intégrés aux Prix commémoratif Tertia M. C. Hughes pour étudiants diplomés apres 2007

2007  T. Shaw (M) (O) 2006  J.P. Lewis (O), C. Fogarty (M) 2005  D. Deacu (O), Y. Wang (M)
2004  N/A 2003  N/A 2002  N/A
2001  N/A 2000  N/A 1999  N/A
1998  N/A 1997  B. Tremblay (M) 1996  M. Dowd (O)
1995  P.J. Kushner (O), J. Voogt (M) 1994  S. Bélair (M) 1993  R. Ménard (M), D.M. Holland (O)
1992  G. McFarquhar (M), C.G. Hannah (O) 1991  M. Roth (M), Y. Xie (O) 1990  M. Desgagné (M), T.M.C. Hughes (O)
1989  S. Vagle 1988  H.P.E. Schmid 1987  D. Masson
1986  L. Garand 1985  B. Bilodeau 1984  G. Swaters
1983  J.D. Neelin 1982  G.B. Lesins 1981  W. Hsieh
1980  J.W. Loder, D.G. Steyn 1979  E. Freire (M), W.G. Large 1978  B. McArthur
1977  M. Béland (M), L.W. Diehl 1976  H. Melling 1975  H. Warn
1974  G. Strong 1973  Y.S. Chung 1972  L. Ettinger
1971  R.S. Schemenauer 1970  N.A. McFarlane 1969  T. Warn
1968  N/A 1967  S. Woronko  

The Tertia M.C. Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prizes /

Les prix commémoratifs Tertia-M.-C.-Hughes pour études de 2e ou 3e cycle

(M): meteorology / météorologie (O): oceanography / océanographie

2023  Yongxiao (Leong) Liang (U. Victoria)
2023  Tyler Wizenberg (U. of Toronto)

2022  Andrew Grace (U. Waterloo) 2021  Tsz Kin (Eric) Lai (McGill U)
Shangfel Lin (Dalhousie U)
2021  Clark Pennelly (U of Alberta)
2020  Nadya Moisseeva (UBC)
2020  Natasha Ridenour (U of Alberta)
2020  Kristof Bognar (U of T)
2020  Jesse Velay-Vitow (U of T)
2019  Hakase Hayashida (O), U. Victoria
2019  Dan Weaver (M), U. of Toronto
2018  Carsten Abraham (M), U. Victoria
2018  Sisi Chen (M), NCAR
2017  Katarzyna (Kasia) Tokarska, U Victoria
2017  Chad Thackeray, U. Waterloo
2016  Shiliang (Sean) Shan (O), Dalhousie U.
2016  Oliver Watt-Meyer (M), University of Washington
2015  Michael Optis (M), U Victoria
2015  Siraj ul Islam (M),  UNBC
2014  Konstantinos Menelaou, McGill U.
2014  Andrew MacDougall, Institute of Climate and Atmospheric Science, Switzerland
2013  Nancy Soontiens (M), U. British Columbia
2013  Neil Swart (M), U. Victoria
2012  M.-È. Gagné (M)
2012  C. Richards (O)
2011  E. Oliver (O), Dalhousie U.
2011  R. Lindenmaier (M), U. of Toronto
2010  Y. Cheng (O) 2009  O. Nikiema (M)
2009  J. Thériault (M)
2008  A.J. Cannon (M), U. British Columbia
2008  L. Zhai (O), Dalhousie U.
2007  X. Zhai (O), Dalhousie U. 2006  A. Wiacek (M), U. of Toronto 2005  N. Bernier (O), Dalhousie U.
2004  D. Matthews (M), U. Victoria 2003  J. Lu (M) (O), Dalhousie U. 2002  Y. Chen (M), McGill U.
2001  M. Yoshimori (M), U. Victoria
2001  Y. Tang (M) U. British Columbia
2000  A.H. Monahan (M), U. British Columbia
2000  S. Déry (M), McGill U.
1999  Z. Wang (M), McGill U.
1999  B. May (O), Dalhousie U.

The Dr. Andrew Thomson Undergraduate Student Prize

Le prix Andrew-Thomson en météorologie appliquée


  1973  M.A. Tilley 1972  C. Dyck
1971  T. Low 1970  J.A. Fitzgerald 1969  T. Agnew
1968  I.R. Graham 1967  S. Clodman  

Life Members / Membres à vie


  1983  Morley Thomas * 1986  D. Mel Robertson *
1986  Rube Hornstein * 1986  Patrick D. McTaggart-Cowan * 1986  Edward J. Truhlar *
1987  Neil Campbell * 1987  Cedric Mann * 1987  Philip E. Merilees *
1988  J. Reginald Noble * 1988  Uri Schwarz * 1989  Byron W. Boville *
1990  Ron Burling * 1990  Hans Van Leeuwen *
1991  John Maybank *
1992  R.E. (Ted) Munn * 1993  James P. Bruce 1994  J.M. Richard Asselin

CMOS Support to Pre College Teachers

Aide de la SCMO aux enseignants de niveau pré-collégial

(Project Atmosphere Summer Workshop / Atelier d'été en météorologie - Projet Atmosphère)

this prize is for the same year as the award is announced

2023  Warren Hartery (Newfoundland and Labrador Youth Centre, Whitbourne, NL)
2022  Cara Smith
(Bracebridge & Muskoka Lakes ON Secondary School)
2021  Michael Leveille, (St. Laurent Academy School, Ottawa)
2020  Joseph Muise, St. Thomas More Collegiate, Burnaby, BC
2019  Bogusla Gierus, Webber Academy, Calgary AB
2018  Kaitlin Smith, Halifax NS
2017  Maria Nickel, Stonewall MB
2016  Carrie Antoniazzi, Richmond BC 2015  Olivier Laforest, Montréal 2014  Zachary Vanthournout, NB
2013 N/A 2012  N/A 2011  Ann Jackson, Russell (Ottawa), ON
2010  Alexander (Sandy) Adamson, Stony Plain, AB 2009  Aliisa Sarte, Port Moody, BC 2008  Matteo Babini, Surrey, BC
2007  Sonia Rebellato, Mississauga, Ontario 2006  Natalie Jalette, Pembroke, ON 2005  Ryan Nugent, Lethbridge, AB
2004  John Doucet, Toronto, ON 2003  Jim Pedersson, Kamloops, BC 2002  Roxanne Coupal, Orleans (Ottawa), ON
2001  Nancy Clarke, Toronto, ON 2000  Andrew Young, Courtenay, BC 1999  Michael Ball, Whitby ON
1998  Marlene V.C. Hume, Oakville, ON 1997  Helen R. McWilliams, Halifax, NS 1996  N/A
1995  Carlee Hurl, Edmonton 1994  Rod Murray, Peel Board of  Education, ON

links shown in this table lead to participants' reports on their experience

CMOS Support to Pre College Teachers /

Aide de la SCMO aux enseignants de niveau pré-collégial

(** Project Ocean Summer Workshop / Atelier d'été en océanographie - Projet Océan)

** Known as Project Maury until 2019 / connus sous le nom Projet Maury jusqu'en 2019

this prize is for the same year as the award is announced

2023  Bonnie Anderson (Simcoe County District School Board, Midhurst, ON)
2022 Kristen Simonson
(Swift Current SK Comprehensive High School)
2021  N/A
2020  N/A
2019  N/A 2018  Andrew Young, Courtenay BC
2017  Aditi Garg, Saskatoon SK
2016  David Summerhays, Claremont ON 2015  Kara Lengyel, Spalding SK 2014  Daryl Rideout, St. John's NL
2013  Leslie A. Hussmann, Langley BC 2012  N/A 2011  Rod Carmichael (Victoria BC)
  Michele Banks (Saint John NB)
2010  Grant Badgero, Coldstream BC 1995  David Worall, Kelowna BC links shown in this table lead to participants' reports on their experience

* = Deceased / Décédé

N/A = Not awarded / Non accordé



B -  Poster Prizes Awarded During Congresses

(these prizes are for the same year as the award is announced)

CMOS Best Poster Prize (multidiscipline) / Prix SCMO de la meilleure affiche (pluridiscipline)

new prize begun in 2011; renamed in 2015

2024  Jerry Su (U. of Waterloo)
2024  Bruno Sobrai (U. of Northern British Columbia)
2023 - Margaux Girouard (First)
2023 - Chris Jing (Second)
2023 - Teala Chambers (Third)
2022  N/A 2021  N/A
2020  N/A 2019  N/A 2018  Nadine Lehmann, Dalhousie University
2017  Clint Seinen 2016  Aminul Haque 2015  Amélie Bouchat
2014  Mathieu Ardyna 2013  Zilefac Elvis Asong 2012  N/A
2011  Kossivi Yewougni Tete    


The Campbell Scientific Canada Corporation - Best Student Poster Prize /

Le prix Corporation Campbell Scientific Canada de la meilleure affiche d'étudiants(es)

renamed in 2011 to:

The Campbell Scientific Best Student Poster Prize in Meteorology /

Le prix Campbell Scientific de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e) en météorologie

2023  N/A 2022  N/A 2021  N/A
2020  N/A
2019  N/A 2018  Hadleigh Thompson, U Northern British Columbia
2017  Ellen Gute 2016  Ludovick S. Pelletier 2015  Bryn Ronalds
2014  Ying Sun 2013  Katarzyna Tokarska 2012  N/A
2011  A. Monette 2010  Derek  Steinmoeller 2009  Karen Smith
2008  D. Van Der Kamp 2007  Erin Evans 2006  S.E. Fargey, A.S. Korobov
2005  Heather Raven 2004  Daniel Figueras-Nieto, Eric  Girard, Lucia Crãciun 2003  Andres Soux
2002  Bernard Firanski    

The ASL Environmental Sciences Best Student Poster Prize in Oceanography /

Le Prix ASL Environmental Science de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e) en océanographie

(new prize begun in 2011)

2023  N/A 2022  N/A 2021  N/A
2020  N/A 2019  N/A
2018  Chantal Mears, Dalhousie University
2017  Matthieu Gavelle 2016  Shihan Li 2015  Tara Howatt
2014  Yann Follin 2013  Jan-Erik Tesdal 2012  N/A
2011 Pamela Dinn    

The Pelmorex Best Student Poster Prize

Le Prix Pelmorex de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e)

(new prize begun in 2024)

    2024  Sujan Basnet (U. Québec à Montréal)


C - CMOS Scholarships / Bourses d'études de la SCMO

Note re Scholarships in this section:  The year given for the Scholarships and Scholarship Supplements is the year in which
the Scholarship or Supplement commences, i.e. immediately following the announcement of the scholarship.

  Undergraduate Scholarships / Les bourses d'études de premier cycle SCMO

2023  Maelyn Kaya (McGill U.)
2023  Nicole Boyde (U. of Northern British Columbia)
2023  Kwan Ki (Jerry) Wong (UBC)
2022  Pallawi Paudel (U. Alberta)
2022  Florence Dion-Ladouceur (Université du Québec à Montréal)
2021  Stéphanie Bergeron, Université du Québec à Montréal
2021  Benjamin Riot-Bretêcher, Université du Québec à Montréal
2020  Jim Hyde,University of Manitoba
2020  Isabelle Demers, Université du Québec à Montréal
2019  May Wang, UBC
2019  Dylan Painchaud-Niemi, U. Manitoba
2018  Yeechian Low, McGill University
2018  Ivy Anderson, Lakehead / Dalhousie
2017  Aurélie Desroches-Lapointe, Université du Québec à Montréal
2017  Nicole Loeb, U. Manitoba
2016  Kai Melamed-Turkish, McGill U
2015  Supriya Singh, McMaster U
2015  Ingrid Pond, Dalhousie U.
2015  Anthony Di Stephano, McGill U.
2014  Jeanne Blanchette 2013  Emilie Benoit, UBC
2012  Rachel Humphrey, McMaster U.
2012  Michelle Curry, U. Manitoba
2011  Matthew Morison , U. of Winnipeg
2011  Katelyn Wells, UBC
2010  Jiselle Bakker, University of Ottawa 2009  Lindsay Sutton, U. of Alberta
2008  A. Krepakevich 
2008  B. Bouagila
2007  S. McKay
2007  Jenni Vanos
2006  M-È. Gagné, McGill U.
2006  B.E.J. Power, U. of Alberta
2005  H. Antoniuk, U. of Alberta
2005  M.J. Taylor, York U
2004  P. Fairbridge, York U
2004  J. Maepea, Dalhousie U
2003  N/A
2002  N/A
2001  C. Wielki, U. Alberta
2001  J. Sheremeto, York U

The CMOS - Daniel G. Wright Undergraduate Scholarship

La bourse d'études de premier cycle SCMO - Daniel-G.-Wright 

2023  Monica Figueroa (U. Alberta)
2022  N/A 2021  Maria Gheta (McGill U) 2020  Benjamin Ward Soucy, Université du Québec à Montréal
2019  Helen Gemmrich, U. Victoria
2018  Jonathan Coyne, Dalhousie University
2017  N/A
2016  Lara Gemmrich, U Victoria
2016  Gabin Urbancic, U Waterloo
2015  N/A 2014  N/A
2013  N/A 2012  Camil Hamel, U de Sherbrooke  

CMOS Supplements to NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships

   Les suppléments SCMO aux bourses d’études supérieures du CRSNG

Two supplements may be awarded each year, as follows:  
The CMOS - Weather Research House NSERC Scholarship Supplement in atmospheric or ocean sciences
The CMOS - CNC/SCOR NSERC Scholarship Supplement in Ocean Sciences.
Deux suppléments peuvent etre octroyés chaque année :
le supplément SCMO-Weather Research House en sciences de l'atmosphere ou des océans
le supplément CMOS- CNC du SCOR pour les sciences de l'océan.

2023  N/A
2022  N/A 2021  Laura Saunders, University of Toronto 2020  Kelly Hokanson, University of Alberta
2019  David Babb, Centre for Earth Observation Science  (Year 1)
2019  Patricia DeRepentigny, University of Colorado Doctorate  (Year 2)
2018  Patricia DeRepentigny, University of Colorado
2017  Amy Hrdina
2016  Stefanie Mellon 2015  Scott Kehler 2014  Mathilde Jutras
2013  Yannick Lévesque 2012  Michael Optis 2011  Eugenie Paul-Limoges
2010  Sarah Emily Collier 2009  Andrew Hamilton 2008  Gabrielle Gascon
2007  Dmitry Vyushin 2006  Betty Anne Croft, Joshua Nault 2005  Joshua Nault, Tiffany Shaw
2004  Tiffany Shaw 2003  Morris Robert Flynn 2002  Amanda Cole
2001  Ronald J. McTaggart-Cowan 2000  Tetjana A. Ro 1999  Steven  Stringer
1998  Paolo P. Petriello, Jr.    

CMOS - CNC / SCOR NSERC Scholarship Supplement in Ocean Sciences /

Supplément SCMO - CNC / SCOR CRSNG aux bourses d'études supérieures en sciences océaniques

discontinued after 2013 / éliminé après 2013

2013  Jessie McNichol
2013  Cara Manning (year 2)
2012  Cara Manning 2011  Alireza Mashayekhi
2010  Agathe Lisé-Pronovost (year 2)
2010  Agathe Lisé-Pronovost 2009  Kristina Brown 2008  P.J. van Hengstum
2007  J.E. Pilarczyk 2006  J.R. Munroe  


CMOS - The Weather Network Scholarship / La bourse SCMO-Météomédia

2024  Carol-Ann Veilleux (Université du Québec à Montréal) 2023  Shannon Fernando (York U.)
2022  Meghan Grenke, University of Alberta 2021  Kim Lahaie, Université du Québec à Montréal
2020  Charlie Hébert Pinard, Université du Québec à Montréal
2019  N/A
2018  Jamie Hart, McGill University  2017  Véronica Sullivan
2016  Nicole Chisholm, Dalhousie U 2015  Adrienne Ducharme, U. of Winnipeg 2014  Jeanne Blanchet, Université McGill
2013  Émilie Benoit, U. of British Columbia 2012  Michelle Curry, U. Manitoba 2011  Katelyn Wells, U. of British Columbia
2010  N/A 2009  Alexandra Anderson-Frey, University of Alberta 2008  Emily Collier, University of Alberta
2007  Marianne Stoesser, McMaster U. 2006  Heather Antoniuk, U. of Alberta 2005  Charlotte H. Gabites, U. of British Columbia
2004  Angela Colebrook, York U.    

* = Deceased / Décédé
N/A = Not awarded / Non accordé

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