Order of Canada Recipients / Membres de l'Ordre du Canada

  • Linked citations and photos are credited to the Governor General's Web Site listings of OC Awardees.
  • Date listed is date awarded, not invested.
  • Citations are in the official language of recipients.  Information in the other language is available at the above web site.
  • If only one year is given, investiture happened in the same year as award was announced. 
  • Two dates mean investiture happened in a later year (bracketted). 
  • In cases where the year is recent, investiture has not happened and this is noted.
  • GG guidelines indicate OC awards are given to living recipients only. 
  • No asterisks have been added to indicate those who are deceased since their award, but the Citation information copied from and credited to the GG web site, can contain deceased status.
  • Awards are listed in reverse order (latest at the top) as in other CMOS awards.

Atmospheric Scientists

Ocean Scientists

Ian Burton (2023)

David Grimes 2020 (2022) Verena Tunnicliffe 2021 (2024)
Ray Desjardins 2018 (2019) Curtis Suttle 2021 (2024)
Elizabeth Dowdeswell 2012 Robie Macdonald 2019 (deceased before investiture)
Gordon McBean 2008 (2010) Eddy Carmack 2019 (2022)
Tim Oke 2008 (2009) David Barber 2016 (2017)
Percy Saltzman 2002 (2003) Louis Fortier 2006 (2007)
David W Phillips 2001 Tim Parsons 2005 (2006)
Don Archibald 1998 Frederick Roots 1987
Lawrence Mysak 1997
Jim Bruce 1997
Rube Hornstein 1991
Pat McTaggart-Cowan 1979
Ken Hare 1978 and 1987
Homepage / Page d'accueil

URL: http://www.cmosarchives.ca/Awards/Order_of_Canada/OC.html