Left Side of Photo
with IDs Right Side of Photo
with IDs
Original Annotated Photo Below
Left Side of Photo with IDs
Top row (l to r): Ed Mayer, Steve Pond, Joe Buckley, Dave Stone,
Gardner, Dave Pease.
Fourth row: Al Lewis, Rusty Moody, Phil Chang, Jay Shim.
Third row: Lawrence Mysak, Jim Helbig, Dave Fissell, Bill Large.
Second Row: Mike Miyake, Dave English, Laurent Bilodeau, Mike Stephens,
Rolf Lueck.
Front row: Arjoone Ramnarine, Ruth Thomas, George Pickard, Bill
Dave Lemon.
Right Side of Photo with
Back (Top) row (l to r): Geoff Samuels, R Olafson, Gill Hughes,
Walker, Ron Wiegland, Paul Falkowski, Bob Scagel.
Third row: Ron Johnson, Laurie Davidson, Bill Buckingham, Murray Storm,
Blythe Chang, Paul LeBlond, Pat Crean.
Second row: Carole Bawden, Dave Green, Colin ?, Albert Fuller, Marion
Slater, (unknown dog), Tim Parsons.
Front row: Max Taylor, Chad Thorpe, Liana Sportsman, Aileen Arnold,
Julie Oliveira.
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