Resolute Bay, Joint Canadian - USA Weather Station (JAWS),
Partial Staff - 1964
scroll down for a second photo at
also article about Resolute in January / February 1983 edition of Zephyr by John McBride

l to r: Kevin Williams, (Radio Officer), Bert Goldenberg (USWB),
Don McBain (USWB - Electronics Tech), Mike
Webb (OIC), Pat Shorten (JC Sproule & Assoc).
* Christmas 1964
* Staff changes from the above photo have
happened, but technically this photo remains in 1964

In the photo, but not yet placed: Ed Stashko (OIC), Radio Oficers:
Vern Sadoway, Jim Patton, Alf Carew, Murry Lee
Photo credit to Stan Shymanski
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