AES "Inventors" - 1986 & 1987

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l to r:  Roger Van Cauwenbergh, Earle Robinson, Ken Devine, Dave McKay.

Photo was originally published in the 1986 Christmas edition of Zephyr.  Accompaying text was:

Although it tries to cover as many staff awards as possible, Zephyr has perhaps not given enough attention to AES inventors. As public servants, the people who are supposed to shout "Eureka!" when they stumble across some complex or subtle innovation pertaining to their work are quite often forgotten or at least not given their due recognition for a lengthy period of time. Ken Devine who worked on something called the Mater Decocoder Graphics Computer was pleased along with his colleagues to receive a modest royalty payment from Canada Patent and Development Limited at a ceremony presided over by ADMA Howard Ferguson at AES Downsview on May 29 1986. Devine says it isn't the money, but the satisfaction of receiving some credit for his past work that counts. Ken, third from left, is seen here with other AES inventors, Roger Van Cauwenbergh, Earle Robinson and Dave McKay.

John M Cook and his Micropower Sunshine Recorder - 1987

John Cook (left), inventor of the Micropower Sunshine Recorder (right)

Read story in the April / May 1987 edition of Zephyr

Inventors of the Brewer Spectrophotometer

l to r:  Dr. Jim Kerr, Dr.Tom McElroy, Dr David Wardle.

See also:  Related photos of people involved with the Brewer Spectrophotometer

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