Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer Design Team - 1986

scroll down for more photos, links, information and identities

Photo was originally published in the 1986 Christmas edition of Zephyr.  Accompaying text was:

Dr. Wayne Evans (far right) and the Experimental Studies Division at AES Downsview with the award winning Brewer Ozone Spectrophotometer (foreground). The instrument, designed by the Division, recently won the Bronze plaque in the Canada Awards for Excellence program of the Ministry of Regional Industrial Expansion. The instrument is a unique, state-of-the-art device now used on a global basis to keep tabs on the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere.

Crop with some identities

Back (l to r, 5 full faces):  Clive Midwinter (btw Clark & Wardle), David Barton (btw Bellefleur & Shah), Bruce McArthur (btw Shah & Asbridge), ?, ?.
Front row (8 people):  Ray Olafson, William (Bill) Clark, David Wardle, Jim Kerr, John Bellefleur, Govind M Shah, Archie Asbridge, Wayne Evans.

Missing:  Tom McElroy (but, see individual photo 12, below)

Identities in the photo were contributed by Archie Asbridge.

Small Photo of Sub Group

l to r:  William (Bill) Clark,  David Wardle, Ray Olafson, Jim Kerr, Larry Morrison, John Bellefleur, Clive Midwinter, Wayne Evans, Archie Asbridge.

Some Individual Photos of the Brewer Design Team

David Wardle

Wayne Evans

Jim Kerr

John Bellefleur

Ray Olafson

GM Shah

Larry Morrison

William (Bill) Clark

unknown 2

Clive Midwinter

Archie Asbridge

Tom McElroy

(key designer is shown in 2008 with a Brewer at the South Pole, Antarctica)

See also the Signing of the Montreal Protocol

See also "The Montreal Protocol - Roles Played by Canadian Ozone Measurement Instruments (Dobson and Brewer) and The Engineer Who Made It All Happen"

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