Merritt BC Weather Station Opens - 2014

l to r:  Doug Lundquist, Deanne Parise-Brigden, MLA Harry Lali, Mayor Susan Roline, Drew Pawley, Matt Noble.

Transcript of Event from EC Intranet

On Tuesday, June 14, Environment Canada (EC) representatives attended the official launch of a weather station in Merritt, British Columbia. The newly installed *Nicola Forecast Station will provide EC meteorologists with hourly data and allow for broader and more comprehensive weather monitoring in the BC interior. It will enhance the safety of British Columbians and their properties.

The Nicola Forecast Station is a low-cost autostation that utilizes refurbished equipment and is cooperatively operated by the city of Merritt and EC. The station is an EC pilot program. The city is funding power and communications while EC is providing and maintaining equipment, says Special Project Supervisor Drew Pawley.

According to Weather Preparedness Meteorologist Doug Lundquist, this weather station fills a considerable forecasting data gap and increases preparedness for severe impact weather events.

MLA Harry Lali states that the Nicola Forecast Station also serves an economic role in that it puts Merritt "on the map." Televised weather forecasts will now include Merritt, which will promote tourism, Lali says. Merritt's Economic Development Department was excited at the opportunity to partner with EC.

In attendance at the launch were Mayor Susan Roline, MLA Harry Lali, Chief Administrative Officer Matt Noble, Chamber of Commerce Manager Heather Fader, members of the Economic Development Committee, local residents, media representatives and EC representatives Doug Lundquist and Drew Pawley.

* Merritt BC is near the Nicola Valley, where the station is located.

14 June 2014

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