"Arctic Windmill" at Bristol Aerospace, Winnipeg - 1975

Only visible face at very far right:  Roger Van Cauwenbergh


In 1975 a contract from the Canadian Atmospheric Environment Service (AES) was let with Bristol Aerospace to design and build a prototype self-powered automatic weather station.  It was to be installed on an ice island in the Beaufort Sea.  The windmill to power the station was built to withstand winds up to 100 mph.  It was produced for about $115,000, and tests showed it had high reliability.

Archivist's note (September 2023):  This was a plan to utilize windmills to generate electric power that was decades before its time.  AES (now MSC) retirees who worked on this project said, "........ while it was able to power the remote weather station, eventually very high arctic winds caused its total destruction".

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