Photo Collage, 54th CMOS Congress

Ottawa ON, 26 May - 11 June 2020 **

Viewing instructions and notes for this collage:

Click on the links you want to see.  You will need to have a photo viewer set up to open jpg or jpeg files.
After the photo is seen, use your back button to return to this page.

All names are identified, if known..
Some identifications are needed (if names are not known - see "?" opposite a name or number).

If you want to identify someone or correct an error, please contact the archivist.

** SPECIAL NOTE:  The 54th Congress was a Virtual Congress due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  All photos are screenshots from Zoom or Webex meetings.  Resolution is low.  No high resolution copies are available.  Photos of some award winners are available.

Part 1
- Award Winners Announced, 11 June 2020

Use links on our Awards Page to see winners who were present

Use 11 June link below for others who were present at Awards announcement

Part 2 - Other Photos from Various Days / Sessions

Use direct links for collages of people who were at Zoom / Webex meetings

28 May - Day 3 - Session 4

2 June - Day 6 - Session 9

3 June - Day 7 - Session 10

4 June - Day 8 - Session 11

8 June - Day 9 - Sessions 13 and 17

9 June - Day 10 - Session 15

11 June - Awards Announcement

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