Photo Collage - 28th CMOS Congress, Ottawa ON, 30 May - 3 June 1994


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Global Change Forum - 30 May 1994

Panelists (Govt. Conference Centre, Ottawa)

(merge of two photos) left to right:

Gordon McBean, John Foster, Jim Bruce, William Rees, Stephen Lewis

Opening - 31 May 1994

1  Opening Plenary at U of O Lecture Hall

2  Mike Hawkes, LAC Chair Speaks

3  ? Speaks

4. ? with Projected CMOS Logo

Patterson Award Lunch - 1 June 1994

1  ?, ?, ?, ?, Ken Yuen
2  Gordon McBean, David Grimes
3  Jacques Derome, David Phillips (accepting), Nancy Cutler
4  Candi Zell, David Phillips
5  Dorothy Neale, Neil Campbell, Brian O'Donnell

See also: 1993 Prizewinners (awards for 1993 were presented during this Congress)

Sessions and Posters

1  ?

2  view of posters

3  ?, Michel Danilin, Jack McConnell

4  Richard E Thomson

Banquet - 2 June 1994

Head Table (two views)

At the podium:

Mike Hawkes (Chair, LAC)
Geoff Holland (Chair, SPC), Bruce Ramsay looking on)
Gordon McBean (CMOS President)
Al Wallace (Chair, LAC 1995 Congress, Kelowna BC)

At the tables:

1  Ced Mann, Allyn Clarke
2  Ken Yuen, Mrs. Yuen
3  Ken Yuen, Bill Crawford, Louise Bolduc, Paul-André Bolduc, Jean Stoddart
4  Dick Stoddart, Jean Stoddart
5  Anne O'Toole, John Falkingham
6  Paul LeBlond, Richard Beamish

See also: 1993 Prizewinners (awards for 1993 were presented during this Congress)

Exhibit Booths

(most exhibitors shown at booths remain to be identified)

1  Bytown Marine Ltd.
2  Campbell Scientific (Claude Labine)
3  GENEQ Inc.
4  RD Instruments
5  Speech Technology Research Ltd. (Kavouras Inc.)
6  Vaisala
7  World Weatherwatch


1  Becky Milo, Ken Yuen
2  Dick Stoddart, Roger Pocklington, Paul LeBlond, Scott Parsons
3  Dick Stoddart, Lawrence Mysak
4  Sus Tabata, Fred Dobson
5  Sus Tabata, Rob Cross, Geoff Holland, Mike Hawkes, Ken Yuen
6  Jim Powell, Humfrey Melling

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