Head Table at Banquet, Chateau Laurier Ottawa - June 1994

Partial view taken with flash (originally published in August 1994 CMOS Bulletin in black and white)

left to right:  Sus Tabata, Jacques Derome, Camillia Hawkes, Gordon McBean, Anne Holland, Geoff Holland (Chair, Science Program), David Krauel (Past President)
note: #5, centre empty chair for Mike Hawkes who was away from the table)

Next two collages show all 13 people at the head table (no flash)

l to r: 
Bruce Ramsay, Jana Ramsay, ?, Dorothy Neale, Sus Tabata, Jacques Derome (incoming President), Camillia Hawkes.

l to r:  Gordon McBean (President), Mike Hawkes (LAC Chair), Anne Holland, Geoff Holland (Chair, Science Program), David Krauel (Past President), Humfrey Melling.

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