Special Awards to Changing Atmosphere Conference Secretariat - 25 July 1988

to r:  Stewart Cohen, Al Godin, Barb Grogan, Conference Secretary Gordon McKay, Howard  Ferguson, Nicole Sauvé and Henry Hengeveld.

From Christmas 1988 Zephyr:  Declaring that so many AES employees had made outstanding contributions to this summer's World Conference on the Changing Atmosphere that he could only name individuals "symbolically'', ADMA Howard Ferguson handed out both group and individual awards to members of the loosely defined Conference Secretariat at an AES Downsview ceremony held August 25, 1988. The two persons singled out for Personal Achievement Awards were Nicole Sauvé and Henry Hengeveld. As the picture shows they were joined by the group recipients.  Addressing a large audience of well wishers in the Auditorium, Mr. Ferguson also read out a list of other employees who had helped give the Conference its huge aura of success, as part of a remarkable team effort.

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