Photo Collage - 39th CMOS Congress, Vancouver (Richmond) BC, 31 May – 3 June 2005


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Icebreaker and Opening 30-31 May 2005


1 ?
2 Kelsey Spring, Brad Snyder, Judy Kwan
3 Oscar Koren, Claude Labine
4 Matt L0ney
Opening Ceremonies & Plenary

1 Laurie Neil
2 Brad Snyder
3 Peter Scholefield
4 Rich Pawlowicz
Opening Ceremonies & Plenary

5 Hal Ritchie
6 Al Wallace
7 David Jones
8 Claude Labine
Opening Ceremonies & Plenary

9 Oscar Koren
10 Michel Jean
11 Michel Jean
12 Louis Lefaivre

** Parsons / Patterson Awards Luncheon, 1 June 2005

1 Luncheon table
2 Hal Ritchie
3 Hal Ritchie, Wendy Watson-Wright, Michel Béland
4 Wendy Watson-Wright
5 Tim Parsons
6 Tim Parsons
7 Daniel Ware
8 Michel Béland
9 Ian Rutherford
10 Ted Shepherd
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
See also:  Parsons Medal Presentation
See also:  Patterson Medal Presentation
** This was the first Parsons  / Patterson Luncheon, as the Parsons Medal was inaugurated in 2005 by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

Banquet, 2 June 2005

1 Geoff Strong, ?, Claude Labine, ?, Howard Freeland
2 Howard Freeland, Rich Pawlowicz, Gordon McBean
3 Claude Labine, Rich Pawlowicz
4 ?, Neil Campbell, Eleanor Campbell, Jacques Derome
5 John Koidhis, ?
6 The Banquet Room
7 Diane Houle-Rutherford, John Mills, ?, Reg Dunkley
8 Sylvie Gravel, Rich Pawlowicz
9 Reg Dunkley (says grace)
10 Hal Ritchie
11 Fréderic Fabry
12 Peter Bowyer
14 Neil Campbell
15 Lucia Daley, Benjamin Murray
16 John Mills
17 Brian Petrie
18 Mert Horita
19 Charlotte Gabites
20 Heather Antoniuk
21 Hal Ritchie, Claude Labine
22 Susan Woodbury
23 Laurie Neil
24 Sylvie Gravel
25 Rich Pawlowicz, Sylvie Gravel, Laurie Neil transferring / accepting responsibility for 2006 Congress in Toronto
26 The band at the post-banquet dance

On the Dance Floor:

27 Ian Rutherford and Diane Houle-Rutherford
28 Pat McBean and Gordon McBean
29 André Bolduc and Lise Harvey
30 Richard Asselin and Diane Houle-Rutherford

Head Table (partial)

Table (MOIP 2000 reunion)

Group (MOIP 2000 reunion)

See also Prizewinners Presentations


1 Michelle Li
2 ?, ?, ?, ?
3 Stuart MacDonald
4 ?, Anna Deptuch-Stapf
5 ?, Peter Taylor
6 AKM Hassan Bhulyan
7 Teresa Canavan
8 ?, Kerry Anderson


1 Judy Kwan, Matt L0ney, Brad Snyder. Back of William Hsieh
2 Robert Benoit
3 ?, Anne McCarthy, David Jones, Ross Klock
4 Anne McCarthy, Ross Klock
5 Laurie Neil, Tammy Boyer, Brad Snyder
6 Tammy Boyer, Matt L0ney, Brad Snyder
7 Pat Wong
8 Lise Harvey, Richard Asselin
9 ?, Ken Kwok

10 Ken Kwok, Matt L0ney, Ted Lord
11 Matt L0ney
12 David Jones at Teachers' Day, 3 June 2005
13 ?, David Jones

Photo Credits:  Most photos were taken by Karen Skaret with some additional ones by Michele d'Eon

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