2004 Prizewinners / Lauréats des prix, 2004

(Awarded at the 39th CMOS Annual Congress, Vancouver BC, May 31 - June 3, 2005)

President’s Prize / Prix du président

To: Frédéric Fabry for his very innovative and important contribution to radar meteorology in deriving humidity fields from meteorological radars ground clutter echoes, as highlighted by his paper, co-authored with Frush, Zawadzki and Kilambi, On the extraction of near-surface index of refraction using radar phase measurements from ground targets, published in 1997 the Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 14, 978-987.

J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography /

Médaille J.P. Tully en océanographie

To: Brian Petrie for an outstanding career in oceanography, the breadth and impacts of numerous collaborations, and his sustained leadership to the description, understanding and implications of physical oceanographic variability in the Atlantic Canadian coastal ocean.

Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology /

Prix Andrew Thomson en météorologie appliquée

To: Peter Bowyer for his innovative work in operational extreme-wave analysis and prediction, along with his accomplishments in education and outreach in the area of the extratropical transition of hurricanes. As a program manager of the Canadian Hurricane Centre, Peter has made important contributions to the forecasting of hurricanes and their impacts in Canada, and in the application of his scientific knowledge to support decision making of those involved in mitigating risks related to hurricanes and educating users.

Prize in Applied Oceanography /

Prix en océanographie appliquée

Not awarded in 2004

Rube Hornstein Medal In Operational Meteorology /

Médaille Rube Hornstein en météorologie opérationnelle

(Until 1996: Rube Hornstein Prize in Operational Meteorology /

jusqu'à 1996, Prix de météorologie opérationnelle Rube Hornstein)

To: Mert Horita for his long and productive career developing and transferring sophisticated technology to operational meteorology. Mert is a strong, resourceful and innovative leader who accomplished many "firsts" during his career while remaining the consummate professional with a sense of humour.

Neil J. Campbell Medal for Exceptional Volunteer Service /

La médaille Neil J Campbell pour service bénévole exceptionnel

The first medal was presented to Neil J. Campbell himself for more than 25 years of volunteer service to CMOS at both the local centre and national levels, including as Chair of the Ottawa Centre 1978, member or chair of numerous committees through the 1980s, President of CMOS in 1984 and Executive Director of CMOS from 1994 through 2004. During his tenure as volunteer Executive Director, Neil not only substantially advanced the operations of the CMOS office, but he excelled in getting other volunteers to take on important duties and made sure that they were recognized for their efforts by implementing awards and honoraria, none of which he ever accepted himself. He unhesitatingly took on additional roles for CMOS, such as sponsoring the formation of the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, taking on responsibility for the Canadian National Committees for SCOR and ECOR and found a way to deliver them, again by finding volunteers. This medal is established in his honour and is intended to be the ultimate recognition for volunteer contributions to CMOS.

Roger Daley Postdoctoral Publication Award /

Le Prix Roger Daley de publication post-doctorale

To: Benjamin Murray, University of British Columbia, for his important and innovative scientific work in the area of ice cloud formation in the Earth’s atmosphere as highlighted by his paper, co-authored with Knopf and Bertram, The formation of cubic ice under conditions relevant to Earth’s atmosphere, published in March 2005 in Nature.


To: Attilla Danko and Allan Rahill, for setting up and maintaining a Web site called The Clear Sky Clock on which they provide real-time forecast information of clear and dark skies over North and Central America. This Web site is highly praised by the amateur astronomical community in providing invaluable information on observing conditions a few days in advance and is a vivid example of the application of meteorology in support of astronomy.

Tertia M.C. Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prize /

Prix commémoratif Tertia M.C. Hughes

To Damon Matthews for his outstanding Ph. D. thesis work at the University of Victoria, on Land cover change, vegetation dynamics and the global carbon cycle: experiments with the UVic Earth System Climate Model. This work has significantly advanced our understanding of how changes in land use affect climate.

Campbell Scientific Best Student Poster Prize /

Prix Campbell Scientific de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e)

To: Heather Raven of the University of Alberta. Her research was in collaboration with Brian Weins of Environment Canada in Edmonton. Her research poster was titled Beryllium as a Tracer of Stratospheric Contribution to Ground Level Ozone at Harlech, Alberta.

The CMOS - Weather Research House Scholarship Supplement/

Supplément  SCMO - Weather Research House aux bourses d'études supérieures

To: Joshua Nault, University of Alberta.  Mr Nault is a doctoral student under Prof. Bruce Sutherland and his thesis work concentrates on the propagation of internal gravity waves in the stratosphere and the ocean.

To: Tiffany Shaw, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, UBC, who is continuing her studies at U of T with Dr. Ted Shepherd under whom she is investigating problems in theoretical atmospheric dynamics. This scholarship is valued at $10,000 if held for two years. Ms. Shaw is in her second year under this scholarship.

The CMOS - Weather Network / Météomédia Scholarship

La bourse SCMO - Météomédia / The Weather Network

To: Charlotte H. Gabites, University of British Columbia, for excellence in her studies.

Undergraduate Scholarships / Bourses d'études de premier cycle

Heather Antoniuk, University of Alberta

Michael J. Taylor, York University

CMOS Fellow Announced / Nouveau Membre émérite

The title of CMOS Fellow was conferred on ++Theodore (Ted) Shepherd, University of Toronto, in recognition of his outstanding personal research in atmospheric dynamics, his leadership of collaborative middle atmosphere research and modelling programs in Canada, his mentoring of students and his leading contributions to the World Climate Research Program and its core project on Stratospheric Processes and their Role in Climate (SPARC).

Professor Shepherd is a world recognized atmospheric dynamicist. He has provided outstanding leadership for the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Modelling and Global Chemistry for Climate Modelling programs. He is a widely cited author and communicator (speaker). His enthusiasm has energized successful collaborations, provided opportunities and mentoring for students and a focus for an unusually wide range of topics from observations to laboratory studies.

++ Ted Shepherd's Fellowship was announced at the 2005 Congress in Vancouver, but was presented a year later at the 2006 Congress in Toronto.

MSC Patterson Medal / SMC La medaille Patterson

Michel Béland, Director General of the Atmospheric and Climate Science Directorate, presented the MSC Patterson Distinguished Service Medal.  MSC's most prestigious award, for distinguished service to meteorology in Canada, was presented to two recipients, Ian Rutherford and Theodore (Ted) Shepherd. Dr. Rutherford is a former Director General of MSC and past president of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. Dr. Shepherd is a professor and research scientist in the Department of Physics at the University of Toronto.

DFO Timothy R. Parsons Medal / MPO La médaille Timothy R. Parsons

To: Timothy R. Parsons for his outstanding contributions and exceptional dedication to ocean sciences and to the people he has trained, mentored and inspired.

To: Daniel M. Ware for his outstanding contribution to the field of fisheries oceanography.

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