Photo Collage - 37th CMOS Congress, Ottawa ON, 2-5 June 2003


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Icebreaker, 2 June 2003

1 View from the "Pinnacle" Room

2 Sponsor Campbell Scientific

3 Brian Paruk, Gilles Simard

4 ?, Anne-Marie Valton

5 (foreground) Tim Aston, Hal Ritchie

6 Ice Jammers reggae band
Opening, 2 June 2003

1 Congress Site - Plaza Hotel
2 Plenary Room
3 Oscar Koren, Brian Beamish
4 Wayne Richardson
5 Ron Bianchi
6 Minister of Environment, David Anderson
7 Charles Lin
8 Tom Karl
9 Roberta Johnson
10 William Bird (Plenary 2, June 3rd)
Teachers' Day, 2 June 2003

1 Teachers in the session room
2 Project Atmosphere Display
3 Gilles Simard
4 Dawn Conway
5 Geoff Coulson

Women in Science Luncheon

1 Martha McCulloch

2 Martha McCulloch, Monique Frize, Ann McMillan

1 Bruce Ramsay with CMOS Ottawa Banner
2 Bruce Ramsay, Martha Andersom
3 Dorothy Neale, Uri Schwarz
4 Oscar Koren
5 Richard Asselin
6 Dorothy Neale, Richard Asselin
7 Ron Bianchi
8 Sheila Bourque
9 Terry Fanning
10 NRC Wind Tunnel
11 Technical Tour to the NRC Wind Tunnel

Awards Luncheon, 3 June 2003
Head Table

1 Neil Campbell, Eleanor Campbell, Peter Taylor, Claude Labine, Wayne Richardson, Jim Bruce

2 Marc-Denis Everell, Allyn Clarke, Wendy Watson-Wright, Neil Campbell, Eleanor Campbell

3 Ron Bianchi, Candi Zell, Marc-Denis Everell, Allyn Clarke

1 Bruce Ramsay
2 Ron Bianchi
3 Stephen Pond
4 Marc-Denis Everell
5 Tim Oke
6 Jacques Vanier

See also Prizewinners

Banquet, 4 June 2003

1 Bernadette Flemming, Martha Anderson, Brian Beamish
2 Bruce Ramsay
3 Ambury Stuart (says grace)
4 Ron Bianchi
5 Charles Lin
6 Clément Chouinard et Jacques Hallé
7 Fred Conway
8 Denis Lefaivre
9 Morris Flynn
10 Neil Campbell
11 Susan Woodbury
12 Francine Ford
13 Ron Bianchi, Rruce Ramsay, Brian Paruk
14 John Falkingham, Mike Hewson (in background), Phil Blagden, Ghislaine Stogaitis, ?, Guy Stogaitis
15 Wayne Richardson, Bernadette Flemming, Martha Anderson
16 Brian Paruk
17 Ron Bianchi, Allyn Clarke
18 Allyn Clarke
19 André Bolduc
20 André Bolduc, Louise Bolduc
21 Bernadette Flemming, Martha Anderson
22 Brian Beamish
23 Brian Paruk, Ron Bianchi
24 Bruce Ramsay, Brian Paruk
25 Jacques Hallé
26 Diane Houle-Rutherford
27 Ron Bianchi, Neil Campbell
28 Susan Woodbury, Uri Schwarz
29 Dick Stoddart
30 Dorothy Neale, André Bolduc
31 Eleanor Campbell, Allyn Clarke
32 Jana Ramsay, Peter Taylor
33 Jean Stoddart, Louise Asselin
34 Bob Jones
35 Judy Kingsley
36 Neil Campbell, Ambury Stuart
37 Yongsheng Chen

Exhibit Booths

1 Exhibit Area
2 US National Ice Centre
4 Canadian Space Agency
5 Marine Environmental Data Service (MEDS)
6 Government of Canada Climate Change
7 Noetix Research Inc.
8 Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Network (C-CIARN)
9 Hoskin Scientific Ltd.
10 Canadian Ice Service
11 Meteorological Service of Canada
12 Vaisala Inc.
13 DASCO Equipment Inc.
14 Campbell Scientific
15 RADARSAT International
16 Richard Brancker Research (RBR)
17 Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences (CFCAS)
19 Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS)
20 Info-Electronics Systems Inc.

Photo Credits:  John Whitbread, Richard Asselin, André Bolduc, Martha Anderson, Uri Schwarz, Bob Jones

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