Prizewinners / Lauréats des prix 2002

(Awarded at the 37th CMOS Annual Congress, Ottawa ON, June 2-5, 2003)

President’s Prize / Prix du président

To:  Charles Lin for his record of important contributions to several areas of atmospheric and oceanic science, including atmospheric dynamics, mesoscale meteorology, ocean modeling, and specifically for his development and use of coupled atmospheric-hydrologic models as highlighted by his paper, co-authored with Wen, Béland and Chaumont, A Coupled Atmosphere-Hydrological Modeling Study of the 1996 Ha! Ha! River Basin Flash Flood in Québec, Canada, published in 2002 in Geophysical Research Letters, 29 (2).

J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography

Médaille J.P. Tully en océanographie

To:  Stephen Pond for his widely recognized, meticulous observational studies in air-sea interactions and coastal oceanography, and for his prominent role in supervising many graduate students in physical oceanography.

Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology

Prix Andrew Thomson en météorologie appliquée

À Clément Chouinard et Jacques Hallé pour leur contribution marquante à la recherche et à l'implantation au Centre météorologique canadien de l'assimilation des mesures d'irradiance tirées des télémesures satellitaires de température et d'humidité. Chouinard et Hallé ont aussi été de contributeurs clés aux activités de R&D qui ont conduit à des changements importants des méthodes d'assimilation des données et qui ont rendu possible l'utilisation des ces nouveaux ensembles de données. Par suite de leur apport à l'assimilation des données, la performance améliorée des previsions numériques   opérationelles à court terme place le CMC parmi les meilleurs centres de prévision numérique au monde.

To:  Clément Chouinard and Jacques Hallé for their outstanding contribution to the research, development and operational implementation at the Canadian Meteorological Centre of the direct assimilation of radiance measurements from satellite temperature and moisture sounding instruments. Chouinard and Hallé were also key contributors to R&D activities that led to significant changes in the methodology of data assimilation and that made possible the use of these new datasets. As a result of their contribution to data assimilation, the improved performance of the short term NWP forecasts issued operationally puts CMC among the best NWP Centres in the world.

Prize in Applied Oceanography

Prix en océanographie appliquée

À François Saucier et Denis Lefaivre pour le développement d'avant garde et la validation attentive de modèles du Golfe et de l'Estuaire du Saint-Laurent ainsi que leur application à la prévision opérationnelle des marées, vagues libres, courants et trajectoires de déversements d'hydrocarbures.

To:  François Saucier and Denis Lefaivre for their pioneering development and careful validation of models of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence Estuary and their application to the operational forecasting of tides, surges, currents and oil spill trajectories.

Rube Hornstein Medal In Operational Meteorology

Médaille Rube Hornstein en météorologie opérationnelle

(Until 1996: Rube Hornstein Prize in Operational Meteorology /

jusqu'à 1996, Prix de météorologie opérationnelle Rube Hornstein)

To:  William Purcell for his instrumental work in promoting and developing software, such as the Weather Analysis Display System and the Phoenix project, which allow meteorologists to place more emphasis on real time data to improve weather forecasts of all kinds.

Tertia M. C. Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prize

Prix commémoratif Tertia M.C. Hughes

To:  Yongsheng Chen for his groundbreaking Ph. D. thesis work at McGill University: On the dynamics of the inner spiral rainbands in a simulated hurricane.   This work represents important advancements in the area of hurricane dynamics research.

Campbell Scientific Best Student Poster Prize

Prix Campbell Scientific de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e)

Winner / Gagnant

To: Andres Soux, J. Voogt, T. R. Oke for A Model to Calculate what a Remote Sensor 'Sees' of an Urban Surface

Runner-up / Deuxième prix

To: G. Smith, F. Saucier, D. Straub for Vertical Mixing in a 3-Dimensional Ice-Ocean Model of the Gulf of St. Lawrence


Two awarded for 2002

To:  Gary Saunders for his book: So Much Weather: Facts, Phenomena and Weather Lore from Atlantic Canada, a fun and informative book which brings the subject of East Coast weather to the general public.

To:  Bob Jones for his tireless volunteer work over the years in a variety of CMOS endeavours and in particular his role in recent years as "webmaster" for the CMOS and the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences web sites.

The CMOS - Weather Research House Scholarship Supplement

Supplément  SCMO - Weather Research House aux bourses d'études supérieures

First year Scholarship
Morris Robert Flynn, University of Alberta

Second Year Scholarship
Amanda Cole, Berkeley University

CMOS Undergraduate Scholarships

CMOS Fellows Announced

Tim Oke for his outstanding contributions to urban climatology and meteorology, and for his longstanding contributions to Canadian meteorology and the Society.

Nancy Cutler for her outstanding contributions to Canadian and global meteorology, for her strong advocacyfor women in science, and for her extensive and sustained contributions to the Society.

John Maybank for his lifelong contributions to agricultural and physical meteorology and for his outstanding organizational and scientific leadership in the founding and organization of the Society.  Geoff Strong accepted John Maybank's Fellowship award.

Certificates of Appreciation / Certificats d'appréciation

To:  Susan Woodbury who was recognized for her many years of volunteer work with CMOS, and in particular for her recent contribution in getting the Private Sector Directory started.

To:  Francine Ford who was recognized for her ten years of association with CMOS as our Business Manager.

MSC Patterson Medal

Professor Timothy Oke of UBC received the Patterson Medal Award for distinguished service to Meteorology in Canada. The medal was established in 1946 in honour of Dr. John Patterson, Controller of the Meteorological Service of Canada from 1929 to 1946.

MSC J.P. Bruce Achievement Award

Jacques Vanier, Regional Director, MSC, Quebec Region received the Jim Bruce Achievement Award. This award, presented annually in honour of Jim Bruce, a past Assistant Deputy Minister, is awarded to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) and its objectives.
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