2009 Prizewinners / Lauréats des prix 2009

*Awards presented at the 44th CMOS - CGU Annual Congress, Ottawa ON, June 2 and 3, 2010

* CMOS Prizes are normally for achievements in the calendar year prior to the congress year and are designated as awards for that previous year. 

CMOS Scholarships and Scholarship Supplements are awarded for the academic year following the congress. 

CMOS Fellows are members so designated at the time of the award and henceforth entitled to call themselves Fellows of the Society as long as membership is maintained.

If award recipients or designates were present, linked names will lead to a photo of their award presentation.

CGU, whose prizes follow below have designated theirs as 2010 awards.

President’s Prize / Prix du président

To:  Adam H. Monahan, University of Victoria for his pioneering work in developing a physical understanding of the probability distribution of surface winds, and in particular for his two recent papers dealing with the theoretical and practical construction, validation and interpretation of the probability distribution of sea surface wind speeds over the ocean. His work has provided elegant and lucid examples of the application of stochastic differential equations to realistic atmospheric phenomena and improved our understanding of the stochastic dynamics of surface winds. A framework has been established for achieving significantly improved modelling and understanding of key processes that affect weather and climate as well as important technological applications such as wind power generation.

J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography / Médaille de J.P. Tully en océanographie

To:  Eddy Carmack, Institute of Ocean Sciences for his major contributions in over 140 papers to all aspects of polar oceanography and limnology including water-mass formation, circulation, polar shelves and biogeophysical problems, as well as his tireless efforts to promote the study of the Arctic nationally and internationally.

Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology /

Prix du Andrew Thomson en météorologie appliquée

To:  John Richard Gyakum, McGill University for his leadership and many outstanding contributions to the understanding of weather systems over Canada, the development of forecasting techniques, and the training of meteorologists. His work has substantially advanced the ability of operational forecasters to warn the public and mariners of the threats due to major winter storms. He has also been one of the academic leaders in the Cooperative program on Operational Meteorological Education and Training, which teaches both Canadian and American forecasters cutting edge concepts in the context of weather forecasting.

François J. Saucier Prize in Applied Oceanography /

Prix en océanographie appliquée François J. Saucier

To:  Michael W. Stacey, RMC, Kingston for his numerical contributions to understanding the physical oceanography of fjords and turbidity currents. He has conducted observational and modeling work in Canadian fjords for over twenty-five years, and has also made major contributions to turbidity current research, the parameterization of turbulent mixing in numerical models, and wind-forced ocean circulation.

Rube Hornstein Medal In Operational Meteorology /

Médaille de Rube Hornstein en météorologie opérationnelle

not awarded for 2009

Neil J. Campbell Medal for Exceptional Volunteer Service /

La médaille Neil J Campbell pour service bénévole exceptionnel

To:  Richard Stoddart, CNC/SCOR for his broad and effective service to and advocacy on behalf of both meteorological and oceanographic communities within the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. He is recognized not only for his many volunteer activities as a committee member but also for his major contributions to the establishment of the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science as an important supporter and facilitator of meteorological and oceanographic research in Canada.

Roger Daley Postdoctoral Publication Award /

Le Prix Roger Daley de publication post-doctorale

To:  John Moores, York University for the publication entitled "Atmospheric Dynamics at the Phoenix landing site, as seen by the Surface Stereo Imager, published in the Journal of Geophysical Research (2010), which provides a unique and important component of the wind knowledge base for Mars. Dr. Moores' initiative, diligence, creativity and hard work during the mission demonstrated his proven ability to envision a scientific program, to adeptly learn the components required to accomplish it, efficiently and determinedly implement it, analyze and understand the resulting data, and successfully publish the results for the scientific community to examine.


 for outstanding contribution towards promoting public awareness of meteorology or oceanography in Canada

To:  Pascal Yiacouvakis, Radio Canada, Montreal for his rigor and professionalism as presenter of weather forecasts on television and radio in both English and French. This includes the countless hours spent keeping the public informed during the 1998 ice storm. Pascal combines in an exceptional way the two qualities necessary for any good weather presenter: a thorough knowledge of meteorology and the ability and desire to effectively communicate this knowledge.

To:  Graham Thomson, Columnist for The Edmonton Journal, Edmonton, Alberta, for his many excellent articles in The Edmonton Journal, as well as his public lectures, on environmental issues.  He has been particularly effective in bringing to light important issues related to Alberta politics, health, and science, writing incisively with a critical eye.  He undertakes extensive background research, and consults with the appropriate scientists in order to obtain the most up-to-date results on issues like global warming, recognizing that scientific issues cannot be assessed on the basis of popular opinion.

Tertia M.C. Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prize / Prix commémoratif Tertia M.C. Hughes

To:  Oumarou Nikiema, UQAM for his Masters research on characterizing and understanding the sources of uncertainty in regional climate simulations, which represents a major scientific and technological accomplishment. As part of his research, Oumarou first derived, then applied the equation necessary for calculating a detailed budget for the time evolution and spatial distribution of inter-member variance in ensemble forecasts of the Canadian Regional Climate Model. His calculations succeeded in reproducing the episodes of high and low internal variability and the detailed analysis revealed which of the many terms contribute to the time tendency of internal variability.

To:  Julie Thériault, McGill and NCAR for her Ph. D. research on the formation of winter precipitation types with prescribed but varying atmospheric conditions. This has resulted in a much more comprehensive physically-based microphysics scheme that can account for phase changes and particle interactions within a vertical column of the atmosphere. Dr. Thériault's study has resulted in significant advances in our ability to account for and better understand the formation of hazardous winter precipitation.

Campbell Scientific Best Student Poster Prize / Prix Campbell Scientific de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e)

To:  Derek Steinmoeller, University of Waterloo, poster presentation on High-order methods for weakly non-hydrostatic layered models.

The CMOS - Weather Research House Scholarship Supplement/

Supplément SCMO - Weather Research House aux bourses d'études supérieures

To:  Sarah Emily Collier, U Alberta Ph. D. student, University of Alberta. Her research focuses on developing a coupled modelling system that includes a high-resolution regional climate model, a regional alpine glacier model and a land surface hydrology model to investigate the interactions between the cryosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere in alpine environments.

The CMOS - CNC/SCOR NSERC Scholarship Supplement in Ocean Sciences /

Supplément SCMO - CNC/SCOR CRSNG aux bourses d'études supérieures en sciences océanique

To:  Agathe Lisé-Pronovost, Ph. D. student in oceanography at UQAR. Her research objectives are to to reconstitute the paleomagnetic vector from lake sediments in Patagonia and develop high resolution paleo tracers of changes in environmental conditions in order to better understand the relation of local to global climate changes.

The CMOS Weather Network / Météomédia Scholarship

not awarded this year

Undergraduate Scholarships / Bourses d'études de premier cycle

To:  Jiselle Bakker, University of Ottawa, third-year student in Earth Sciences preparing an honours thesis proposal to study the potential for creation of mercury methylation hotspots in benthic marine sediments from excess accumulation of organic matter from salmon aquaculture cages.

CMOS Fellows Announced / Nouveau Membres émérites

William W. Hsieh, UBC for his internationally recognized leadership in the application of artificial neural networks to the advancement of our understanding of meteorological, oceanographic and climate variability.

Ronald E. Stewart, University of Manitoba for his long-standing service to the meteorological community in teaching and research and for his outstanding organizational and scientific leadership at both national and international levels.

MSC Patterson Medal / SMC La medaille Patterson

To:  Bruce Angle who has made significant contributions to Canadian and International meteorology through his efforts not only to advance Canada's interests but also to influence the international community to improve societal benefits for the citizens of all countries by facilitating improved meteorological services.  Bruce has been a leading member in International Meteorological Affairs.  He began his career when he joined the Meteorological Service of Canada in 1979 as a Meteorological Technician.

Bruce quickly moved through the ranks of the Meteorological Service of Canada to forecast operations in Newfoundland and Labrador, to training in Cornwall and to his current position as Senior Advisor, International Affairs in 1996.  Bruce has been recognized for his efforts in international relations.  In 2002, he was honored with a Citation of Excellence from Environment Canada and has been recognized from the Caribbean, the WMO, UK and Australia.

Throughout his career, Bruce has demonstrated very strong leadership skills as he has built and led Canadian negotiating teams that have been recognized as both ground-breaking and world-class in their accomplishments.  He has built strong relationships with International Organizations, networked with academia and the private sector to advance our interests.

Bruce Angle a contribué de façon importante dans le domaine de la météorologie à l’échelle canadienne et internationale. Non seulement ses efforts ont fait progresser les intérêts du Canada, mais ont influencé la communauté internationale en prodiguant des services météorologiques améliorés qui ont été bénéfiques à la société de plusieurs pays. Bruce a fait preuve de leadership aux affaires internationales en météorologie.

Sa carrière a débuté lorsqu’il a été embauché par le Service météorologique du Canada en 1979, comme technicien en météorologie. Avec le Service météorologique du Canada, il a gravi les échelons et a fait partie de la section des prévisions opérationnelles à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. Par la suite, il a reçu une formation à Cornwall, puis en 1996, il fut nommé conseiller sénior aux Affaires internationales. On a reconnu son travail pour ses efforts en relations internationales. En 2002, il a été honoré en recevant la mention d’excellence d’Environnement Canada. Les Caraïbes, le Royaume-Uni, l’Australie et l’OMM ont également reconnu sa valeur.

Au cours de sa carrière, Bruce a démontré beaucoup d’habilités de leadership en développant et menant à bien des équipes de négociateurs canadiens, reconnus à la fois comme pionniers et de renommée mondiale dans leurs réalisations. Pour faire progresser les intérêts canadiens, il a développé de bonnes relations avec les organisations internationales, le milieu universitaire et le secteur privé.

DFO Timothy R. Parsons Medal (2010) / MPO La médaille Timothy R. Parsons (2010)

To: Brian Petrie who has been a national and international leader in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary oceanography. He is noted for his extensive contributions to multidisciplinary ocean research with 35 years of service with Fisheries and Oceans Canada.  Brian was the lead physical oceanographer interacting with oil companies through joint ventures and as part of an industry- government-university steering committee.

He was able to build a reputation as someone willing to deal with practical issues from plankton to fish to offshore development. One of his first major services to the scientific community and province at large was his research associated with the Halifax Harbour Task Force.  Brian's model-based scenarios built on observations were the quantitative foundation for its recommendations and this body of research set a new standard for sewage modeling by incorporating a broad suite of variables beyond bacterial counts.

Finally, he was a key contributor in the design of DFO's Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP).

Link to DFO Information  / lien aux information MPO



2010 Prizewinners

Awarded at the 44th Annual CMOS Congress/36th Annual Scientific Meeting of CGU/3rd Joint CMOS-CGU Congress

J. Tuzo Wilson Medal

To:  Nigel Edwards, Department of Physics, University of Toronto, for his fundamental and pioneering contributions to applied geophysics over several decades. Especially, he has shown how best to use electromagnetic methods to explore for petroleum, gas hydrates and other important features of the submarine environment; - an environment where, initially, the usefulness of electrical and EM methods was completely dismissed. EM techniques such as he has espoused have now become very well recognized internationally, both in academia and industry. In 2005, he was awarded the Hohmann Award for Excellence in applied Electrical Geophysics in recognition of this. Industry confidence in his work is demonstrated by the fact that EM methods are now being routinely applied in several petroleum marine exploration programs in various parts of the world, and by the very substantial support he has received from the Game Changer program of Shell International Exploration and Production Inc. Abbreviated Citation by Dr. Gordon West, U of T.

CGU Meritorious Service Award

To:  Zoltan Hajnal, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, for his tremendous role as Chair of the Canadian National Committee for the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics - CNC/IUGG (2003-2011). The CNC-IUGG advises CGU and CMOS on matters related to IUGG. The CNC/IUGG under the leadership of Zoli comprises eight senior Canadian national representatives to each of the associations plus eight junior representatives. The CNC/IUGG reports to both the adhering body (NRC) and to the IUGG. Beyond preparing the meticulous Annual Performance Review, Zoli has consistently, tirelessly and unselfishly worked to respond to all the other tasks by being the strong voice, the representative and the promoter of the Canadian capabilities and competences to the international community. He has been the advocate of our participation to the international assemblies of IUGG and a champion in communicating to us the views and positions of IUGG and its activities. The CGU meritorious award is only a small token of our appreciation to his unselfish contributions to Canadian science. Abbreviated Citation by Dr. Spiros Pagiatakis, York U.

CGU Young Scientist Award

To:  Sean Carey, Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University.  In this early stage of his career Sean has already established an international reputation as a leader in the field of cold region hydrology, particularly focusing on frozen soils and hillslope runoff processes, which draws linkages between mass and energy exchange processes in a range of northern ecosystem types, both natural and impacted.  His work is not only making a profound impact on the discipline of cold regions hydrology, but is also informing decision-making about significant water quantity and quality issues in northern communities. Abbreviated Citation by Dr. Richard Peterone, WLU and Dr. Brian Branfireun, U of T.

Don M. Gray Memorial Scholarship in Canadian Hydrology

To:  Keegan Farrick, Department of Geography, University of Toronto.  This scholarship valued at $2500 is awarded for the first time in 2010 and represents a continuation of Dr. Don Gray's relationship to graduate students studying in the field of hydrology. It symbolizes Don's own criteria of scientific excellence, hard work and perseverance. Abbreviated Citation by Dr. John Pomeroy, U. of Sask.

CGU Best Student Paper

To:  Panagiotis Vergados, Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University

Topic: A new technique in retrieving Total Electron Content and second-order ionospheric delays in radio occultation experiments using GPS

CGU Best Student Paper-Honourable Mention

To:  Hilary Dugan, Department of Geography, Queen's University

Topic: The impact of permafrost disturbances and sediment loading on the two seasonal mixing of two High Arctic lakes

Don M. Gray Best Student Paper Award in Hydrology

To:  Katie Burles, Dept. of Geography, University of Lethbridge

Topic: Snow melt energy balance in a burned versus healthy forest stand, Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, Canada

Campbell Scientific, Best Student Poster Award in Hydrology

To:  Laura Brown, Interdisciplinary Centre on Climate Change, University of Waterloo

Topic: Modelling lake ice thickness - a comparison of measured and simulated ice thickness from the 2008-2009 ice season in Churchill, Manitoba

Best Student Paper Award in Geodesy

To: Panagiotis Vergados, Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University

Topic: A new technique in retrieving Total Electron Content and second-order ionospheric delays in radio occultation experiments using GPS

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