Visit by Dennis Stossel to Argentinian Weather Office, Buenos Aires - 1988

Photos and texts below were originally published in the Christmas 1988 edition of Zephyr

Dennis Stossel's Antarctic journey really began in Buenos Aires, where he gave most of his briefings on the Canadian Arctic. He also had the opportunity of touring the Argentine Weather Service, run (with civilian support) by the Air Force section of the Ministry of Defence. He is seen here (right) with the Meteorologists' shift supervisor.

Dennis Stossel (left) presents a work on the Canadian Inuit to the commander of Argentina's Jubany Base, (Potter's Cove, King George Island), designated as a "site of special scientific interest" mainly because of its diverse fauna and vegetation.

Visit to Deception (Spanish: Decepción) Island

One of the most awe-inspiring events of his Antarctic tour was his visit to Deception Island on the west coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. It is the scene of an active volcano (last eruption 1970).  The picture taken of Dennis shows him standing on a beach strewn with volcanic ash.  During the volcano, Chilean, British and Norwegian bases were destroyed and the Argentine base, though only partially destroyed, is now used strictly as a summer station.

See more photos and details - from Zephyr (three page pdf document)

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