Mongolian Delegation Visits Aerospace Division, Downsview 1981

under WMO Auspices

l to r:  V Badarch, G
Dumbereldorj or Dembereldorj, Graeme Morrissey, Alex Aldunate, Z Batjargal.

complete caption from July / August 1981 Issue of Zephyr:

Graeme Morrissey, chief of the Aerospace Meteorology Division (centre} and Alex Aldunate, welcome three visitors from Mongolia, all from that country's Hydrometeorological Service. They are, left to right: \/ Badarch. director, Meteorological Satellite Centre; G Dumbereldorj or Dembereldorj, chief, Meteorological Satellite Division and Z Batjargal, director, Meteorological Computer Centre.

More from Zephyr ....

Three Mongolian scientists spent three weeks in Canada (June 8-29, 1981) visiting AES facilities and familiarizing themselves with the most modern techniques in the fieId of satellite meteorology. The visit, sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization, is a followup on a mission carried out in the spring of 1980 by Graeme Morrissey, chief of the Aerospace Meteorology Division. (See Mr. Morrissey's article in the September / October 1980 Zephyr). Over a six-week period under the auspices of the United Nations Development Program, he helped the Mongolian Hydrometeorological Service (MHS) develop plans to upgrade its satellite program.

As a result of their visit to Canada, the Mongolian scientists were able to prepare detailed requirements for a recently approved Mongolian purchase of a TIROS-N-type High Resolution Picture Transmissions system (HRPT) for their country. The delegates say it is possible some of the equipment may be purchased in Canada which is a leading exporter in the technical area.

They spent their first week visiting AES facilities at the Downsview headquarters and attending a specially-prepared course in satellite meteorology. They then went to Ottawa to visit the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing and the Department of Agriculture regarding applications of meteorological satellite data to monitor range lands.

After visiting the Canadian Meteorological Centre in Montreal, they flew to Edmonton to inspect the Arctic and Alberta Weather Centres and NOAA readout facilities and to visit the Alberta Flood Forecasting Centre and the Alberta Centre for Remote Sensing. Finally, they went to Vancouver to tour the Pacific Weather Centre which has had extensive experience in the use of satellite data for weather forecasting, and to the Pacific Forestry Research Centre. During their visit Mr. Dembereldorj, chief Meteorological Satellite Division, MHS, said he was very pleased with the reception he and his colleagues had received at AES and was grateful for the excellent and well-organized program," including the training and the familiarization tour. "We think our visit to Canada will be extremely useful in helping us prepare detailed requirements for the future Mongolian satellite system." he added.

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