Canada - China Joint Working Group on Meteorology, Beijing - 1996

photo and texts originally published in the Winter edition of Zephyr

AES Greenhouse Gas Misers, from the Canadian delegation, shoulder the load: Rai King, Brian O'Donnell (looking away) and David Grimes provide emission-free transport to Gordon McBean between meetings of the fifth session of the Canada-China Joint Working Group

Excerpt from description in

The fifth session of the Canada-China Joint Working Group met in China from October 12-25, 1996. The Group was established under a Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperative Meteorological Matters, signed in 1986 and renewed in 1991. The MOU is due to expire towards the end of 1996 and the first item of business by correspondence was an agreement to extend it. The host Chinese delegation was headed by Zou Jingmeng, Administrator of the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) and immediate Past President of the World Meteorological Organization.

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