Saskatchewan Environmental Services Centre (SEnSC) - 1997

Note:  This photo hung on the wall of this short-lived office which fell victim to Program Review in 1998.

All names, left to right

Enlargement - Top Rows

Row 1:   John Botari, Ken Jones, John Bullas, Sylvie Bergeron, Marielle Gauthier.
Row 2:  Craig Allan, Dave Ball, Glen Bond, Dwight Clarke, Bob Cormier, Randal Cripps.

Enlargement - Bottom  Rows

Row 3:  Dennis Dudley, Lorne Enns, Larry Flysak, Vic Gossen, Cliff Hannah, Glen Julseth.
Row 4:  Derrick Kania, Steve Knott, Dan Kulak, Blair Lamothe, Terri Lang, Paul Mallinson.
Row 5:  Bill McMurtry, Wayne Miskolczi, Kaz Pacholik, Rob Page, Martin Van Olst, Andy Yun.

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