AES / NRC Cloud Seeding Project, Thunder Bay ON and
NWT - 1978
Below: The Team

top row (l to r): Dave
Collins (NRC), Ian MacPherson (NRC), Dick Jeffries (NRC), Jim
Dunn (NRC), Cliff Crozier (AES), Alex Chisholm (AES), Bob Schemenauer
(AES), Mohammed Wasey (AES), Ted Slack (NRC), Rich Poersch (AES),
Howard Herscovitch (AES), Ritz Inouye (AES).
bottom row (kneeling):
Steve O'Connor (NRC), Murry Morgan (NRC), Ben McLeod (NRC), George
Isaac (AES), Doug Laurie-Lean (NRC), Ozzie Stevens (NRC), Walter Strapp
Debriefing Photos

top row (l to r) (standing):
bottom (around table):

l to r (all):
Aircraft Used

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