Special Event to Honour David Phillips on Receiving the Order of Canada

Downsview, 25 January 2002


In 2024, three rolls of colour film of the Downsview event celebrating David's Order of Canada received in 2001 were found.  

Most photos were taken by Farhad Fanian


About 80 photos were scanned and below we see the best choices from these films.  Photos are arranged in the general order that events occurred according to the schedule below.  Phil Chadwick researched and prepared an extensive personal slide show (more suitable for a retirement event) commemorating David's early career, family early education, etc.  Only three photos (#s 8, 9 and 10 from his research were displayed and photographed in the auditorium.

The event took place in two parts: a formal celebration in the Downsview auditorium; followed by a reception in the ADM's boardroom.

Many people attended and are seen in the photos.

Identifications can be made according to photo number. Starting below at Photo 0 (the agenda); and then proceeding downward from Photo 1 to Photo 33.  You can find the photo numbers from the URL you are  looking at or by row and number from the top.  Always left to right.

This collage has been made to commemorate David's (who had not yet retired) award of the Order of Canada.

Bob Jones
June 2024

please scroll down


Two views of some of the attendees in the auditorium


front:  Bill Hogg, Darlene Phillips, David Phillips,  Morley Thomas (standing)
five behind them:  
Bob (Robert) Morris, Andrej Saulesleja, ?, ?, Marc Denis Everell.

Partial Audience View

top rows (brightened):

ninth row:  Roland Mandeville, Murray Mackay (hand to face), ?, ? (beard), Lucie Vincent, Tomasz Stapf.
eighth row:  Indra Fung Fook, ?, ?, Chad Chouquan Chen, ? (hand to face), ?, Ed Hare (red shirt).
seventh row:  Wanda Carotta, Eva Mekis (in violet), ?, Heather Aucoin, Rosemary Warren, Carr McLeod, Geoff Coulson.
sixth row:  Tom Sawyer, Anna Ambrosini, Jenny Hadad, Damiana Casale, Ria Alsen, Candi Zell, Fred Conway, Norma Loya.
fifth row:  Janet Ferguson, Howard Ferguson (beside Janet half hidden).
fourth row:  Paul Bartlett & Rick Berry.
third row:  Bill Sukloff &  Bob (Robert) Morris.
second row:  Lita Vlassopoulos, Rebecca Williams, ?,
front row bottom right:  Bill Hogg (head only).

Collage of individual photos

Darlene & David Phillips
Photos 3, 4, 5

Eileen Jeffers & Doug Whelpdale

Morley Thomas

Paul Louie

Photos 6, 7, 8

Phil Chadwick

Slide 1 of Phil's Presentation

Slide 2 of Phil's Presentation
Photos 9, 10, 11

David Phillips, Governor General Adrienne Clarkson, John Ralston Saul

Slide 3 of Phil's Presentation

Morley Thomas

Marc Denis Everell
Photos 12, 13, 14

David Phillips

David Phillips

David Phillips

Photos 15, 16, 17

David Phillips, Darlene Phillips, Marc Denis Everell

Beverly Smith

cafeteria lady & Michael Hill
Photos 18, 19, 20

Diane McCulloch, Tsoi Yip, Jim McCulloch

Yvonne Gayle (Williams)

David Phillips, Susan Falla

Photos 21, 22, 23

Jim McCulloch

Phil Chadwick, Marc Denis Everell, Candi Zell

Jim McCulloch & Doug Whelpdale
Photos 24, 25, 26

Marc Denis Everell, Susan Falla, Davis Grimes (back)

Deedee Davies & David Phillips

Darlene Phillips, Norma Loya, Rebecca Williams
Photos 27, 28, 29

Michael Hill & David Phillips

foreground with calendar: Murray McKay & Eileen Jeffers
background: Anne Walker & Paul Louie.

Sue Chan, Laura Gurman, Laura Martire, Cecile Roy

Photos 30, 31, 32

Jim McCulloch, Diane McCulloch, Paul Louie

Bob (Robert) Morris

Photo 33

Rebecca Williams, ?, Lita Vlassopoulos, Lorraine Kiely, Anne Walker (signing, hidden), ? (hidden), Wanda Carotta (side in red).

Go to David's Order of Canada Presentation at Rideau Hall, 4 December 2001

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