EC Merit Awards 1985

Photos and texts below were originally published in the March / April 1985 edition of Zephyr

l to r:  Bev Burns (co-presenter), Ed Hudson, AH MacPherson (co-presenter)

Ed Hudson has been at the Beaufort Weather Office since 1977 and OIC since 1980. He was recently honoured with the Public Service Merit Award which carries a small honorarium. The award was presented in recognition of the high quality forecasting and consulting service he has provided to the petroleum exploration community in the southern Beaufort Sea.

It was jointly presented by Bev Burns, Director of AES Western Region and Dr. A.H. MacPherson, DOE Regional director general, on behalf of Jacques Gérin, deputy minister, on January 8, 1985. 

In early 1985, Charles Daigle was presented with a Public Service Merit Award in recognition of his steadfastness to duty.

Churchill Falls Weather Station, Labrador, has four observers who keep a round-the-clock observing program. They rotate through 12-hour shifts. On January 11, 1983, Charles Daigle. one of the four observers, arrived at the station at 8 am to begin his 12-hour shift. During his shift, the Bedford NS regional office informed him that he could not be relieved at the end of his shift.

The OIC was hospitalized, the second man had been rushed to hospitaI with a severely lacerated arm, and the third man was in travel status and could not be located. "So get yourself an alarm clock, Charlie, and stick in there!" they said. Daigle set his alarm to ring at hourly intervals to make sure he was awake to perform his observing procedures. Regional office had to fly in technician Bob Sharples. a former Churchill Falls OIC - to relieve him. When relieved at 12 noon on January 12, 1983, Daigle had completed a marathon 28-hour shift!

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