down for certificate presentation and post graduation signing
Top row (l to r): Ben Simard (I), Luke Ross,
Jonathan Bouchard, ?, Francis Dion, Samuel Deslauriers
Auclair, Daniel Jacklin, Sean Dobbie, Terry McClelland
Middle row: Joanne Prost (I), Nicolas Girard,
Nicholas Richards, Marie Carrier, Edwin Chow, Brigitte Filion,
Katrina Kauer, Cedric Methot, Gus Gaucher, Timothy Sweet, Caroline
Linteau (I).
Front row (seated): Michel Pelletier, CWO Ray
Fonger (SCWO), Col Alex Day (2 CAD Dir AF Trg), Maj John Cowen (CMDT
CFS MET), Brent McDonald
(CI), Mike Carver.
Missing: Brad Dennis.
Certificate of Achievement
Alex Day, Edwin Chow, Mike
Signing the Book at CFS Met Col Alex Day,
Ray Fonger, Maj John Cowen.