Met Tech
QL6B 9602
- 1996
down for photo without staff & instructors, and for photo of
presentation of certificate of achievement

Back row (l to
r): Cathy
White, Rick
Dwyer, J Marc Bolduc, Judd W Neville, Sylvain Pelletier, Sean Gould,
Kelly Skulmoski, Barry
J Konzelman.
Middle row (three
starting under flag): Terry Rideout, JCE Serge
Thibeault, Rick J Cameron.
Front row
(sitting): Ronn Anderson, Louis
Richard, Brian K Wong, LCol Haines, Wendy Benjamin, Brian Van Acker.
Met Tech QL6B 9602
- 1996 without staff & instructors

left to right: Rick Dwyer, Sean Gould, Judd W Neville, JCE Serge
Thibeault, Rick J Cameron, J Marc Bolduc, Kelly Skulmoski.
Presentation of Certificate of Achievement

JCE Serge
and LCol Haines