Met Tech
QL6A 8801
- 1988
Top row (l to
r): Robert
D (Bob) Frosst, Louis Richard, Douglas A Allan,
William Whitaker, Jacquey (MacLean)
Al Black, Terry Rideout, Ron J MacDonald, Spencer T Silver,
Bernie Roy.
Front row (sitting): Robert A
Howell, Doris
Quinn, Col Reynolds (BCOMD), Pat Dillistone, Fred Smith (BCWO), RO (Bob) Hawkins.
Met Tech QL6A 8801
- 1988 without Instructors and Staff

Back row (l to
r): Alphonse (Al) Lefort, Douglas A Allan, GM
Kinshella, Martin Côté, Jacquey (MacLean)
JD Simard.
row: Ron J MacDonald,
William Whitaker, Terry Rideout, Al Black.
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