DND Met Tech PL6B
7101 - 1971
Rear row (l to r): Ray Sinclair Smith,
C Van Duyvenvoorde,
Andrea Blanchard, Al Broome, Ron Hartlen, Gerry Noseworthy.
Front row: Milt Pelley, Frank Pembroke,
Willie MacMillan, Keir Guindon.
Launches and Calculations

l to r (top): Al Broome, J Clarence
Chabot; _ Tuttle, ?, Al Broome.
bottom: Al Broome, Ray Couture.
note re the Balloon Launch collage:
These were submitted by Al
Broome and the top two appear to have happened during the 6B course
photographed above.
The bottom radiosonde launch likely occurred
a few years earlier at Primrose Lake AB.
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