Met Tech Forecaster / Prévisionniste 1701 - 22 June 2017

scroll down for photos of presentation of certificate and related course photo

Back row (l to r - rangée arrière g. à d.):  Jeffrey Eldridge, Raymond Dooley, Bradley Werthner, Curtis Downie (I), Evan Hurak, Jeremy Kusyk (I), Christian Couture.
Middle Row:  Cathy White (I), Kirsten Jasper (I), James Grady, Victoria Rogers, Steven Hart, Lo Xan Keomanyla (Keo), Philip Wright, Gilles Szikora, Po Kwan (I).
Front Row:  Michel Pelletier, Brent McDonald, Maj Stéphane Thivierge (CMDT), Cdr-Cap Blair Saltel (CO-Cmdt HMCS-NCSM Calgary), Chad Thompson, Jasmin Paola.
Missing - Absent:  Melanie Boudreault (I), Danielle Fingland, Ryan Braun (CS), Eric Dykes (I), Louis Richard (I) Derrick Kania (I).

Presentation of Certificate & Related Photo

Certificate of Academic Distinction

Cdr Blair Saltel, Christian Couture, Chad Thompson
Certificate of Merit

Cdr Blair Saltel, Christian Couture, Maj Stéphane Thivierge

Visit to CFS Met

Cdr Blair Saltel

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