Met Ob Course 35 -
to 28 September 1955, RCAF Trenton

Top row (l to r): Tom Holohan, Don
Rolls, R Carr, Bob Bentley, Ron Suckling, Wendell Rutledge, Jim
MacDonald, Ron Fawcett, _ Bruce.
3rd row: EW Peters, ERJ Gettling, _ Nantais, KL
Montgomery, Gord Craig,
_ McLain, JR Caldwell.
2nd row: BA Thorp, WF Burt, HG Coltman, JLP Lepine, RM
Steeves, TE Brennan,
JJRainville, JGH MacDonald.
Front row: Herbert J (Rocky)
Stone, BJ Yorke, _ Dumaine, EL Kearney, A Mahoney, GJ
AE Freeman, CGOR Butler, John Croft.
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