Meteorological Officer Course 19, Phase II - Fall 1962 to Early 1963

* Credit for most of these photos goes to course member Alistair Fraser, who sent them in the fall of 2012 in honour of the 50 year anniversary of the Bedford Road Phase of Course 19. 
The class photo, with Syd Buckler (bottom photo in Part I below), is from another source.

I - First six photos - Course 19 instructors in action (scroll down), late November 1962

Al Crocker

Jim McCulloch

Roy Lee

Howard Ferguson

Top:  Syd Bucker, with pointer.
Back row:  Norm McFarlane, Don Rehberg.
Middle row:  Tom Rasmussen, Bill Pugsley, John Kurdyla, Louis Legal.
First row (l to r) (backs to camera):  Bob Jones, Bernard Marois, Dave Couper (?), Alistair Fraser.

Since Alistair Fraser was behind the camera for all most of these photos, he has sent us his photo, a likeness that Syd Buckler would have seen while conducting the map discussion.

Instructors (l to r):  Rudi Treidl, Howard Ferguson, Syd Buckler.

II - Next seven photos of classroom and lunchtime scenes (scroll down)

H Michaud giving a briefing to the class

Bridge game at lunch (l to r, sitting):  Barrie Atkinson (kibitzer), ? (back view only), Ken Daly, John Elliott, Dave Couper.
Standing (faces only):  Barry Wetter, Bill Thompson, Doug Dixon, ?

back (l to r):  Russ Yasui, Dave Forbes, Jim McCulloch (checking attendance)
Ralph Harvey, CE Guinto.

Front row only (l to r):  Dave Burnett, Jim Ploc, Ken Hales.

Lunch and bridge (visible faces):  Don Shantz, Elmer Lepishak, Doug Dixon.
Front table left:  Mory Hirt, Oleh Mycyk, Hugh McRuer (kibitzing).
Back table:  Dave Burnett (pipe),
Dave Forbes, Barry Wetter (kibitzing), Bob Jones, Herb Glasel (kibitzing).
Right table:  ?, ?, Dave Couper, Ken Oikawa (back only).

back row:  Neil Meadows, George McPherson, ? (partly hiddden).
front row (l to r):  Bill Pugsley, Scott Klipper.

l to r (all visible faces):  Bill Thompson, Bill Pugsley, ?, WH Fawcett (side view), John Elliott, Bill Golding, Ed Birch, Bob Jones.

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