Meteorological Officer Course 13  (aka Introductory Course in Meteorology - No. 13)

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Go to: Meteorological Officer Course 13 Phase I (Trenton)

Meteorological Officer Course 13 Phase III (Trenton):  November 4 - December 13, 1957

Top Row (l to r):  RCJ MacDonald, AM Kelly, K Pocs, Michael RG Burslem, Robert K Lane, Hans CT Van Leeuwen (partly hidden), IC Amery (partly hidden).
Centre Row:  Ken E McColm, Dave W Strang, Ron G Taylor, Ken R Johnstone, H Westwick, Howard J Wilson, II Zlotnik.
Front Row:  James Donaldson (JD) MacKay, C Korth, Elizabeth M Charnley, Violet D McLaughlin, Patricia G Finlay (later Murray), Freeman K Keyte.

Absent:  W John Maunder,  A Kryworuchko, J Van Den Hurk.

Meteorological Officer Course 13 Phase II (Toronto):  July 2 - November 1, 1957

Top row (l to r):  Freeman K Keyte, Hans Van Leeuwen, IC Amery, K Pocs, AM Kelly.
Third row:  Robert K Lane, RCJ MacDonald, Dave W Strang, Ken R Johnstone, Howard J Wilson, II Zlotnik, Michael RG Burslem.

Second row:  Ken E McColm, D Louie, C Korth, J Van den Hurk, A Kryworuchko, Henry Westwick, W John Maunder, Ron G Taylor, James Donaldson (JD) MacKay.
Front row:  Violet D McLaughlin, Patricia G Finlay (later Murray), Allan H Mason (I), Norman Alan Grundy, Al M Crocker, Roy Lee (I), Nancy A Brown, Elizabeth M Charnley.

(I) Instructor

Meteorological Officer Course 13 Phase I (Trenton):  May 27 - June 28, 1957

Top Row (l to r):  RCJ MacDonald, AM Kelly, K Pocs, Michael RG Burslem, Robert K Lane, Hans CT Van Leeuwen, IC Amery, II Zlotnik.
Centre Row:  A Kryworuchko, Ken E McColm, Dave W Strang, Ron G Taylor, H Westwick, Howard J Wilson, Ken R Johnstone, J Van Den Hurk.
Front Row:  James Donaldson (JD) MacKay, C Korth, Elizabeth M Charnley, Violet D McLaughlin, Patricia G Finlay (later Murray), Nancy A Brown, Freeman K Keyte.

Absent: W John Maunder.

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