Morley K. Thomas

February 2009

In 1983, when I retired from the Meteorological Service, I entered into an Agreement with the Assistant Deputy Minister which gave me office accommodation and access to the library and archives. In return I volunteered to research and write on the history of meteorology in Canada. At that time I began to search for and examine articles, papers, books and anything already published on the subject. I noted the publication details of each and over the years a substantial bibliography has accumulated.

This bibliography is certainly not complete but during my first twenty or so years of retirement I worked on a fairly regular basis in the Downsview library and was able to inspect current and archived periodicals and the occasional book containing information on the service’s history. However, since the early 2000s my visits to 4905 Dufferin have become increasing less frequent and I am sure the bibliography is markedly incomplete since about 2003. In addition I know that in recent years there have been  many regional climate history studies published which I have been not been able to include.

I also wish to note that this bibliography was not designed to cover publications of climate data and information. A published series, Bibliographies of Canadian Climate, cover the data and information area up to 1981 but I am not aware of any such collections in the past twenty-five years. There are undoubtedly many items in those bibliographies that should be included in this bibliography. 

Most of the items listed in this collection can be found in the Environment Canada Downsview Library, 4905 Dufferin Street, Downsview.


1845      Edward Sabine, Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at Toronto in Canada. Volume 1, 1840, 1841, 1842. (London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longman, 1845.  Text only - Introduction, Adjustments, Abstracts, and comments. 3 p. 

1853      Anon, "Memorial of the Canadian Institute to the three branches of the Legislature to continue the Royal Magnetic Observatory under Provincial Management," The Canadian Journal, Series 1, 2:2:145, February 1853. 

1853      "An address read to Captain Lefroy by Prof. Cherriman, first vice-president on the part of the members of the Institute, April 2, 1853," The Canadian Journal, Series 1, 2:202-204, 1853. 

1854      R. Lachlan, "On the establishment of a system of simultaneous meteorological observations, etc. throughout the British North American provinces," The Canadian Journal, Series 1, 2:241-246, May 1854. 

1855      Captain J.H. Lefroy and Sir John Richardson, Magnetical and Meteorological Observations at Lake Athabaska and Fort Simpson and at Fort Confidence in Great Bear Lake, (London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longman, 1855). 

1855      "Supplementary remarks on the subject of simultaneous meteorological observations," The Canadian Journal, Series 1, 3:406-410, December 1855. 

1855      J.G. Hodgins, "On the steps which have been taken by the Educational Department to establish a system of meteorological observations throughout Upper Canada," The Canadian Journal, Series 1, 3:410-411, December 1855. 

1856      "Selection and establishment of meteorological stations at the senior grammar schools." In Documentary History of Education in Upper Canada from 1791 to 1876, Vol. XII, 1855-56 (Toronto: King's Printer, 1905),  Chapter XIII, pp. 145-151 

1857      G.T. Kingston, "On the employment of the electric telegraph for predicting storms," The Canadian Journal, Series 2, 2:177-180, May 1857. 

1858      G.T. Kingston, "Report of the Meteorological Committee of the Canadian Institute to confer with Dr. Ryerson about meteorological observations at Grammar Schools in Upper Canada," The Canadian Journal, Series 2, 3:361-164, July 1858. 

1858      C. Smallwood, "The observatory at St Martin, Isle Jesus, Canada East," The Canadian Journal, Series 2, 4:262-266, July 1858. 

1872      F. Allison, "On the progress of weather knowledge," Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science, 3:3:315-321, 1872-1873. 

1873      F. Allison, "Canadian weather telegraphy and storm signals," Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, 3:4:370-376, 1873-74. 

1883      J.H. Lefroy, Diary of a Magnetic Survey of a Portion of the Dominion of Canada chiefly in the Northwestern Territories executed in the years 1842-1844, (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1883). 

1884, 1885, 1896     Alexander R. Gordon, "Reports of the Hudson's Bay (sic) expeditions, under the command of Lieut.  A.R. Gordon RN [deputy head of the Meteorological Service]" Appendices to the Annual Reports of the Department of Marine and Fisheries 

1891      [C. Carpmael], "Brief history of the Canadian Meteorological Service," American Meteorological Journal, 7:12:593-596, April 1891. 

1899      R.F. Stupart, "The Toronto Magnetic Observatory," Proceedings of the Canadian Institute, New Series, part 2, 2:8:31-33, September 1899. 

1899      F. Campbell Bayard, "The government meteorological organizations in various parts of the world," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, XXV:10:69-132. Canada, p. 83. see pp. 120-122 by R.F. Stupart. 

1900      Sir John Moore, "The meteorological service of the Dominion of Canada" in Meteorology, Practical and Applied, Second Edition, (New York: Rebman Co., 1900), pp. 69-74. 

1905      Anon, "Selection and establishment of meteorological stations at the senior grammar schools, 1856," Documentary History of Education in Upper Canada, from 1791 to 1876, (Toronto: King's Printer, 1905), vol. XII, chap. XIII, pp. 145-151. 

1910      J.G. Hodgins, "The Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory, Toronto," Schools and Colleges of Ontario, 1792-1910. Vol. 3 (Toronto: L.K. Cameron, 1910). 

1912      R. F. Stupart, "Meteorology in Canada," Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 6:2:75-87, March-April 1912. 

1915      J. Patterson, Upper air investigation in Canada, (Ottawa: Meteorological Service, 1915), 127p. 

1916      R.F. Stupart and R.W. Mills, "Meteorology in relation to agriculture in Canada," International Review of the Science and Practice of Agriculture, 7:2:177-179. Rome. February 1916. 

1920      J. Patterson, "Pilot-balloon work in Canada," Monthly Weather Review, 48:12:697, December 1920. 

1922      R.F. Stupart, "The Meteorological Service of Canada," The Canada Year Book 1922-23, pp. 43-59. 

1923      R.F. Stupart, "Meteorological stations in high latitudes," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 4:1:1-8, January 1923. 

1924      R.F. Stupart, "History of meteorology in North America  since 1848," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 5:1:1-6, January 1924. 

1928      Fred Williams, "Did you Know?" see Mail and Empire, October 1, 1928. 

1931     J. Patterson, "Airship meteorology," Bulletin of the  American Meteorological Society, 12:1:1-6, January 1931 and 122:27-34, February 1931. 

1932      Anon, "The British Polar Year Expedition to Fort Rae," Meteorological Magazine, 67:249-252, December 1932. 

1932      J. Patterson, "Canada's program for the International Polar Year 1932-33," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 13:8-9:144-146, August-September 1932. 

1933      J. Patterson, "The development of meteorological science," Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada," 27:8:313-336, October 1933. 

1934      R.E Kingsford..."Early History of the Observatory"  see Mail and Empire, January 1934. 

1934      J.E. Lilly, "Meteorological observations during the  Second International Polar Year," The Canadian Surveyor, 4:11:11-14, 1934. 

1934     J.M. Stagg, "British Polar Year Expedition to Fort Rae, Northwest Canada, 1932-33," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 60:256:253-263, July 1934. 

1936      Fred Williams, "Diamond Jubilee of Old Probs," Mail and Empire [Toronto] October 1 and 2, 1936. 

1936      R.deC. Ward, C.F. Brooks and A.J. Connor, "The Climates of North America," Handbuch der Klimatologie, vol II, (Berlin: Verlag von Gebruder Borntraeger, 1936), edited by W. Koeppen and R. Geiger, "Meteorological observations in Canada,"  Teil J, Section 4, pp. 332-335. 

1938     P.D. McTaggart-Cowan, "Transatlantic meteorology"  Flight 33:4-7, 1938. 

1938     P.D. McTaggart-Cowan, "Transatlantic aviation and  meteorology," Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 32:5:217-231, May-June 1938. 

1939     J. Patterson, "Meteorological Services for Trans-Canada Airways," The Canadian Surveyor, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 8-13. January 1939. 

1939     J. Patterson, "Weather Services for Canada's Airways," Canadian Aviation, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 14-18, 20. January 1939. 

1940     W.A. Thorn, "Recent developments in the British Columbia Division," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 21:1:10-12, January 1940. 

1940     R.H. Brown, "The first century of meteorological data in America," Monthly Weather Review, 68:5:130-133, May 1940. 

1940   Canadian Polar Year Expeditions 1932-33, vol. 1, Meteorology (Ottawa: King's Printer, 1940), 452 p.(mostly observations) 

1940     J. Patterson, "A century of Canadian meteorology," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Supplement, 66:16-33, 1940. 

1940     A.D. Thiessen, "The founding of the Toronto Magnetic Observatory and the Canadian Meteorological Service," Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 34:7:308-348, Sept. 1940. 

1941-1946   A.D. Thiessen, "Her Majesty's Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory," Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 35:4:141-150, April 1941; 35:5:205-224, May-June 1941; 36:2:61-65, February 1942; 36:10:457-472, December 1942; 39:6:221-230, July-August 1945; 39:7:267-278, September 1945; 39:8:311-319, October 1945;  39:9:355-369, November 1945; 39 10:394-408, December 1945;  40:6:221-226, July-August 1946; 40:7:256-264, September 1946, and 40:10:365-372, December 1946. 

1941     W.E. Knowles Middleton, Meteorological Instruments,  (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1941). 213 p. 

1941      J. Patterson, "Sir Frederic Stupart," Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada, 1941, pp. 149-153. 

1941     C.A. Chant, "Sir Frederic Stupart," Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society ofCanada, 35:4:137-140, April 1941. 

1941     A.J. Connor, "Sir Frederic Stupart," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 67:288:58-62, 1941. 

1943     Frederick Mahaffy, "Twenty-five Years Progress in Meteorological Services," Journal` of the Royal Astronomical Society  of Canada,  Vol. 37. No. 8,  pp. 319-332. October 1943. 

1944     J. Patterson, "Meteorology related to the science of aviation," The Canada Yearbook, 1943-1944, pp. 24-29. 

1944     W.E.K. Middleton, "A brief history of the barometer," Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 38:2:41-64, February 1944. 

1944    E. Wendell Hewson and Richmond W. Longley, Meteorology Theoretical and Applied (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1944) 

1946    W.E.K. Middleton, "The present-day accuracy of meteorological instruments," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 72:311:32-50, January 1946. 

1948    A. Thomson, "The growth of meteorological knowledge of the Canadian Arctic," Arctic, 1:1:34-43, Spring 1948. 

1949    J. Patterson, "Meteorology in peace and war," Canadian Geographic Journal, 35:3:115-135, March 1949. 

1949    John Patterson,  "Meteorology," Part VIII Royal Canadian Institute Centennial Volume, 1849-1949. ed. W.S. Wallace, Toronto, 1949,  pp. 82-95. 

1949    P.D. Baird "Expeditions to the Canadian Arctic," The Beaver, March, June and September 1949. 

1950    E.S. Hallman, "One hundred and ten years ago," Weather, 5:4:155-158, April 1950. 

1950    A. Thomson, "Expansion of the Canadian Meteorological Service since 1939," [Proceedings] International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, [Papers given at the] Association of Meteorology, Oslo, 1948, 3:6-7, 1950. 

1950    Marie Sanderson, "Some Canadian developments in agricultural meteorology and climatology," Weather, 5:11:381-383. November 1950 

1951    P.D. McTaggart-Cowan, "Postwar meteorology in Canada," Royal Meteorological Society, Canadian Branch [Publications], 2:3, 14p., January 1951. 

1951     P.D. McTaggart-Cowan, "Weather and the Canadian Weather Service," The Canadian Banker, Winter 1951, 13p. 

1951     R.W. Rae, "Joint arctic weather project," Arctic, 4:1:18-26, May 1951. 

1952      L.J. Sobiski, "Canadian ocean weather ships," Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada, (Canadian Committee on Oceanography), Third Series, vol. 46, 13p., June 1952. 

1953      Anon, Joint Arctic Weather Stations - Five year report 1946-1951, Canada, Meteorological Division and U.S. Weather Bureau, 147p. 

1953    R.W. Longley, “Temperature Trends in Canada,” Proceedings of the Toronto Meteorological Conference, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, supplement, pp. 207-211, 1953. 

1953      Morley K. Thomas, Climatological Atlas of Canada (Ottawa: National Research Council, Canada, 1953). 253 p. 

1953      P.D. McTaggart-Cowan, "The Canadian experiment," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 34:2:51-55, February 1953. 

1954      B.W. Currie, "Upper atmospheric research in Canada," Culture, 15:3:280-290, September 1954. 

1954      R.W. Rae, "Meteorological activities in the Canadian Arctic," Arctic, 7:3/4:119-128, 1954. 

1954      D.B. Kennedy, "Weather forecast," Current Affairs for the Canadian Forces, 6:2, 29p., January 1954. 

1955      John Henry Lefroy, In Search of the Magnetic North – a Soldier-surveyor's Letters from the North-West, 1843-1844, edited by G.F.G. Stanley (Toronto: Macmillan, 1955). 

1955      A. Thomson, "A.J. Connor," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 81:350:651-652, October 1955. 

1955      The October 15-16, 1954 Storm "Hurricane Hazel" in Ontario, ‘  Meteorological Branch, CIR-2606, TEC-210, 21Jan 55

      A.H. Mason, "Tropical Storms in Ontario, 1900-1949," pp. 5-13
      M.K. Thomas, 'Weather Features of the Canadian Phase of Hurricane Hazel," pp. 14-37
      D.W. Boyd, "Soil Moisture Near Toronto, 1954," pp. 38-41 Plus nine pages of maps and charts. 
1956      A. Thomson et al., Canadian issue of Weatherwise, 9:2, 70p., April 1956
      An introduction - Andrew Thomson
      A short history of the Meteorological Service of Canada
      Basic weather services - D.C. Archibald
      Public weather services - K.T. McLeod
      Meteorological communications - A.J. Childs

      Research and training in Canada - D.P. McIntyre

      Trans-oceanic aviation services - R.C. Graham

      Canada and the WMO -

      Forecasting for domestic aviation - F.W. Benum

      The climate of Canada -

      Climatological services - C.C. Boughner

      The Canadian arctic - W. Gilmour Clark

      Meteorological instruments - H.H. Bindon.

1956      A. Thomson, "Dr. J. Patterson OBE, MA, LLD, FRSC," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 82:353:381-382, July 1956. 
1956      Andrew Thomson, "John Patterson 1872-1955," Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada 1956, pp. 107-110, 1956. 
1957      T.A. Reed, "The observatory at Toronto, 1840-1908," Canadian Geographical Journal, 55:6:234-243, December 1957. 
1957      Morley Thomas, "Climatological activities," The Forecaster, 17:3:4-6, Summer 1957. 
1959       Jim Bruce and Morley Thomas, "Climatology," The Forecaster, 19:3:7-10, 1959. 

1961      A.B. Lowe, "Canada's first weatherman," The Beaver, outfit 292, pp. 4-7, Summer 1961 (reprinted in News on the DOT [Department of Transport], 12:5:4-7, October-November 1961.) 

1961      M.K. Thomas, "Canada's volunteer weather observers," News on the DOT, 12:1:4-5, January-February 1961. 

1961      Morley K. Thomas, A Bibliography of Canadian Climate 1763-1957 (Ottawa: Meteorological Branch, Department of Transport, 1961)  114 p. 

1962      N. Bignell, "Official time signal: 100 years," McGill News, 63:3:16-22, summer 1962. Also reprinted as "McGill Observatory through 100 years," Atmosphere, 3:3:6-14, November 1965. 

1962      John S. Moir (editor), History of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, (Ottawa: Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, 1962) (The RCCS was responsible for weather observations at isolated stations for many years.) 

1963      A.B. Lowe, "Weathermen of early Canada," Weather, 18:12:354-359, December 1963. 

1963      Anon, "Volunteers Man Coast-to-Coast Network," pp. 6-7; "The raindrop counters, " pp. 8-9, News on the DOT, March-April 

1965      Ron Millar, "Weather Map History in Canada," News on the Dot,   c1965 

1965      A.W. Brewer, "Meteorology at the University of Toronto, part 1, The past," Atmosphere, 3:1:4-8, Winter 1965. 

1966      Paul Johns, "Maps and Meteorology," The Cartographer, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 36-41. June 1966. 

1967      J.R.K. Main, Voyageurs of the Air, (Ottawa; Queen's Printer, 1967). See Chapter XL "Meteorological services of Canada," pp. 315-323.

1968      T.E. Appleton, Usque ad Mare - A History of theCanadian Coast Guard and Marine Services, (Ottawa: Department of Transport, 1969), see "The weather ships," pp. 186-188. 

1968    M. K. Thomas, “Some notes on the climate history of the Great Lakes Region,” Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario, Vol. 99, pp. 21-31, 1968

1969      J.S. Marshall and N. Bignell, "Dr. Smallwood's weather observatory at St. Martin's," Naturaliste Canadien, 96:483-490, 1969. 

1969      M.K. Thomas, "Canadian Urban Climates: a brief literature survey," Climatological Bulletin, 5:54-61, January 1969. 

1970      Richmond W. Longley, Elements of Meteorology (New York John Wiley ? Sons, 1970) 317 p. 

1971      Weatherwise, Canadian 100th Anniversary Issue, December 1971 

1971      Anon, "Adieu 'MET'," Transport Canada, 22:3:22-23, May-June 1971. 

1971      Thorne K. Won, Meteorology in British Columbia: a centennial review, (Vancouver: Canadian Meteorological Service, 1971), 43p 

1971      M.K. Thomas, "A brief history of meteorological services in Canada," Atmosphere

Part 1: 1839-1930, 9:1:3-5, 1971 

Part 2: 1930-1939, 9:2:39-47, 1971

Part 3: 1939-1945, 9:3:69-79, 1971. 

1971      A. Thomson, "[Lives of the directors]," Monthly Report of the Canadian Meteorological Service,

      January 1971, Maj. Gen. C.J.B. Riddell (1817-1903), 4p.
      February 1971, Sir Henry Lefroy (1817-1890), 6p.
      March 1971, Prof. J.B. Cherriman (1823-1908), 4p.
      April 1971, Prof. G.T. Kingston (1817-1886), 5p.
1971      Kenneth Hewitt and Ian Burton, The Hazardousness of a Place: A regional ecology of damaging events (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1971). 
1972      M.K. Thomas, "A century of Canadian meteorology," Annual Record of Operations, Environment Canada, Atmospheric Environment Service, 1971-1972, pp. 1-20. 
1972      Morley K. Thomas, "Climatology in Environment Canada - 2," Climatological Bulletin, No. 11, April 1972, 14p. 
1972      R.A. Miller, "Canada observes 100 years of meteorological service," WMO Bulletin, 21:2:79-82, 1972. 
1972       D.P. McIntyre, editor, Meteorological Challenges: a History (Ottawa: Information Canada, 1972) 

1972      P.D. McTaggart-Cowan, “The First Century of the Meteorological Service of Canada or From Canoe to Candu” in Meteorological Challenges pp.313-319. 1972 

1973      M.K. Thomas, "Andrew Thomson: a profile," Atmosphere 11:4:127-133, 1973. 

1973      Morley K. Thomas, A Bibliography of Canadian Climate 1958-1971 (Ottawa; Information Canada, 1973). 

1974      D.K. Smith, "Meteorology in the Arctic 1857-59," Zephyr, September 1974, pp. 18-20. 

1974      M.K. Thomas, Meteorological Milestones, ([Toronto] Atmospheric Environment Service, 1974), 27 p. 

1975      Morley K. Thomas. "Climatology in Environment Canada - 1975," Climatological Bulletin, No. 17, pp. 38-42, April 1975. 

1975      Anon, A Century of Weather Observations at Beatrice, Ontario  1876-1975. Atmospheric Environment Service, 1975,  17 p. 

1976      M.K. Thomas, "The field punching program 1952-1976," Zephyr, June 1976, p. 14. 

1976      D.W. Moodie and A.J.W. Catchpole, "Valid climatological data from historical sources," Science, 193:4247:51-53, 1976. 

1978      M.K. Thomas, "Canadian climatological literature 1768 to 1957," Essays on Meteorology and Climatology in honour of Richmond W. Longley, editors K.D. Hage and E.R. Reinelt, (Edmonton: Department of Geography, University of Alberta, 1978), See pp. 329-345. 

1978       Malcolm M. Thomson, The Beginning of the Long Dash: a history of tiimekeeping in Canada, (Toronto: University of Toronto   Press, 1978). 190 p. See pages 1 to 78. The early Meteorological Service was totally responsible for timekeeping and later partially so until 1936. 

1978      [Michael J. Newark], "Wigginism," Chinook, 1:1:7-8, October 1978. 

1979      Morley K. Thomas and David W. Phillips, A Bibliography of Canadian Climate 1972-1976 (Hull: Canadian Government Publishing Centre, 1979)  135 p. 

1979      Betty Kennedy, Hurricane Hazel (Toronto: Macmillan, 1979) 176 p. 

1979      Scott Somerville, "A Vennorable weather prophet," Chinook, 1:3:36-37, Spring 1979. 

1979      C.I. Taggart, The first fifteen years of the Satellite Data Laboratory, Atmospheric Environment Service, Internal Report No. MSRB-79-2, 40p. (and 40th anniversary comments by GraemeMorrissey). 

1979      F. Kenneth Hare and Morley K. Thomas, Climate Canada, (Toronto: John Wiley ? Sons, 1974, and second edition 1979)  230 p. 

1980      Reuben A. Hornstein, The Weather Book (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1980) 

1980      John Toll, Tornado [The Woodstock, Ontario, tornado of August 7, 1979] (St. Catherines: Stonehouse Publications, 1980) 

1980      [Michael Newark], "A profile of Percy Saltzman," Chinook, 2:3:40-42, Spring 1980. 

1980     D.B. Kennedy, "50 years of aviation meteorology," The CAHS Journal, 18:3:78-82, Fall 1980. 

1981     Scott Somerville, "Dr. Charles Smallwood, a meteorological pioneer," Chinook, 3:4:56-57, Summer 1981. 

1982     Marie Sanderson, "Climatology in Canada: Impressions over three decades," Climatological Bulletin, No 31, p. 1-6, April 1982. 

1982     Morley K. Thomas, "Canadian climate publications," Climatological Bulletin, No. 32, pp. 9-13, October 1982. 

1983       David W. Phillips, A Bibliography of Canadian Climate 1977-1981 (Ottawa: Canadian Government Publishing Centre, 1983)  167 p. 

1983       P. Smith Roy, L'Observatoire astronomique de Quebec: Histoire et Reminiscences 1850-1936, (Quebec: The National Battlefields Commission, 1983), 69 p. 

1983      William Barr, "Geographical aspects of the First International Polar Year, 1882-1883," Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 73:4:463-484, 1983. 

1983      Michael J. Newark, "The pre-confederation weather network," Chinook, 5:3:42-45, Fall and Winter 1983-84. 

1984      H. Taba, “The Bulletin Interviews: Dr. P.D. McTaggart-Cowan,” WMO Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 5-18. January 1984 

1984      M.K. Thomas, Canadian Meteorological History Series 

    No. 1 Pre-Confederation Climate Data, 1984, 6p.
    No. 2 Canadian Participation in WMO, 1984, 20p.
    No. 3 CMOS Officers 1940-1984, 1984, 5p.
    No. 4 The Reporting Telegraph Stations 1871-1921, 1984, 16p.
1984      Bulletin Editor, “Meteorology in Canada,” WMO Bulletin, Vol 33, No. 1, pp. 18-24. January 1984 
1985        Bernhard Haurwitz, "Meteorology in the 20th Century – A Participants View," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 66:5:498-504, May 1985. [Haurwitz's period in Canada.] 
1986      Gregory Good, "Between two empires: the Toronto Magnetic Observatory and American science before Confederation," scienta canadensis, 10:1:34-52, Spring-Summer 1986. 
1986      Kevin Hamilton, "Early Canadian weather observers and the 'year without a summer'," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 67:5:524-532, May 1986. 
1986      George W. Robertson, "Agrometeorology - then and now," Agrologist, pp. 14-15, Fall 1986. 

1986      Morley Thomas, "Professor Kingston's Scheme: Founding the Meteorological Service," Chinook, 8:3:51-55, Summer 1988. 

1986      D.W. Phillips and H.L. Ferguson, Developing a national climate program: a decade of Canadian experience, [Canadian Climate Program, Atmospheric Environment Service, Toronto, 1986] Government of Canada 

1987      Barry Grace, "The early history of climate and agriculture on the Canadian prairies," Chinook, 9:4:82-84, Fall 1987. 

1987      Suzanne Zeller, Inventing Canada: Early Victorian Science and the Idea of a Transcontinental Nation, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1987). See Part II, Terrestrial Magnetism and Meteorology, pp. 115-180. 

1988      Richard A. Jarrell, The Cold Light of Dawn: a History of Canadian Astronomy (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1988) See pages dealing with the Toronto Observatory, pages 30-75, 188-193 and others. 

1988      Marie Sanderson, Griffith Taylor: Antarctic scientist and pioneer geographer, (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1988).(Taylor was a geographer/climatologist at the University of Toronto.)  See pp. 147-173. 

1988      Morley Thomas, "When places were named for weathermen," Chinook, 10:3:56-57, Summer 1988. 

1988      Morley Thomas, "Lieut. Gordon's place names: observation stations in Hudson Strait, 1884-86," CANOMA, 14:1:15-17, July 1988. 

1989      M.K. Thomas, "Canadian meteorology in World War II," Weather, 44:3:121-126, March 1989. 

1989      Morley Thomas, "One hundred and fifty years ago: Founding the Toronto Observatory," Chinook, 11:4:89-94, Fall 1989. 

1989      "A pioneering Canadian weatherman," (An extract from "Lost in the Search of Weather" by Sir Frederic Stupart as told to Elisabeth Mackay and published in the Star Weekly, Toronto, February 11, 1939.) Chinook, 11:1:13, Winter 1989. 

1989      Anon, History of the Canadian Forces Weather Services 1939-1989, [Department of National Defence, 1989], (bilingual). 35p. 

1990      David Phillips, The Climates of Canada (Ottawa: Canadian Government Publishing Centre, 1990) 

1990    Anon, A Century and a Half of Toronto Weather Records,  Atmospheric Environment Service, 1990, 25 p. 

1990      J. Peter Johnson, Jr., "The establishment of Alert, N.W.T., Canada," Arctic, 43:1:21-34, March 1990. 

1990      H. Taba, “The Bulletin Interviews: Professor F. Kenneth Hare,” WMO Bulletin, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 49-62. January 1990 

1990        Morley Thomas, "The development of climate observing in  Canada," A research document prepared for the Canadian Science and Technology Museum under Agreement 2104-9-214, 1990, 185 p. Published in the Museum's Historical Assessments" series in 1991. 

1991       Morley Thomas, The Beginnings of Canadian Meteorology (Toronto: ECW Press, 1991), 308p. 

1991      Morley Thomas, "150 years of weather observing in Canada," WMO Bulletin, 40:1:33-34. January 1991 

1991      W. Baier, I.G. Gringof, N.D. Strommen, History of the Commission for Agricultural Meteorology (Geneva: World Meteorological Organization, 1991) 

1992       F. Graham Millar, "My years in the Meteorological Service,"  Privately published, Halifax, August 1992, 19 p. 

1992      Michael Chenoweth, "New light on Canada's nineteenth-century climate: Donald Ross's Norway House weather record," Weather, 47:8:286-293, August 1992. 

1992    C.R. Harrington, The Year Without a Summer? World Climate in 1816, (Ottawa: Canadian Museum of Nature, 1992. 

1993      Morley Thomas, "Some aspects of Canadian meteorology - a supplement to The development of climate observing in Canada (1990), A research document prepared for Canadian Science and Technology Museum under contract No. 2104-2-070, 1992, 176 p.  Published in the Museum's Historical Assessment series in 1994

1993      Judith Patterson, Meteorological Instruments of the Meteorological Services in Canada, ca. 1840-1980, (Ottawa: National Museum of Science and Technology, 1993), 178p. plus photographs of instruments. 

1993      Morley Thomas, "The First Society Awards," CMOS Bulletin SCMO,  21:6:8-10, December 1993. 

1993      J.M. Bumstead, The Manitoba Flood of 1950, An Illustrated History (Winnipeg: Watson and Dwyer, 1993) 

1993      David Phillips, The Day Niagara Falls Ran Dry; Canadian Weather Facts and Trivia (Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1993). 

1993      H. Taba, “The  Bulletin Interviews: Dr. Warren Godson,” WMO Bulletin,  Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 99-111. April 1993 

1993      Morley Thomas and John Maunder, "Sixty-five years of international climatology - The history of the WMO Commission for Climatology 1929-1993" (Provisional edition: 25 January 1993) (Toronto: Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada) 

1994      R. Peter Broughton, Looking Up - A History of the Royal Astronomical Society ofCanada, (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1994.). 

1994      Morley Thomas, "The Formation and Early Days of the Canadian Branch of the Royal Meteorological Society," CMOS Bulletin SCMO, 22:1:7-13, February 1994. 

1994     Ced Mann, "CMS becomes CMOS," CMOS Bulletin SCMO, 22:2:17-18, April 1994. 

1994      Morley Thomas, "The Canadian Branch during the 1950s," part 1, CMOS Bulletin SCMO,  22:4:7-11,  August 1994 and part 2, 22:4:8-11, October 1994. 

1994      G. Bruce Doern and Thomas Conway, The Greening of Canada: Federal Institutions and Decisions (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994) 297 p.  (See pp. 29-37  for Atmospheric Environment Service)  124 p. and six tables. 

1995      J.L. Hunt, "One hundred years of physics at the Ontario Agricultural College and the University of Guelph," Physics in Canada, Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 265-269. 

1995      Brock McElheran, V-Bombs and Weather Maps (Montreal McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995)

1995      Morley Thomas, "Towards a Canadian Meteorological Society," CMOS Bulletin SCMO, part 1, 22:6:9-10, December 1994 and part 2, 23:1:13-17, February 1995. 

1995     Morley Thomas, “Gordon A. McKay (1921-1995),” CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 23, No. 2-3, p. 15. April-June 1995; WMO Bulletin, Vol.  ,No.   p. 413. October 1995; Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol.  No.  p.   September 1995; Zephyr, summer 1995, p. 14 

1995     H. Taba, "The Bulletin Interviews: James P. (Jim) Bruce," WMO Bulletin, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 317-328. April 1995. 

1996   Morley Thomas, Forecasts for Flying: Meteorology in Canada 1918-1939, (Toronto: ECW Press, 1996), 264 p. 

1996    CMOS Bulletin SCMO, 125th Anniversary of Meteorological Services Special Issue, Vol. 24, No. 6, December 1996. Papers by - 

    Neil J. Campbell, "Scenes from Meteorology and early Years of  Transatlantic Flying," pp. 137-140
    Morley Thomas, "125 Years of Weather Services," pp. 141-143
    R.R. Rogers, "A Short History of Meteorology at McGill,"  pp. 144-148
    Morley Thomas, "Canadian Meteorology and WMO," pp 149-151
1996      Environment Canada, 25th Anniversary Scrapbook  1971-1996
1997      David W. Phillips, “Canada’s Coldest Day,” The Beaver, February-March 1997. 
1997      Morley Thomas, “Patrick D. McTaggart-Cowan,” CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 138-140, October 1997 
1998      Gordon McBean, "Patrick D. McTaggart-Cowan," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp. 110-111.  January 1998 
1998      Elaine Wheaton, But It's a Dry Cold: Weathering the Canadian Prairies (Calgary: Fifth House, 1998) 

1998      Morley Thomas, "Forecasts for Flying - a Short History of Aviation Weather Services," Airforce Magazine, Vol. 22, No. 3, Fall 1998. 

1999      R.E. (Ted) Munn, Morley Thomas, David Yap, "Climate" in Special Places: The Changing Ecosystems of the Toronto Region, (Vancouver; UBC Press, 1999)  pp. 33-46. 

1999      Lydia Dotto, Storm Warning: Gambling with the Climate of Our Planet (Toronto: Doubleday Canada, 1999) 

2000      Robert L. Jones, “Canadian Disasters - An Historical Survey,”  CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 35-44. April 2000

2000      Morley Thomas, “Donald Charles Archibald August 4, 1906- January 18, 2000,” CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 28, No. 1, p. 18.  February 2000 

2001      W.W. Judd, Memorabilia of Activities of William W. Judd while with the Canadian Meteorological Service during World War II, 1942 to 1945 (London, Ontario: Phelps Publishing Co. 2001). 

2001      Morley Thomas, Metmen in Wartime: Meteorology in Canada 1939-1945 (Toronto: ECW Press, 2001) 360p. 

2001      CMOS members, “Byron Walter Boville 1921-2001,” CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 29, No. 3. pp. 87-88 June 2001 and No. 5, p. 153. October 2001 

2001      Morley Thomas, “J. Reginald H. Noble,” CMOS Bulletin  SCMO, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 50-51. April 2001 

2001      Phil Merilees, “Roger Willis Daley 1943-2001,” CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol 29, No. 5, pp. 152-153. October 2001 

2001      Phil Merilees, "Roger Willis Daley 1943-2001," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 82, No. 12. pp. 2878-79  December 2001 

2001     H. Taba, “The Bulletin Interviews: Morley K. Thomas,” WMO Bulletin, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 3-10. October 2001 

2001     George W. Robertson, "Early Aviation Weather Services at Edmonton," CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 29. No. 4, pp. 99-101, August 2001 

2002     Mal Berry, The Rise and Fall of Climate Applications: The History of a Meteorological Services Program, 69 p., privately published, 2002 

2002    Morley Thomas, "Warren L. Godson," Royal Meteorological Society Quarterly Journal, Vo.128, No. 58, pp. 1763-1764.  July 2002

2002    Morley Thomas, "F. Kenneth Hare," CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 30, No. 5,  p. 157. October 2002. 

2002    Morley Thomas,  "F. Kenneth Hare," Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 83, No. 12, pp. 1862-1863. December 2002

2003    Philip Merilees, "Roger Willis Daley 1943-2001" Proceedings of the Royal Society ofCanada, 2002/Sixth Series/ Volume XII, Part II,  pp. 120-123. 

2003    Gordon A. McBean, "Warren Lehman Godson 1920-2001," Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada, 2001/Sixth Series/ Volume XII, Part II,  pp. 156-159. 

2003     Morley Thomas, "Edgar Wendell Hewson 1910-1997," Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada, 2001/Sixth Series/ Volume XII, Part II, pp. 185-186. 

2003     Morley Thomas, "William Edgar Knowles Middleton 1902-1998" Proceedings of the Royal Society of Canada, 2001/Sixth Series/ Volume XII, Part II, pp. 223-224. 

2003     Morley Thomas, "The Seconded Meteorologists," CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp, 77-78. June 2003. 

2003    Victoria C. Slonosky, “The Meteorological Observations of Jean-François Gaultier, Quebec, Canada: 1742-56,” Journal of Climate, Vol. 16, No. 13, 1 July 2003,  pp, 2232-2247. 

2004    T.G. (Tom) Brydges, Acid Rain in Story ? Song, songs by R.W. (Bob) Wilson, 131 p.  Privately published. 2004 

2005    Morley Thomas, "Weather Forecasting," The Oxford Companion to Canadian History,  p. 652. 

2005    Cornelia Ludecke,  “East meets West: Meteorological observations of the Moravians in Greenland and Labrador since the 18th century,” History of Meteorology 2, pp. 123-132. 

2005    Katharine Anderson, Predicting the Weather: Victorians and the science of meteorology,  (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005) 

2006    Shelley Rouire, "EUREKA - A Short History of the Weather Station," CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 144-146.  October 2006

2006    Hans Fast, Tom Duck and Kimberley Strong, "History of the Eureka Arctic Ozone Observatory," CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp. 146-152. October 2006 

2006    H.L. Ferguson, Recollections of Hydrometeorology in Canada's Meteorological Service, (Toronto: privately published, 2006)   42 p. 

2006    Morley Thomas, Well Weathered:  My Sixty-five Years in Meteorology, (Toronto: privately published, 2006) 176 p.

2008    Andrew K. Overton and Ian Strangeways, “Pen Portrait – W.E.K. Middleton,” CMOS Bulletin SCMO, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp.154-157, October 2008.

URL: https://cmosarchives.ca/History/bibliography2009.html