Photo Collage, 46th CMOS Congress

Montreal QC, 28 May - 1 June 2012

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All names are identified, if known, from left to right.
A few identifications are needed (if names are not known - see "?" or blank spaces opposite a number).

If you want to identify someone, correct an error, or get a high-resolution copy of any photo, please contact the archivist
Multiple poses, not shown here, are available for many award winners, plenary speakers, VIPs, etc.

A. Cocktail / Icebreaker / Bienvenue, 28 May 2012
1. Rick Jones Laurie Wilson (and tent view)
2. Pierre Pellerin, Ann McMillan
3. Donald Talbot
4. Claude Landry
5. Gilles Morneau
6. Gilbert Brunet
7. Susan Woodbury
8. Hal Ritchie
9. Tom Robinson
10. Jim & Ruth Bruce
11. Richard Moffet, Richard Hogue
12. Andrew Brown
13. Marie-France Turcotte
14. Martha Anderson
15. Quatuor de jazz, Montreal
16. Lewis Poulin & David Ryglicki

17. Jean Côté & ?
18. Normand Gagnon,  Phillippe Gachon, Claude Landry
19. Marie-France Turcotte, Serge Desjardins
20. Richard Verret
21. Mathieu Dever, ?, ?, ?
22. Paul Pestieau, André Giguère, Jacinthe Lacroix,  André Cotnoir
23. Ian Rutherford (centre)
24. Benoit Archambault
25. Teresa Canavan
26. Jim Bruce, Gordon McBean
27. Denis Bourque, ?
28. Bill Burrows
Emilia Diaconescu, Georges Huard, Husband of Cristina Lupu, Cristina Lupu
30. Sylvie Gravel, André Bolduc
31. Dan Ingram, Steve Miller
32. Barbara Brown & Gilbert Brunet
33. (visible faces) ?, Sophie Cousineau, Dominique Paquin,
Jean-Philippe Paquin ,Jacinthe Clavet-Gaumont

B.  Ouverture / Opening et Plénières / Plenary Speakers

Opening Ceremony

1. Louis Lefaivre (LAC Chair)
2. Norm McFarlane (President, CMOS)
3. Patricia A. Phoebus (AMS)
4. Bruce Telfeyan (AMS - WAF)
5. Siddika Mithani (DFO)
6. David Grimes (EC - MSC)
7. Pierre Arcand (gouv. Québec)

Plénière 1
Plenary 1
1. Main Ballroom - overview
2. Pierre Gauthier
3. David Grimes
4. Dave Burridge
5. Michel Béland (question)
6. Richard Asselin & David Burridge
Plénière 2
Plenary  2

1. Gary Lackmann

2. Jeffery K. Lazo

Plénière 3
Plenary 3

1. Louis Garand
2. Dick Dee
3. Jim Purser
4. Christian Kummerow

Plénière 4
Plenary 4

1. Denis Gilbert

2. Matthew Martin

3. Marcel Babin

C. Sessions

Sessions 1 : 29 mai

1. Bruce Telfeyan
2. William Lapenta
3. Fanglin Yang
4. Richard Hogue
5. Richard Hogue & Bruce Telfeyan
6. Michel Jean
7. Pierre Baril & Michel Jean
8. Nicole Bois
9. Kelly Mahoney & ?
10. John Brown
11. Bill Burrows
12. Rick Danielson
13. Thomas Nipen
14. Rob Simpson
15. Juan Sebastian Fontecilla
16. Bertrand Denis

Sessions 2 : 30 mai

1. Lance Bosart
2. Martin Charron
3. Bertrand Denis & Laurie Wilson
4. Badrinath Nagarajan
5. Craig Smith
6. Michael Waite
7. Hai Lin
8. Barbara Brown
9. ?, Bertrand Denis, Tom Robinson
10. Isaac Fine
11. Abdoulaye Harou
12. Alain Patoine
13. Edward Curtis
14. Marie-France Turcotte
15. Martha Anderson
16.Rebecca Adams-Selin
17. Barbara Casati
18. Steven Lambert
19. Clifford Mass

Sessions 3 : 31 mai

1. Brian Greaves
2. Joseph Grim
3. Claude Landry
4. Claude Landry
5. Erik Kjellström
6. Anne Frigon
7. John Scinocca
8. René Laprise
9. Hal Ritchie
10. Carol Moogk-Soulis
11. Alex Tardy
12. Pierre Bourgouin

Sessions 4 : 1 juin

1. Tony Eckel
2. Fanyou Kong
3. Amin Erfani
4. Stéphane Bélair
5. William Henson
6. Lewis Poulin
7. Carolyn Rennie
8. Jack Chen & Sylvie Gravel
9. Réal d'Amours

D. Conférence publique le 29 mai 2012 / Public Lecture, 29 May 2012

1. Conférencier, Denis Gilbert
2. Denis Gilbert
3. audience
4. Denis Gilbert répond à une question

E. Dîner Patterson-Parsons / Patterson-Parsons Awards Lunch, le 30 mai / 30 May 2012

1. Norm McFarlane, Siddika Mithani and others
2. Mrs. Gyakum, Edith Gyakum, Patricia Phoebus and others
3. Norm McFarlane, Jim Bruce, R Bruce Telfeyan, and others
4. Siddika Mithani, John Gyakum
5. Ian Rutherford
6. Overview of luncheon tables
7. Pierre Gauthier
8. Siddika Mithani
9. Louis Fortier
10. David Grimes
11. John Gyakum
12. Louis Fortier, Siddika Mithani
13. Gilbert Brunet, David Grimes
See also:

Patterson Medal Presentation Photo

Parsons Medal Presentation Photo

F.  Banquet, le 31 mai / May 2012

1. Maria McFarlane, Peter Bartello
2. Norm & Maria McFarlane
3. Bruce Telefeyan, Patricia Phoebus, Craig Smith
4. Ian Rutherford, Susan Woodbury, Charles Lin
5. Sophie Cousineau, Dominique Paquin
6. Denis Gilbert, Matthew Martin
7. Norm McFarlane
8. Jocelyne Blouin
9. Thomas Duck
10. John Mills
11. Michelle Curry
12. Dawn Conway
13. Dawn Conway & Gordon McBean
14. Norm McFarlane hands over (CMOS Presidency) to Peter Bartello
15. Peter Bartello
16. Banquet table view
17. Ian Rutherford, Diane Houle-Rutherford, Pat McBean, Helen Joseph, Gordon McBean (in foreground)
18. Pierre Gauthier, Patricia Phoebus, Sylvie Gravel, Andy Brown, Gilbert Brunet
19. (around closest table) Delphine Person, Normand Gagnon, ?, Sophie Cousineau, Dominique Paquin, Denis Bourque
20. (side views around the table) Paul Lyon, Steve Lambert, Sheila Bourque, 
Inès Ng Kam Chan, Qing Liao, Richard Asselin, André Bolduc, Bob Jones
21. Louis Lefaivre hands over (LAC chair) to Craig Smith
22. Craig Smith
23. René Laprise, Jocelyne Blouin
24. Diane Houle-Rutherford, Norm McFarlane
25. Norm McFarlane, Peter Bartello, Denis Gilbert,
26. Norm McFarlane, André Bolduc, Peter Bartello, Denis Gilbert
27. Richard Asselin, Steve Lambert
28. Craig Smith, Sheila Bourque, Virginia Wittrock

See also:
Soirée animée - Danse - Kelvin Band post Banquet
1. Susan Bisanti, Tom Robinson, Marie-Josée De Lisle, Claude Mercier, Yves Pelletier, Claude Landry
2. Joël Bédard, Claude Mercier, Tom Robinson, Yves Pelletier
3. Jöel Bédard, Ross Brown
4. Tom Robinson
5. Claude Landry
6. Tom Robinson, Ross Brown, Claude Landry
7. Yves Pelletier
8. Gérard Croteau, Tom Robinson, Claude Landry, Ross Brown
9. Louis Lefaivre

Soirée animée - Danse - Kelvin Band post Banquet

10. Ross Brown
11. Susan Bisanti, Yves Pelletier, Claude Mercier, Marie-Josée De Lisle
12. Susan Bisanti
13. Marie-Josée De Lisle
14. Alain St-Denis
15. Susan Bisanti, Yves Pelletier, Claude Mercier, Marie-Josée De Lisle
16. on the dance floor
17. Claude Landry
18. Susan Bisanti, Claude Mercier, Marie-Josée De Lisle, Louis Lefaivre
19. Louis Lefaivre
20. on the dance floor with Diane Houle-Rutherford, Ric Soulis and others

G.  Journée-enseignants / Teachers Day, le 1 juin / 1 June 2012

1.René Brunet
2. ? et Nacéra Chergui
3. Richard Moffet
7. Nacéra Chergui
8. Nacéra Chergui et Richard Moffet
9. Nacéra Chergui, Richard Moffet, Mme Émilie Daigle représante de l’École secondaire Curé-Antoine-Labelle, Commission scolaire de Laval, ?
10. Nacéra Chergui et David Straub
11. Nacéra Chergui, Mme Madeleine Wart représentante de l’École secondaire Poly Jeunesse, Commission scolaire de Laval, David Straub

H. Affichages / Posters - Exposants / Exhibit Booths
Affichages / Posters  (MANY IDs needed!!)

2. ?, Tarana Mahzabin
4. Allan Rahill
6. Samuel Kristoffersen

Affichages / Posters  (MANY IDs needed!!)

10. Tarana Mahzabin
11. ?, Ross Lazear
13. Angela Kuhn
14. Nicolas Shiraldi
18. William Sheridan, ?
19. Carol Moogk-Soulis, David Greenberg
Exposants / Exhibit Booths

ATS Technology - David Macphail
AXYS - Harry Weiler
Belfort Instrument - Steve Eagan
Campbell Scientific - Raymond Bérard and Claude Labine
CMOS / Taylor & Francis - Sheila Bourque and Victoria Gardner
COMET - Dave Linder & Greg Bird
COMET - André Bolduc (winner of COMET draw), Dave Linder & Greg Bird
ECO Canada - Elizabeth Bowman
Environment Canada - Chantal Duhaime & Heather Mackey
Geneq - Claude Germain
Geonor - James Brylawski
Hoskin Scientific - Geneviève Tessier & Fadi Chouha
Info-Electronics - Wendy Borsuk & Harinder Ahluwalia

I. Groupes / Groups

Comité Organisateur
Local Arrangements Committee
Comité publications
Publications Committee

J. Miscellaneous

SCMO-ECO / ECO-EC Agreement le 28 mai 2012 / May 28 2012

1. Ian Rutherford
2. Grant Trump
3. Norm McFarlane
4. Norm McFarlane & Grant Trump

Ateliers auteurs Atmosphere-Ocean Workshop for Authors

1. William Hsieh
2. Douw Steyn
3. Richard Asselin
4. Victoria Gardner
5. Sheila Bourque
Autres / others

1. Registration
2. Peter Bartello
3. Jocelyn Mailhot
4. Denis Lefaivre, Louis Lefaivre (brothers)

Photo Credits:

The photographer for most photos was Richard Verret of the Local Arrangement Committee.

Other photos were taken by Paul-André Bolduc, ........

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