Photo Collage, 45th CMOS Congress

Victoria BC, 5 - 9 June 2011

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All names will be identified, if known, from left to right.
Identifications are needed (if names are not known - see "?" or blank spaces opposite a number).
If you want to identify someone, or get a high-resolution copy of any photo, please contact the archivist
A. Icebreaker, 5 June 2011
1. Welcome by LeLaLa Dancers
2. Luc Desjardins, Hiroshi Kuroda, ?
3.  Bill Crawford
4. David Lemon, David Fissel, Gary Borstad
5. Jacqueline Binyamin, Ghassan Joseph
6. Geoff Strong, Garry Schaefer
8. Nathan Gillett
9.  Grant Trump
10. LeLaLa Dancers
11. LeLaLa Dancers
12. LeLaLa Dancers
13. LeLaLa Dancers
14. LeLaLa Dancers
15. Camille Garnaud, Jacinthe Clavet-Gaumont
16. ?, Shin-Ichi Ito, Bill Crawford, Len Zedel, Ann Gargett
17. Andy Bush, Claude Labine
18. Dave Lemon, David Fissel, Gary Borstad
19. Guoqi Han, Bill Crawford, ?
20. ?, Jerry Jien, ?
21. Kossivi Yewougni Tete, Dawn Conway
22. ?, ?, ?.
23. Grant Trump, Kristina Badrov
24. Icebreaker Sponsors

B.  Opening and Plenary Speakers

Opening Ceremony

1. David Fissel (CMOS President)
2. Hon. Terry Lake (BC Environment Minister)
3. Mayor of Victoria, Dean Fortin
4. Helen Joseph
5. David Wartman
6. Bill Merryfield

Plenary Day 1

1. Adam Monahan

2. Clara Deser

3. John Scinocca (audience question)

4. Norman McFarlane

5. Randall Martin

Plenary Day 2

1. Kim Juniper

2. Peter Brewer

3. Phil Mote

Plenary Day 3

0. Dawn Conway

1. Mike Foreman

2. Shin-Ichi Ito

3. David Battisti

Plenary Day 4

1. Francis Poulin

2. Jim McWilliams

3. Tom Pedersen

4. Thomas Stocker

5. Tara Ivanochko

C. Daniel G. Wright Sessions

1. Charles Hannah
2. Chris Garrett
3. Hakase Hayashida
4. Howard Freeland
5. Keith Thompson

Group Photo - Session 1

6. Lawrence Mysak
7. Lawrence Mysak, Trevor McDougall
8. Paul Myers
9. Rich Pawlowicz
10. Simon Higginson

Group Photo - Session 2

11. Thomas Stocker
12. Thomas Stocker
13. Youyu Lu
14. Zeliang Wang
15. Zhigang Xu

Group Photo - Session 3

D. Educators' Day, 6 June 2011 

3. Jonathan Hultquist
4. Hamish Murray
5. ?, ?, Roy Jantzen
6.  ?, ?, Sheila Bourque, ?
8. Natasha Ewing, Rick Searle
9. Rod Carmichael, Aaron Culver (hidden)
10. Aaron Culver
11. Robin Matthews
12. Remy Rodden
13. ?, Susan Smith
14. ?, ?, Duncan Johannesen, ?, ?.
15. Shalini Kennedy, Ilsa Simpson
16. ?
17. Shalini Kennedy, Dwight Owens
18. Ellyn Davidson
19. Julie Holsworth, Ellyn Davidson, Heather Stewart

E. Parsons Awards Lunch, 7 June 2011

0. Overview of Lunch Area
1. Bill Merryfield, Helen Joseph
2. Bill Merryfield
3. Siddika Mithani
4. Curtis A. Suttle
5. David Fissel
6. Norman McFarlane
7. Tim Parsons and Curtis A. Suttle
See also: Parsons Award Photos

See also: Scholarships Awarded at Parsons Luncheon

F.  Public Lectures
7 June 2011

1. Bill Merryfield
2. Jim Christian
3. Ken Denman
4. Ken Denman with slide

9 June 2011

5. Verena Tunnicliffe with slide

G. Awards Banquet, 8 June 2011 

0. Banquet Area Overview
1. Kelby Macnayr Quintet
2. Kelby Macnayr Quintet
3. (Andy) Yuehua Lin, ?, Shiliang Shan
4. Claude Labine, Bob Kochtubajda, Stephen J  Déry
5. ?, Katie Brennan, Ross Sun
6. Wayne Emond, John MacIver, ?
7. Bertrand Denis, Gilles Simard, Hal Ritchie, David Lemon
8. Bob Kochtubajda, Rodica Nitu
9. Raju Aryal, Siraj ul Islam, ?
10. ?, ?, Herb Winston
11. Ron Hopkinson, Margaret Hopkinson, Mrs. Schaefer, Garry Schaefer
12 ?, Peter Taylor
13. Harinder Ahluwalia, ?
14. ?, ?, Mike Foreman, Shin-Ichi Ito
15. David Greenberg, Richard Asselin
16. Victoria Gardner, André Bolduc, David Greenberg

See also: Local Arrangements Committee

17. Norman McFarlane, Maria McFarlane
18. Norman McFarlane, David Fissel
19. Norman McFarlane, David Fissel
20. Norman McFarlane
21. Nathan Gillett, Louis Lefaivre
21A. Nathan Gillett
22. Richard Asselin
23. Hai Lin, David Fissel
24. John Loder
25. Bohdan (Bob) Kochtubajda
26. Gary Borstad
27. Brad Snyder
28. Stephen J Déry
29. Claire Martin
30. Kossivi Yewougni Tete
31. Claude Labine
32. CMOS Presidents
33. Diane Houle-Rutherford, Ian Rutherford
35. Ian Rutherford, Peter Taylor, Richard Asselin, Geoff Strong
36. Denis Bourque, Diane Houle-Rutherford
37. Claire Martin, Emily Gillett and baby Clara Gillett
38. Diane Houle-Rutherford, Dawn Conway, Nathan Gillett, Ian Rutherford
39. Lawrence Mysak, Charles Hannah, John Loder
40. Andy Bush, Wayne Evans, Richard Asselin, Lawrence Mysak
41. Margaret Hopkinson, Ron Hopkinson
42. Thomas Robinson, Louis Lefaivre, André Bolduc, Richard Asselin, Pierre Gauthier
43. Geoff Strong, Steve Lambert, Bob Jones
44. William (Bill) Burrows, Oscar Koren, Geoff Strong, Steve Lambert
45. Bohdan (Bob) Kochtubajda, ?.
46. Hal Ritchie, Frank Whitney, Gary Borstad, Lorraine Borstad
47. Dave Lemon, Sylvain de Margerie, ?.

See also: Prizewinners

48-63 added Sept 2011

48. Mrs. Balshaw, Mike Balshaw (Geoff Strong, Steve Lambert in background)
49. Colleen Turnbull, Tim Aston, ?, Dawn Conway
50. Victoria Gardner
51. Susan Woodbury, André Bolduc
52. Sheila & Denis Bourque
53. Bob Jones, Qing Liao
54. Susan Woodbury (centre) with Ottawa Office Group
55. Louis Lefaivre, ?, Bill Merryfield, ?
56. Mike Balshaw, Mrs. Balshaw, Garry Schaefer, Mrs. Schaefer, Margaret Hopkinson, Ron Hopkinson
57. Oscar Koren, Hal Ritchie
58. Charles Hannah, Susan Allen, William Hsieh, Howard Freeland, Germaine
Gatien, Paul LeBlond, Frank Whitney

59. René Laprise, Denis Gilbert, Mac Macleod, George Boer, Ted Shepherd, Barbara Boer, ?, Wayne Evans
60. Victoria Gardner, Kristina Badrov, ?
61. Norman McFarlane
62. André Bolduc, Claire Martin
63. Claire Martin, Ian Rutherford

H. Posters / Exhibit Booths 


3. ?.
4. ?.
5. ?.
6. Pamela Lehr.
7. Slava Kharin
10. ?, Pamela Lehr
11. ?, ?.
12. Bill Crawford (blurred) Bob Wilson (back), ?
13. Lynn Pogson, ?.
14. ?.

(IDs for poster viewers needed)

Exhibit Booths

1. Info-Electronics, Wendy Borsuk, Scott McLaughlin and Cindy McLaughlin
2. ECO Canada (P.Met Certification), Kristina Badrov, ?
3. Vaisala
4. Campbell Scientific
5. NEPTUNE-VENUS ? / ?, ?, ?.
6. CMOS / Taylor & Francis, Victoria Gardner
7. RBR Pacific ?.
8. ASL Environmental Sciences, Andy Luin.
9. WeatherBug Professional


Exhibit Booths

10. Belfort International
11. Geonor
12. CFCAS, Colleen Turnbull
13. JouBeh Technologies, Paul Hill
14. Roper Resources ?
15. ATS Technology Systems
16. FTS Environmental, Sheldon Foisy
17. AGO Environmental Electronic
18. Hoskin Scientific, Frank Van der Have

Other photos taken in the Exhibits area may be found in the "Miscellaneous" section, below.

I. Miscellaneous

0. Ottawa Office Group Arriving
1. Publications Committee Meeting
2. CNC SCOR Meeting
3. Registration: Qing Liao, Denis Bourque, ?, Fouad Majess, ?
4. Plenary Lecture Room View
5. Mike Foreman
7. Harry Wieler, Ken Devine
8. Adam Monahan, Grant Branstator
9. Hyung-Il Eum
10. Jiangnan Li, Yongsheng Wu
11. ?, Simon Donner
12. Charles Hannah, ?, ?
14. Keith Thompson, Blair Greenan
15. James Anderson
16. Victoria Gardner, Richard Asselin
17. Jaspal Ahluwalia (sitting), Stewart Cober
18. ?
19. ?
20. ?, ?, ?
21. A Coffee Break Sponsor
22. ?, ?, Victoria Gardner
23. ?, Claude Labine, Gilles Simard
24. Richard Dewey,?
25. ?
26. ?, Malte Mueller, Gordon McBean
27. ?,?,?
28. ?,?
29. ?, ?, ?, ?
30. Hyung-Il Eum, ?
31. Marjolaine Matabos, ?
32. ?
33. John Scinocca, ?
34. Gilles Simard, Ron Hophinson, ?
35. Francis Zwiers, ?

J. Volunteers and LAC

1. Sophie Bonnet
2. Knut von Salzen, Lisa Vitols
3. Howard Barker
4. Neil Swart
5. Janine Reitsma, Sara Fissel
6. Shiliang Shan
Group Photo at Banquet:

Local Arrangements Committee

Photo Credits:

The photographer for most photos was Faith Bowyer, web site:

Other photos were taken by John Loder, Paul-André Bolduc, Bob Wilson, Michael Eby, Geoff Strong, Natasha Ewing and Diane Houle-Rutherford.  

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