Photo Collage 35th CMOS Congress - Winnipeg MB, 27-31 May 2001

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Marc-Denis Everell opens Congress

Peter Taylor, CMOS President

Ron Stewart, CMOS Vice-President

Jim Slipec, LAC Chair

Neil Campbell, CMOS Executive Director

Gilles Simard, LAC Chair, 36th Congress,
Rimouski QC

Claude Labine, Campbell Scientific

Peter Taylor and Jim Slipec

Joe Schaefer, US National Weather Service,
Plenary Speaker


Exhibits / break area

Exhibits / break area

LAC Chair (Jim Slipec) with Student Bursary Winners

Back row (l to r):  Jason Milbrandt, Wladyslaw Rudzinski (partly hidden), Jim Slipec, Alain Beaulne.
Front row:  Jiaxong Pi, Stephen J Déry, Alyssa Young, Tetjana Ross.

  See also:  Photos of Prizewinners

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