Photos, 31st CMOS Congress - Saskatoon SK

2-6 June 1997

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All names will be identified, if known, from left to right.

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1  Joe Eley, LAC Chair
2  Geoff Strong, Chair Science Program
3  John Lazier accepting President's Prize for Stuart D Smith from Peter Zwack (Neil Campbell looking on at right)
4  John Lazier
5  John Lazier accepting Tully Medal from Peter Zwack
6  Dan Wright accepting CFAX Radio citation from Peter Zwack
7 Claude St-Laurent (le directeur du Reseau de l'information (RDI - SRC) receiving Citation from Peter Zwack
8  Claude St-Laurent (RDI - SRC)
9  David Greenberg
10  John Reid accepts CMOS Presidency from Peter Zwack
11  Peter Zwack makes farewell speech
12  Puppeteers (post-banquet entertainers)
13  Puppeteers (post-banquet entertainers)
14  Puppeteer and Geoff Strong
15  ?, Dominique Paquin, Peter Zwack, ?, David Sills, ? (students who had travel assistance to come to the Congress)

Archivist's note:
  The above photos were all taken at the Congress Banquet, 5 June 1997.  Other photos have yet to be found.

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