Historical Meteorological Photos - Credits

The sources of the many photos in this collection are mostly the members of the courses themselves, and we have decided for now not to list the individual contributers.  Other photos of events and offices have again been contributed by people who are in the photos.

In the event of a specific request for credit or photo rights ownership, we will add "© plus the name" below the photo.

Contributers of large collections include:

Morley Thomas, Canadian Weather Service Archivist  

Susan Vivian from DND's School of Meteorology in Winnipeg  

Paul Kowal, long-time Commandant of the CF School of Meteorology, Winnipeg

Marc Boucher, from CF School of Meteorology, Winnipeg and DMetOc, who scanned the very large collection of photos now residing in the CFWS Museum, Winnipeg

Anne O'Toole and Joe Shaykewich, formerly from MSC Training Branch  

DMetOc in Ottawa  

Milt Pelley, retired DND Meteorological Technician  

Beryl Cahoon, Meteorological Instructor and Co-ordinator of Western Intern Program for meteorologists  

David Tidbury, who salvaged a large collection of the Civilian Meteorological Technician photos, especially from Upper Air Schools at Toronto Island and Scarborough  

Laura A. Smith, Secretary and Administrative Support to the University of Alberta's Meteorological Faculty, who photographed and documented over 50 post graduate and graduate courses from 1975 to 1998  

Ken Devine, retired Meteorologist, Toronto

Maria Latyszewskyj, retired librarian, MSC Downsview

Some photos are copies of those originally published in the MSC employee magazine Zephyr and / or the DOT employee magazine On the DOT.

Other photos are copies of Department of Transport, Environment Canada and Department of National Defence photos which are in libraries and wide circulation.

Most of the scanning and retyping of the names has been done by Bob Jones, CMOS Archivist and former Webmaster.

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