WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl), Washington - 1982

Full photo  Go to Enlargements Showing Canadian Delegation and President Morley K Thomas


Enlargements Showing Canadian Delegates

highest man in middle:  H Ten Kate (Netherlands).
top row, (second man in):  Frank Quinlan (USA).
third row from top, farthest left (but second line in):  Gordon McKay, ?, John Maunder (NZ),  ?,?,?.
fourth row, top right (with beard):  David W Phillips.
second row (second man in):  Hans Schirmer (FRG).
front row (l to r):  Helmut Lansberg (USA),  Morley K Thomas (President), Tom Potter (USA), Slavka Jovičić (Serbia), ?, ?.

l to r:  Tom Potter (USA), Axel Wyn-Neilson, WMO Secretary General (Denmark), Morley K. Thomas (President).

Jim Rasmussen (incoming president USA) and Morley K. Thomas (outgoing president, CCl).

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