WMO Congress, Geneva - 7 May 1975
The Canadian Delegation at the Opening

First row: (l to r): Morley K
Thomas, JRH (Reg) Noble, WH Barton Canadian Ambassador to
the U. N. in Geneva.
2nd row: Cambodian delegate, Fred
A Page, André Robert, D. MacPhee (Canadian
Mission in Geneva).
Presentation to WMO of the Canadian film Operation *GATE / Operation *EGTA
*GATE: GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment / EGTA : Expérience
globale tropicale atlantique
GARP: Global Atmospheric Research Programme / PRAG :
Programme recherche atmosphérique globale

left to right: Morley K
Thomas, D Arthur Davies (Secretary General, WMO), JRH
(Reg) Noble.
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