AOTC 77-01 Scarborough, finished May 5, 1977

Top group in collage (l to r):  Tony Cepukas, Griff Toole (I) (in the background), Robin G Ziolkoski, John R Kivisto, Ed Masiuk (DND), Paulette _ (staff), Bernard (Bernie) Barrs.
Middle group in collage:  Claude Drouin (I), Burt Davidson (I), Griff Toole (I), Paul R Witty, Dave J Smith, (the back of) Maqbool I Darr (aka "Darr").
Bottom row (three photos, l to r):  George A Weaver, Bob Plaseski (I), A Rod Prior, Burt R Meek.

(Above photos and list below, courtesy of Terry Smith, member of AOTC 77-01)

Below are All Graduates of  AOTC  77-01

Bernard (Bernie) P Barrs, Tony C Cepukas, Carol S Chambers, Maqbool I Darr, "Shakey" Tom H Dettlor, C Fournier, JM Fry, JL Marcel Gagnon
 (DND), JB Real Germain (DND), R Al Gillespie, Ken E Jacklin, John R Kivisto, Ed Masiuk (DND), Burt R Meek, A Rod Prior, Dave J Smith, Terry L Smith,
                      John (Ian) W Stewart, JP Mike Turcotte (DND), George A Weaver, Paul R Witty, Robin G Ziolkoski.

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