National Non-Smoking Week at Downsview - 1987

Photo and text below were originally published in February / March 1987 edition of Zephyr

Nurse Maudrie Crichlow (left) Is handing a snack to Joanne Gagnon Pacini while Wendy Piercey looks on.
Butt-out day a success

National Non Smoking Week observed across Canada from January 15 to 21, 1987 reached its climax with Weedless Wednesday. 

At AES Downsview headquarters thousands of people managed to resist temptatIon and not light up either in public or in private  The day was called called Butt-out Day.  Organized by nurse Maudrie Crichlow, Butt-out Day encouraged AES employees not to smoke by tidIng them over with ongoing snacks - carotts, celery sticks, cauliflower, broccoli, peanuts, pretzels, grapes, tangerines, cheese and sugarless gum.  The "munchies" were supplied by a local A & P store and by Health and Welfare Canada.  Ms. Crichlow says the day was a success and that shirts bearing the legend: "I survived weedless Wednesday" are currently being handed out to the partIcIpants. 

Other Non-Smoking Week actIvItIes at AES included the showing of continuous films in the main lobby including a video on second-hand smoke.  Ms. Crichlow praised the people who supported Non Smoking Week at Downsview including Safety and Health Committee Chairperson Wendy Piercey, Audio-Visual specialist William Kiely and Facilities and Accommodation advisor Vidula Patel. She also congratulated the various food preparers and office staff for their efforts.

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