Opening of the Downsview Headquarters for AES
4905 Dufferin Street, Toronto
October 25-31, 1971
Symposium Banquet
photo (1)
left side: Wayne Evans, ?, ?, ?.
right side: Helen Hare, Ken Hare, Adele McIntyre.
photo (2) - 2:
Murray Brown
(Guelph), 5:
Tom Agnew, 6: David Wardle,
photo (2) IDs above template
photo (3) 1: André Robert, 8:
Paulin, C: Don Champ,
photo (3) IDs above
photo (4) John
Mason (UK)
photo (5) l to
Frank Benum, Olaf Löken (side), Jack Labelle (partly
hidden), Mrs. Mel Robertson.
photo (6)
l to r: David Davies (background,left), Oliver
(WMO), Muriel Noble, possibly Margaret E
J Reg H
Noble, ?, ?.
photo (7)
back: four unknown, podium, Warren Godson, (server obscures), Don
McIntyre (half hidden), Adele McIntyre.
front: unknown except
centre holding fork up: David Davies, ?, ?, possibly Margaret E
Longley, Dick
photo (8)
l to r: top - J Reg H Noble and George Cressman
(USA ; front -
Ruth Godson and John Mason (UK)
l to r: (speaking) John Mason (UK), ? (partly hidden near
podium), Don McIntyre, Adele McIntyre,
Ken Spengler
(AMS), Mrs. Thomson, Andrew
Thomson (partly hidden).
photo (10) Banquet tables
- Take 1
rows, closest
faces, left to
right; head table is first row, although is in the back in this view.
head table / first row, (14): ?, John Mason (UK), ?, ?, J Reg H
Noble, Ruth Godson, ?
(at podium), Warren Godson, Muriel Noble, Don McIntyre, Adele McIntyre,
Ken Spengler (AMS), ?, Andrew Thomson.
second row (twelve faces): ?, ? (side), ?, ?, Walter Hitchfeld
?, ?, ?, ?,
?, possibly Margaret E
Longley, Richmond Longley.
third row (seven): Wayne Evans, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?.
sitting opposite of third row: (seven) #2 is Helen Hare, and
#3 on left is unknown; the rest are hidden.
front row (four): all unknown.
photo (11) Banquet tables - Take 2
all rows, closest visible
faces, left to
right; head table is first row, although is in the back in this view.
head table / first row (14 chairs): ?, John Mason (UK), ?, ?, J
Reg H Noble, Ruth Godson, ? (at podium),
Warren Godson, Muriel Noble, (empty chair), Adele McIntyre, Ken
Spengler (AMS), ?, Andrew Thomson.
second row (eleven): ?, ?, ?, Walter Hitchfeld (side), ?, ?,
Davies, ?,
?, possibly Margaret E Longley,
Richmond Longley.
third row (seven): Wayne Evans ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
sitting opposite of third row (six): all back views only except
(lady unknown).
back row (four, closest to camera): all unknown.
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Downsview Headquarters