2015 Prizewinners / Lauréats des prix 2015

*Awards presented at the 50th CMOS Congress,Fredericton NB, May 31 and June 1, 2016

* CMOS Prizes are normally for achievements in the calendar year prior to the congress year and are designated as awards for that previous year. 

CMOS Scholarships and Scholarship Supplements are awarded for the academic year following the congress. 

CMOS Fellows are members so designated at the time of the award and henceforth entitled to call themselves Fellows of the Society as long as membership is maintained.

If award recipients or designates were present, linked names will lead to a photo of their award presentation.

Part One - CMOS Prizes and Awards

CMOS Fellow Announced / Nouveau Membre émérite

M.K. Peter Yau, McGill University,

  for his innovative contributions to the modelling of tropical storms, his parameterization of cloud processes and his major role in the training of the future generation of atmospheric scientists

pour sa contribution novatrice à la modélisation des tempêtes tropicales, sa paramétrisation des processus relatifs aux nuages et son apport majeur à la formation des générations futures de spécialistes en sciences de l'atmosphère

President's Prize / Prix du président

Susan E. Allen, University of British Columbia

for her 2010 paper (co-authored with B. M. Hickey) published in the Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans entitled Dynamics of advection-driven upwelling over a submarine canyon, which is meritorious because it provides long-needed, useful and robust-to-environmental-change estimates of the flux of water across the shelf-break at canyons

en récompense à son article de 2010 (corédigé avec B. M. Hickey) publié dans le Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans et intitulé Dynamics of advection-driven upwelling over a submarine canyon (dynamique de la remontée des eaux dictée par l'advection au-dessus d'un canyon sous-marin), car elle y propose une estimation utile, peu sensible aux changements environnementaux et longuement attendue des courants traversant le rebord du plateau continental qui longe des canyons

J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography
Médaille de J.P. Tully en océanographie
William R. (Bill) Crawford
, Institute of Ocean Sciences

for his numerous significant contributions to physical oceanography, and in particular, to eddy research. His work demonstrated the strong biological/chemical implications of eddies and quantified many of their impacts.

en récompense à ses nombreuses contributions d'importance à l'océanographie physique, notamment ses recherches sur les tourbillons. Ses travaux ont démontré la grande importance biologique et chimique des tourbillons et ont permis de quantifier bon nombre de leurs effets.

Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology
Prix du Andrew Thomson en météorologie appliquée

René Laprise, Université du Québec à Montréal

en reconnaissance de son leadership et de sa contribution de longue date au développement de modèles régionaux de climat

 for his long-standing leadership and contributions to the development of regional climate modelling

François J. Saucier Prize in Applied Oceanography
Prix en océanographie appliquée François J. Saucier

Johannes Gemmrich, University of Victoria

for his contributions to the understanding of ocean waves and upper ocean processes

pour sa contribution à la compréhension des vagues océaniques et des processus régissant les couches supérieures de la mer

Rube Hornstein Medal In Operational Meteorology
Médaille de Rube Hornstein en météorologie opérationnelle
David Jones, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Pacific Storm Prediction Centre, Vanvouver.

or his dedication in the provision of weather and outreach services to media and the emergency management community across British Columbia
en reconnaissance de son dévouement relatif à la prestation de services météorologiques et de sensibilisation auprès des médias et de la communauté de gestion des urgences en Colombie-Britannique

Neil J. Campbell Medal for Exceptional Volunteer Service
La médaille Neil J. Campbell pour service bénévole exceptionnel 

Richard Asselin

for his dedicated service as Director of Publications for CMOS.  His leadership and management of the numerous changes in the society’s publication and business-related activities have strengthened CMOS publications as well as the Society.

en remerciement de ses services dévoués en tant que directeur des publications de la SCMO. Son leadership, et sa gestion des nombreux changements ayant touché les activités éditoriales et administratives de la Société ont renforcé les publications de la SCMO et par le fait même la Société.

Roger Daley Postdoctoral Publication Award
Le Prix Roger Daley de publication post-doctorale

not awarded for 2015

Tertia M.C. Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prize
Prix commémoratif Tertia M.C. Hughes

two awarded for 2015

Michael Optis, Research Scientist, AWS Truepower

for his excellent thesis at the University of Victoria entitled The modelling of the wind profile under stable stratification at heights relevant to wind power: A comparison of models of varying complexity

pour l’excellence de sa thèse rédigée à l’Université de Victoria et intitulée The modelling of the wind profile under stable stratification at heights relevant to wind power:  A comparison of models of varying complexity (la modélisation du profil du vent dans un environnement stratifié et stable à des hauteurs propices à la génération d’énergie éolienne : une comparaison de modèles de complexités diverses)


Siraj ul Islam, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Northern British Columbia

for his excellent thesis at the University of Northern British Columbia entitled Ensemble simulation and forecasting of South Asian Monsoon

pour l’excellence de sa thèse intitulée Ensemble simulation and forecasting of South Asian Monsoon (simulation et prévision d’ensemble de la mousson d’Asie du Sud)

 for outstanding contribution towards promoting public awareness of meteorology or oceanography in Canada
pour contribution d'une façon exceptionnelle à éveiller l'intérêt du public au Canada en météorologie ou océanographie durant l'année précédente

CoCoRaHS Canada, (Community Collaborative Rain,
Hail & Snow Network) (accepted by Rick Fleetwood)

for promoting public awareness of meteorology and the water cycle.  CoCoRaHS Canada enables volunteers to measure and provide precipitation reports (rain and snow) that are subsequently available to a variety of users.

Part Two - CMOS Scholarships / Bourses d'études

(CMOS Scholarships and Scholarship Supplements are awarded for the academic year following the congress)

  CMOS - The Weather Research House NSERC Scholarship Supplement in Atmospheric or Ocean Sciences
Le supplément SCMO - Weather Research House CRSNG aux bourses d'études supérieures en sciences de l'atmosphère ou des océans
Stefanie Mellon, Dalhousie University

for her Masters studies Determining natural variations in ocean acidification along the Nova Scotian margin during the last 1000-2000 years

CMOS - The Weather Network / Météomédia Scholarship
La bourse SCMO - Météomédia / The Weather Network

Nicole Chisholm
, Dalhousie University, for academic excellence. / pour excéllence académique

CMOS - The Daniel G. Wright Undergraduate Scholarship

La bourse d'études du premier cycle Daniel G. Wright

two awarded for 2015

Lara Gemmrich, University of Victoria, for academic excellence. / pour excéllence académique

Gabin Urbancic, University of Waterloo, for academic excellence / pour excéllence académique

Undergraduate Scholarships / Bourses d'études de premier cycle

two awarded for 2015

Kai Melamed-Turkish, McGill University,
for academic excellence. / pour excéllence académique

Supriya Singh, McMaster University,
for academic excellence / pour excéllence académique

Part Three - Poster Prizes / Prix affiches

Campbell Scientific Best Student Poster Prize in Meteorology
Prix Campbell Scientific de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e) en météorologie

Ludovick S. Pelletier, UQAM, for poster titled The Far-Infared Radiometer Campaign at Eureka

ASL Environmental Sciences Best Student Poster Prize in Oceanography
Prix ASL Environmental Science de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e) en océanographie

Shihan Li, Dalhousie University, for poster titled Improvement of the MOHID Oil Spill Model for Prediction of the Fate/Behaviour of Oil Spills on the Scotian Shelf

CMOS Best Poster Prize in Other Disciplines / Prix SCMO de la meilleure affiche en autres disciplines

Aminul Haque, University of Manitoba, for poster titled Water Storage Dynamics in Geographically isolated wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region

Part Four - CMOS Support to Pre-College Teachers /

Aide de la SCMO aux enseignants de niveau pré-collégial

I - Project Atmosphere Summer Workshop (2016)

Carrie Antoniazzi, Commission scolaire Francophone de la C.B., Richmond, BC.


II - Project Maury Summer Workshop (2016)

David Summerhays, Claremont Public School, Claremont Ontario

Part Five - Non CMOS Awards / Honneurs pas SCMO

CNC-SCOR Early Career Ocean Scientist Award

Prix du CNC du SCOR pour océanographe en début de carrière

Stephanie Waterman, University of British Columbia for her strong contributions to both observational and theoretical physical oceanography. We highlight this as her peers tend to specialize only in either observational or theoretical research.  Her observational studies in the Southern Ocean on Internal Waves and Turbulence in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current have attracted much attention.  Her theoretical studies have focused on eddy-mean flow feedbacks, eddy transport, eddy stirring and the modulation of the internal wave field and turbulent processes by the larger-scale flow field.

DFO Timothy R. Parsons Medal (2016) / MPO La médaille Timothy R. Parsons (2016)

Roger François  is a professor with the Department of Earth & Ocean Sciences at the University of British Columbia. He began his career at the Ecole Superieure des Textiles in Tournai, Belgium, where he earned a degree as a textile engineer. He then attended the University of Southampton in the UK to pursue a Master's Degree in Oceanography, followed by a PhD in Oceanography at the University of British Columbia.

Dr. François continued his career through a series of Post-Doctoral and Scientists positions at the University of New Hampshire and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, in the USA. He has spent the last 11 years tirelessly pursuing his diverse body of research at the University of British Columbia and is internationally recognized for his ground-breaking research and leadership in marine geochemistry.

Dr. François been responsible for conceptual advances in our understanding of light stable isotope systematics for tracking algal production and nutrient cycling in the ocean, which has led to new ways of estimating historical changes in water column stratification. He also pioneered the development of radiochemical methods for estimating the true vertical fluxes of materials on the ocean floor and past rates of the ocean's overturning circulation, which has opened up new approaches to the study of palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic changes. This work has been critical in understanding the evolution of the global carbon system.

Dr. François published nearly 100 articles, 25 of which have more than 100 citations. He has already won one of the most prestigious international awards in the field of marine geosciences, the A. G. Huntsman Award in 2008.

It is without a doubt that as this year's 2016 Parsons Medal recipient, Dr. François has made significant contributions to ocean sciences, both in Canada and beyond to the international community.

M. Roger François est professeur au département des sciences de la terre et des sciences océaniques de l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique. Il a commencé sa carrière à l'École supérieure des textiles à Tournai, en Belgique, où il a obtenu un diplôme d'ingénieur en textiles. Il a ensuite fait une maîtrise en océanographie à l'Université de Southampton, au Royaume-Uni, avant d'obtenir son Ph. D en océanographie à l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique.

M. François a poursuivi sa carrière en occupant divers postes postdoctoraux et scientifiques à l'Université du New Hampshire et au Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, aux États-Unis. Il a passé les 11 dernières années à poursuivre sans relâche ses travaux de recherche diversifiés à l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique, et il est reconnu à l'échelle internationale pour ses recherches novatrices et son leadership en géochimie marine.

M. François est responsable des avancées conceptuelles qui nous ont permis de comprendre la systématique des isotopes stables légers utilisés dans le suivi de la production d'algues et du cycle des éléments nutritifs dans l'océan, ce qui a permis l'établissement de nouvelles méthodes pour estimer les changements historiques dans la stratification de la colonne d'eau. Il a également été le premier à élaborer des méthodes radiochimiques pour estimer les flux verticaux réels de matières sur le plancher océanique et les taux antérieurs de la circulation de retournement dans l'océan, ce qui a permis l'établissement de nouvelles méthodes pour étudier les changements paléo-océanographiques et paléoclimatiques. Ces travaux ont été essentiels pour comprendre l'évolution du système de carbone global.

M. François a publié près de 100 articles, dont 25 articles contenant plus d'une centaine de citations. Il a déjà remporté en 2008 l'un des prix les plus prestigieux sur la scène internationale dans le domaine des géosciences marines : le prix A. G. Huntsman.

Il ne fait aucun doute que le lauréat de cette année de la médaille Timothy R. Parsons a contribué de façon importante aux sciences océaniques au Canada et sur la scène internationale.

Link to DFO Information
  / lien aux information MPO

  MSC Patterson Medal (2015) / SMC La medaille Patterson (2015)

Tom McElroy for early research into the measurements of nitrogen dioxide in the stratosphere evolved into cross-disciplinary contributions that have expanded both the fundamental understanding of atmospheric chemistry and have provided practical applications in global environment and public health monitoring and meteorology. 

Following 36 years as a Research Scientist for Environment Canada, Dr. McElroy retired from the public service in 2011 to become Professor and Industrial Research Chair in Atmospheric Remote Sounding at York University.  In his current position, Dr. McElroy leads important research through his leadership in the design, building and deploying of new and innovative remote-sounding instruments that will address significant atmospheric themes involving climate change processes, air-quality issues and the recovery of the ozone layer. He also helps to shape the future of meteorology through dedicated mentoring and supervision of graduate students and researchers.

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