2010 Prizewinners / Lauréats des prix 2010

*Awards presented at the 45th CMOS Congress, Victoria BC, June 7 and 8, 2011

* CMOS Prizes are normally for achievements in the calendar year prior to the congress year and are designated as awards for that previous year. 

CMOS Scholarships and Scholarship Supplements are awarded for the academic year following the congress. 

CMOS Fellows are members so designated at the time of the award and henceforth entitled to call themselves Fellows of the Society as long as membership is maintained.

If award recipients or designates were present, linked names will lead to a photo of their award presentation.

President's Prize / Prix du président

To: Hai Lin for his significant contributions to extended-range forecasting research and to our understanding of low-frequency variability. His milestone paper, An observed connection between the North Atlantic Oscillation and the Madden-Julian Oscillation, published in the Journal of Climate in 2009, was the first to demonstrate a statistically significant two-way connection between the North Atlantic Oscillation and the tropical convection of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on intraseasonal time scales during the Northern Hemisphere winter season. This research was pivotal in leading the way to advancing the science of extended-range weather prediction.

J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography / Médaille de J.P. Tully en océanographie

To: John W. Loder for providing enhanced understanding and knowledge of fundamental physical processes in both coastal and deep ocean regions and for providing exemplary scientific leadership and management in the face of reduced support for government laboratories.  His deep understanding of theory, combined with his keen, insightful skills in analyzing data have led to novel insights on the oceanography and climate of the northwest Atlantic basin.  His vision and energy have mobilized the community to support long-term monitoring in the Labrador Sea, a key region for the study of climate change processes.

Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology /

Prix du Andrew Thomson en météorologie appliquée

To: Bohdan Kochtubajda for his long and dedicated service in the application of current weather data, analyses, and forecasts to tackling a variety of practical problems.    His tireless work with multi-disciplinary scientific teams on several meteorological research networks (e. g., the Mackenzie GEWEX Study, MAGS; Storm Studies in the Arctic, STAR; and the Drought Research Initiative, DRI), during the past 20 years has facilitated research projects to their successful completion.  His long record of providing clear, concise presentations of complex scientific issues to both the scientific and general audiences has brought great credit and respect to our community.

François J. Saucier Prize in Applied Oceanography /

Prix en océanographie appliquée François J. Saucier

To: Gary Borstad for his longstanding leadership in the application of science to a wide range of applied projects in the oceanographic sciences, with a particular focus on the application of remote sensing to the study of marine processes and ecosystems.  His scientific vision in leading more than 200 oceanic/aquatic remote sensing projects worldwide has facilitated Canadian leadership in international oceanographic science applications.

Rube Hornstein Medal In Operational Meteorology /

Médaille de Rube Hornstein en météorologie opérationnelle

To: Brad Snyder for his delivery of operational excellence throughout his career, most recently in his work in the training of forecasters to produce exemplary services throughout the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.  His leadership in the creation of a Mountain Weather Course in partnership with the Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education, and Training (COMET) has provided forecasters with new tools necessary to understand and to predict processes on sub-synoptic space and time scales.

Neil J. Campbell Medal for Exceptional Volunteer Service /

La médaille Neil J. Campbell pour service bénévole exceptionnel

To: Steven J. Lambert for his 20+ years of exemplary service in insuring the excellence of Atmosphere-Ocean by careful editing of manuscripts and mentoring of Editors.  His ceaseless devotion to the greater good of this journal has made it a leading publication for the dissemination of research in the atmospheric and oceanic sciences.

Roger Daley Postdoctoral Publication Award /

Le Prix Roger Daley de publication post-doctorale

not awarded for 2010


 for outstanding contribution towards promoting public awareness of meteorology or oceanography in Canada

To: Claire Martin for her excellence in producing Radio and Television Weather presentations.  Her hosting of two CBC Radio hour-long weather programming specials has been instrumental in educating the public in the science of meteorology and forecasting.  Her passion for and knowledge of the field are clearly evident in all of her presentations.

Tertia M.C. Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prize / Prix commémoratif Tertia M.C. Hughes

To: Yanjie Cheng for his outstanding Ph. D. dissertation at the University of Northern British Columbia which led to five refereed publications in top-tier journals.  Each paper addressed the very challenging and important issue of ENSO (El Nino/Southern Oscillation) prediction and predictability.

Campbell Scientific Best Student Poster Prize in Meteorology / Prix Campbell Scientific de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e) en météorologie

To: André Monette of Université du Québec à Montréal. The title of his poster was: Projected changes to multi-day precipitation extremes over Quebec watersheds using a multi RCM ensemble.

ASL Environmental Sciences Best Student Poster Prize in Oceanography / Prix ASL Environmental Science de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e) en océanographie

To: Pamela Dinn of University of Victoria. The title of her poster was Effect of the receiving environment on transport, fate and bio-uptake of contaminants from two submarine municipal outfalls.

CMOS Best Poster Prize / Prix SCMO de la meilleure affiche

To: Kossivi Yewougni Tete of Université du Québec à Montréal. The title of his poster was: Simulations over West Africa with Version 5 of the Canadian Regional Climate Model

The CMOS - Weather Research House NSERC Scholarship Supplement/

Supplément SCMO - Weather Research House CRSNG aux bourses d'études supérieures

To: Eugenie Paul-Limoges, UBC.  She is entering an MSc program in micrometeorology at UBC. Her undergraduate record is judged to be truly outstanding and was ranked the top out of 41 applicants for her program. She will be working on land-atmosphere interactions, namely measuring carbon emissions from a harvested Canada Fluxnet site on Vancouver island in collaboration with Prof Andy Black.

To: Sarah Emily Collier, U Alberta.  She continues to hold her CMOS - Weather Research House NSERC Scholarship. She is working on high-resolution coupled modelling of climate, alpine glaciers and land surface hydrology.

The CMOS - CNC/SCOR NSERC Scholarship Supplement in Ocean Sciences /

Supplément SCMO - CNC/SCOR CRSNG aux bourses d'études supérieures en sciences océanique

To: Ali Mashayek, University of Toronto for his PhD research involving studying turbulence in oceans with a focus on the transport and mixing of tracers such as heat, salt and carbon dioxide and its implications for the climate system. An extension of this research will employ satellite altimetry observations to test theoretical predictions.

To: Agathe Lisé-Pronovost, UQAR. She is working on the analysis of paleomagnetic lake sediments in Patagonia for evidence of climate change.  She continues to hold her CMOS - CNC/SCOR NSERC Scholarship (second year).

The CMOS Weather Network / Météomédia Scholarship

To: Katelyn Wells, UBC for academic excellence.

Undergraduate Scholarships / Bourses d'études de premier cycle

To: Matthew Morison, University of Winnipeg for academic excellence.

To: Katelyn Wells, UBC for academic excellence.

CMOS Fellows Announced / Nouveau Membres émérites

no Fellows were announced for 2011

DFO Timothy R. Parsons Medal (2011) / MPO La médaille Timothy R. Parsons (2011)

To: Curtis A. Suttle Associate Dean of Science at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Suttle's groundbreaking research on marine viruses is work that has contributed significantly to the further development of multidisciplinary ocean science. Dr. Suttle's research has demonstrated that viruses, as mortality agents of marine primary producers, have significant implications for the pathways of nutrient and energy flow in the ocean. These findings have had significant implications for many other ocean science disciplines. In addition to the Parson's Medal, Dr. Suttle's many distinguished honours acknowledging his contributions to science, include being named the Zheng Zhong Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Xiamen University, China, 2010; the A. G. Huntsman Award for Excellence in Marine Science, 2010; Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 2008; and Fellow of The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Program in Integrated Microbial Biodiversity, 2007.

Dr. Suttle received his B. Sc. in Zoology (with honours) from the University of British Columbia in 1978. In 1987 he received his PhD in Botany, also from the University of British Columbia. He has made significant contributions at a number of institutions. Over the years, his career has taken him to: the University of Washington, the Brookhaven National Laboratory, the State University of New York at Stony Brook, Duke University, the University of Texas at Austin, and the University of Constance, in Germany.
À Curtis A. Suttle doyen associé des sciences à l'Université de la Colombie Britannique. Les recherches novatrices de M. Suttle sur les virus marins ont grandement contribué à l'avancement des sciences océaniques multidisciplinaires. Les recherches de M. Suttle ont démontré que les virus, en tant que vecteurs de mortalité des producteurs marins primaires, ont un impact majeur sur le parcours des nutriments et le flux énergétique en milieu océanique. Ces résultats ont eu d'importantes répercussions pour de nombreuses autres branches des sciences océaniques. Outre la médaille Timothy R. Parsons, M. Suttle a reçu de nombreux prix et distinctions soulignant sa contribution à la science. Entre autres, il a été nommé invité de marque Zheng Zhong par l'Université de Xiamen en Chine en 2010, il a reçu le prix A. G. Huntsman d'excellence dans les sciences marines en 2010, il a été nommé membre de la Société royale du Canada en 2008 et membre de l'Institut canadien de recherches avancées, Programme de biodiversité microbienne intégrée, en 2007.

M. Suttle a obtenu un baccalauréat en zoologie (avec distinction) de l'Université de la Colombie Britannique en 1978. En 1987, il a obtenu un doctorat en botanique, également de l'Université de la Colombie Britannique. Il a aussi collaboré de façon importante avec de nombreuses institutions. Au fil des années, sa carrière l'a amené à travailler à l'Université de Washington, au Brookhaven National Laboratory, à l'Université de l'État de New York à Stony Brook, à l'Université Duke, à l'Université du Texas à Austin et à l'Université de Constance en Allemagne.

Link to DFO Information  / lien aux information MPO

MSC Patterson Medal (2010) / SMC La medaille Patterson (2010)

(presented in November 2011)
To:  Dr. Gilbert Brunet, Director of Meteorological Research with Environment Canada's Science and Technology Branch, Environment Canada for distinguished service to meteorology in Canada. His contributions to meteorology in Canada over the past 21 years in the field of meteorological research are recognized both nationally and internationally. His contributions to science and science management at Environment Canada are truly remarkable. Gilbert's innovative spirit and scientific leadership are exemplary and have a strong impact on the main directions taken by the Department.  This prestigious award was presented to Mr. Brunet on Friday, November 25th during a formal luncheon held at the Environment Canada building at Downsview, Ontario.
À : M. Gilbert Brunet, Ph. D., directeur de la recherche météorologique à la Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie d'Environnement Canada pour son service distingué en météorologie au Canada. Ses contributions à la météorologie au Canada au cours des 21 dernières années dans le secteur de la recherche météorologique sont reconnues tant à l'échelle nationale qu'internationale. Ses contributions à la science et à la gestion des sciences à Environnement Canada sont vraiment remarquables. L'esprit innovateur et le leadership scientifique de M. Brunet sont exemplaires et exercent un puissant impact sur les principales orientations adoptées par le ministère.  Ce prestigieux prix a été remis à M. Brunet le vendredi 25 novembre au cours d’un déjeuner officiel organisé à l’immeuble d’Environnement Canada de Downsview, en Ontario.

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