CMOS / SCMO2008 Prizewinners / Lauréats des prix 2008If award recipients or designates were present, linked names will lead to a photo of their award presentation.
J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography /Médaille de J.P. Tully en océanographieAndrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology /Prix du Andrew Thomson en météorologie appliquéePrize in Applied Oceanography /Prix en océanographie appliquéeTo: Rolf Lueck for a history of innovative development and exceptional technical support for unique and valuable instrumentation, particularly for the measurement of ocean microstructure. His work has recently resulted in the development and worldwide marketing of a series of systems for measuring ocean turbulence, leading to a rapid expansion in the measurement of important mixing processes around the globe. Rube Hornstein Medal In Operational Meteorology /Médaille de Rube Hornstein en météorologie opérationnellejusqu'à 1996, Prix de météorologie opérationnelle Rube Hornstein) To: Jack Dunnigan for his passion and excellent contributions to operational meteorology, as a forecaster and as a software designer. Jack's boundless energy, operational insightand computer language skills have been combined to create a prodigious number of key operational software tools over the course of the last 12 years, particularly in the aviation sector. Quite notably MultiAlert which has become a fundamental situational awareness software tool combining various information sources onto a well designed display. Jack continues to move operational software design forward and always places operations and operational forecasters at the top of his priority list. Neil J. Campbell Medal for Exceptional Volunteer Service /La médaille Neil J Campbell pour service bénévole exceptionnelRoger Daley Postdoctoral Publication Award /Le Prix Roger Daley de publication post-doctorale
CitationCanada none awarded for 2008
Tertia M.C. Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prize /Prix commémoratif Tertia M.C. HughesTo: Li Zhai for her Ph.D. dissertation at Dalhousie University, which describes an impressive body of work encompassing the application of data assimilative ocean models to the Lunenberg Bay region, including analysis of dynamical processes, validation against observations and examination of ecologically important exchange processes within the bay and with adjacent regions. Campbell Scientific Best Student Poster Prize /Prix Campbell Scientific de la meilleure affiche d'étudiant(e)To: Karen
Smith, University of Toronto
Topic: Influence of stationary wave field on stratosphere-troposphere coupling response to idealized Eurasian snow forcing
The CMOS - Weather Research House Scholarship Supplement/To: Andrew Hamilton who is a Ph.D. student at University of British Columbia. Focusing on his previous work in the area of the Ward Hunt Ice Shelf, his research will undertake a spatial-temporal study of the ice shelf integrity alongside an examination of the variability and succession of the sub-ice shelf microbial community. The CMOS - CNC/SCOR NSERC Scholarship Supplement in Ocean Sciences /Supplément SCMO - CNC/SCOR CRSNG aux bourses d'études supérieures en sciences océanique
The CMOS Weather Network / Météomédia ScholarshipUndergraduate Scholarships / Bourses d'études de premier cycle
CMOS Fellow Announced / Nouveau Membre émériteMSC Patterson Medal / SMC La medaille PattersonFor over 35 years, George Issac has been a leading member in Canadian and International meteorological research. George began his career when he joined the Meteorological Service of Canada in 1972 and since that time he has become a Senior Scientist in Environment Canada and has been described by his colleagues as "one of the most productive and influential scientists in the Atmospheric Environment Service". George has made significant contributions to Canadian and International meteorology science through his research in the fields of cloud physics and microphysics, aircraft icing, cloud chemistry and acid rain, weather modification and nowcasting. Throughout his career, George has demonstrated very strong leadership skills as he has built and led Canadian scientific teams that have been recognized as both ground-breaking and world-class in their accomplishments. A couple of George's biggest contributions to meteorology are described here. The first is his work in the field of cloud physics where he has co-authored more than 50 peer-reviewed articles covering the importance of the roles of aerosols and clouds in the energy budget of the Earth and the role that changes in these might have on climate change. George currently works with a group of internationally recognized scientists on aerosol physics, cloud property parameterizations, cloud physics theory and microphysics and cloud-climate links. George's second notably contribution was in the field of aircraft icing where George was responsible for assembling a team of researchers which is now recognized as world leaders in icing modeling, icing model verification and icing microphysics and characterization. In 2002, he was recognized for this work when he received a Departmental Citation of Excellence for outstanding scientific research and leadership in the field of aircraft icing. George has also contributed internationally to further meteorological research initiatives and served as both a member and chair on numerous committees and working groups in organizations such as the WMO and the International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP) to further our understanding of the physics and chemistry of clouds and weather modification research. He is highly respected for research, recognized as a world leader in the field and his leadership and excellence in meteorological research is recognized by all who have had the opportunity to work with him. What stands out about Dr. Issac above the many significant scientific contributions is his ability to enable and lead the development of world-class research teams in several different subject areas and his ability to influence research efforts in the field of meteorology through the advancement and application of science and knowledge. This is what makes Dr. Issac a great leader, one that is respected by his peers and colleagues. DFO Timothy R. Parsons Medal (2009) / MPO La médaille Timothy R. Parsons (2009)Dr. Thomson received the award for his extensive contributions to multidisciplinary ocean research over more than 35 years of service with Fisheries and Oceans. Dr. Thomson is a prolific writer with more than 170 publications in primary peer-reviewed journals, two books - the best-selling "Oceanography of the British Columbia Coast" published in 1981 and the internationally acclaimed "Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography" coauthored with Bill Emery in 1998 (revised in 2001), and countless reports. Throughout his eclectic career, there are several recurring themes: