CMOS / SCMO2003 Prizewinners / Lauréats des prix, 2003President’s Prize / Prix du président J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography / Médaille J.P. Tully en océanographie To: Richard E. Thomson, Institute of Ocean Sciences, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Sidney, BC, for his many distinguished contributions to physical oceanography and his highly appreciated books entitled Oceanography of the British Columbia Coast" and "Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography. Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology / Prix Andrew Thomson en météorologie appliquée To: Ron Hopkinson, Meteorological Service of Canada, Regina, SK, for his outstanding improvements to climatological applications of meteorological and hydrological data in addressing Canadian environmental concerns, and for sharing his knowledge and expertise with others for the benefit of scientific research in Canada. Prize in Applied Oceanography / Prix en océanographie appliquée To: Richard A. Pawlowicz, Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, for his outstanding contributions to the application of oceanography in Canada and abroad through the development, and free distribution, of state-of-the-art software packages for tidal analysis, spatial mapping, and air-sea flux calculations. Rube Hornstein Medal In Operational Meteorology / Médaille Rube Hornstein en météorologie opérationnelle (Until 1996: Rube Hornstein Prize in Operational Meteorology / Tertia M. C. Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prize / Prix commémoratif Tertia M.C. Hughes To: Jian Lu, Department of Physics and Oceanography, Dalhousie University for his insightful contributions to our understanding of the dynamics of 20th century climate change and, in particular, his publications and PhD thesis on the recent eastward shift of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Accepting on his behalf is Dr. Jinyu Sheng, Dalhousie University. Jian Lu is now pursuing further studies at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton University. Campbell
Scientific Best Student Poster Prize / Prix Campbell Scientific de la
meilleure affiche
To: Daniel Figueras-Nieto, Eric Girard and Lucia Crãciun for their poster The Parameterization of Ice Crystals Heterogeneous Nucleation in Climate Models: Comparison with Observations Taken During SHEBA. To: Claire Martin, Global TV Edmonton AB, radio and television presenter who, for years, has shown outstanding skills in bringing day-to-day weather and its impacts to people in a clear, simple and entertaining manner. The CMOS - Weather Research House Scholarship Supplement/ The CMOS - Weather Network / Météomédia Scholarship La bourse SCMO - Météomédia / The Weather Network Undergraduate Scholarships / Bourses d'études de premier cycle 1) Pamela Fairbridge, York University
2) Jill Maepea, Dalhousie University
2) George J. Boer, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Meteorological Service of Canada, in recognition of his long-standing contributions and international reputation in climate research and pioneer work in Canadian global modelling. 3) Susan K. Woodbury, Consultant, in recognition of her dedication, commitment and contribution to the development of the private meteorological and oceanographic sector in Canada, and her dedicated services to CMOS over many years. 4) James P. Bruce, Consultant, in recognition of his long-standing research in hydrometeorology, climatology, and contributions to Canadian and international meteorological science and service. 2003 MSC Patterson Medal / SMC La medaille Patterson 2003