CMOS / SCMO2000 Prizewinners / Lauréats des Prix, 2000
President's Prize / Prix du président (two awarded for 2000) To Robie W. Macdonald for major contributions toward understanding the pathways and interactions of contaminant chemistry in Canadian waters and specifically for his role as lead-author in the paper "Contaminants in the Canadian Arctic: 5 years of progress in understanding sources, occurrence and pathways" published in 2000 in The Science of the Total Environment, 254, pp. 93-234. To Francis W. Zwiers for outstanding contributions in the field of statistical climatology, including the application of statistical methods to climate change detection and attribution, and specifically for his highly praised book with co-author Dr. Hans von Storch entitled "Statistical Analysis in Climate Research" published in 1999 by Cambridge University Press. J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography Not awarded for 2000
Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied
Meteorology Not awarded for 2000
Prize in Applied Oceanography Not awarded for 2000
Rube Hornstein Medal In Operational
Meteorology (Until 1996: Rube Hornstein Prize in Operational Meteorology / jusqu'à 1996, Prix de météorologie opérationnelle Rube Hornstein) To Aldo Bellon for outstanding theoretical and operational contributions in the field of radar meteorology, and for his pioneering development and application of operational software and products for radar-based nowcasting systems. Tertia M.C. Hughes Memorial Prize Prix commémoratif Tertia M.C. Hughes (two awarded for 2000) To Adam H. Monahan for outstanding contributions to climate research through his highly rated doctoral thesis on "Nonlinear principal component analysis of climate data" and for publication of numerous first-author papers on climate variability. To Stephen Déry for his outstanding doctoral thesis on "The role of blowing snow in the hydrometeorology of the Mackenzie River Basin" and his original and innovative contributions to the hydrometeorology of blowing snow and blizzards. Citation
The CMOS - Weather Research House
Scholarship Supplement First year Scholarship Second Year Scholarship CMOS Undergraduate Scholarships To Christopher (Chris) Wielki, University of Alberta To Julie Sheremeto, York University CMOS Fellows Announced R. Ambury Stuart for innovative research and software development in the field of climate data analysis and applications including climate change impact studies and for leadership to the meteorological private sector in Canada. MSC Patterson Medal Winner